So after the recent disaster with the new automated chat moderation system, resulting in rampant bans and suspensions, and the insultingly unsatisfactory response from the dev team followed by the thread topic being shut down with open questions still being asked, I decided to suggest some alternative moderation tools to help with limiting toxicity while also not spying on what are supposed to be private conversations, or persecuting innocent people for victimless crimes.
The first tool I'd like to mention is a profanity filter. Yes, we already have one, but I wanted to remind everyone that it exists.
The second tool I'd like to mention is an "ignore player" feature. Yes, this one is also something we already have but I have an idea for improving it: remove the 100 blocked players limit. There is no reason I can think of for limiting the amount of players that a person can prevent interaction with. Its wild to me that we have more Style Material items in game than we can have friends or blocked players, which is of course why the only somewhat believable explanation of database limitations doesn't make sense either. Another potential improvement is to remove blocked players from the user's view. This would prevent things like mudball trolling, emote spam, ability spam, etc. Obviously, this part wouldn't be applicable to PvP zones, but it should be fine everywhere else.
On top of that, players should not be able to direct message or otherwise interact with people they have blocked. This is used as a tool for trolling because a bully can take control and make conversations one-sided until the target blocks them as well. Of course, a person could still set themselves to offline mode to create one-sided conversations, but that could also be changed so that direct messaging someone while in offline mode could automatically open up return communication from the targeted player. That would deter would-be trolls rather quickly.
The next tool that could use some help is the "Report Player" function. This should always be the go-to for taking action against players who bully others in non-public channels, but as it stands it doesn't work very well. In all likelihood, the reason why we don't see extreme language such as slurs in public channels, is that many players would report the behavior at once, which add up quickly and get noticed unlike individual reports which can fly under the radar. Now, I understand that not all reports are made in good faith and careful evaluation needs to be performed in order to determine if a report is valid to avoid giving toxic players the power to remove innocent people, and when a person gets reported by a lot of people, its more likely they were genuinely in the wrong, and its therefore easier to take action on them. The problem is, there is no consequence for false reporting. In fact, we don't even get told what the resulting action of a report actually was, in order to "protect their privacy" even though that is clearly not something that ZOS is interested in doing, given the surveillance state they've created.
Other companies will actively respond to player reports that have resulted in disciplinary action which encourages accurate reporting, and will also sometimes respond to false reports by saying no violation was found. These are common practices in more successful multiplayer games that should be adopted here.
I think its also important to note that suspensions and bans are a pretty extreme reaction to naughty words. What I would suggest here is simply muting repeat offenders for set durations in-game so they can still play but do receive some level of punishment so they know their actions aren't appropriate. Population numbers wouldn't take as much of a hit, and morale would drop much less quickly overall.
In closing, I do want to mention that targeting specific words as being unacceptable in any context is not an effective strategy. While I think active prevention of the use of racial slurs or other extremely language in public channels is a good idea, monitoring private messages for a wide array of adult oriented words that aren't even considered offensive only spreads fear and kills morale. On top of that, language evolves quickly, especially under the pressure of censorship. Codes can be utilized to replace words that otherwise would be caught by a filter like this game has. The answer to insulting speech is not restriction, it is more speech. No one is helped by being shielded from potentially offensive language, they are only weakened by the malnutrition of hiding from the sun.