Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

How can I skip the DLC dungeon daily rewards?

  • freespirit
    I have a group of friends who keep one low lvl player at all times and take it in turns to lead random normals, advertising for any lvl players to fill their groups.

    Another way to avoid DLC dungeons, a bit more complicated but it works! 🙂
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • N00BxV1
    Pevey wrote: »
    There's no penalty if you just switch to a different toon or a different activity. It sucks to queue and then have people drop as soon as we get in. But I also get it. If more people did this, and more people got upset about it, maybe something would be done to address the issue.

    Do you really believe that? :D

    People have been complaining about the problems in random dungeons for YEARS, but nothing has ever been done to address the issues...

    If more people used bad behavior, it's not gonna make anyone address the issues, it's just gonna create more issues.

    Edited by N00BxV1 on 5 September 2024 14:39
  • Pevey
    ZOS does tend to make changes when enough people complain. How many years did people complain about the sea of attunable tables before we finally got the grandmaster stations? That never would have happened without feedback.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I would never combine the unpredictability of a Pug with the uncertainty of a 'random' dungeon.

    I'll continue to stick to soloing non-DLC pledges on normal and rarely doing a harder one with a group that I know and have voice comms with.

    That said, I think the ability to 'decline' any particular daily log in reward would be pretty simple and of help to players like OP. :)
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on 5 September 2024 15:09
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • virtus753
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    I would take Fang lair over City of ash II or Imperial city prison any day.

    ICP is also DLC, and like SCP and FL it can be avoided entirely by players who haven’t got it yet.

    Imperial City was added to the base game quite some time ago.

    No, it wasn't.

    Start a new account. Observe access to IC and its dungeons isn't included.

    It is free, but it is DLC. And unlike Vvardenfell, which is a free DLC applied forcibly to every account, IC requires a separate transaction to acquire the entitlement.
    Edited by virtus753 on 5 September 2024 15:11
  • RaikaNA
    Pevey wrote: »
    It could be worse. They could be “gifting” us Lair of Maarselok.

    Joking aside, I went ahead and accepted these on my account since I typically have eso+ almost of the time. But on my son’s account, where he avoids eso+ specifically to avoid the dlc dungeons, September rewards are a compete bust for him.

    uh.... Lair of Maarselok drops Azureblight Reaper... a BIS set for end gaming trials. That would be a PLUS if ZOS gave us this dungeon for free... giving everyone access to a dps BIS gear. How is that a bad thing?
  • RaikaNA
    notyuu wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    Yeah, it's called the average player struggles to hit 10k dps

    There is always an option if people have terrible DPS... turn your DPS into a healer or tank ;)
  • GuuMoonRyoung
    Anifaas wrote: »
    I have been playing mmorpg since 2008, yeah I know, late to the party, but I have never seen a playerbase as odd as ESO's. Even kids playing fortnite are not averse to a little bit of "hard" time and ESO is for M+...

    I know what you mean. I think it's because ESO is catered around being the best single-player MMO on the market rather than a great multiplayer MMO. End game activities in ESO are more catered towards people who want to decorate and play fancy dress: crown store and virtual consumption activities.

    Also TES 1-5 were pretty easy solo games and it seems many of the fans from those ancient games abhor MMOs, standard MMO culture and challenging content. This mindset seems to pervade ESO. But on the bright side, even though the proportion of end game community who enjoy challenges (such as veteran dungeons) may be quite small here compared to other MMOs they are usually incredibly welcoming and eager to invite you to their reindeer games. Quite the opposite of the M+ crowd in WoW or the elite TFO crowd in STO.

    What I like about ESO is that it is trying to be the best solo mmo it can be, but that doesn't mean we should fear content that is just a bit harder, I mean I just farmed multiple dlc dungeons for collection completion with nothing but full dps group and we were not even optimally geared, we rolled through dread cellar, cauldron, unhallowed, castle thorn, both dungeons from dragonbones and several others without even breaking a sweat. Aside from me, the highest was just 500 CP. So why are all these veteran players so afraid of some lame excuse for "challenging" dungeons?
  • kringled_1
    Lair is one of the least popular dlc dungeons to run. It has multiple bosses with long immunity phases and it's a relatively long amount of just running between bosses as well. That's why Pevey is saying it'd be worse.
  • Aurielle
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    I would take Fang lair over City of ash II or Imperial city prison any day.

    ICP is also DLC, and like SCP and FL it can be avoided entirely by players who haven’t got it yet.

    Imperial City was added to the base game quite some time ago.

    No, it wasn't.

    Start a new account. Observe access to IC and its dungeons isn't included.

    It is free, but it is DLC. And unlike Vvardenfell, which is a free DLC applied forcibly to every account, IC requires a separate transaction to acquire the entitlement.

    Huh, my mistake. Could have sworn it was added to the base game. There’s conflicting info out there on various websites that claim it’s base game content.
  • loosej
    I have been playing mmorpg since 2008, yeah I know, late to the party, but I have never seen a playerbase as odd as ESO's. Even kids playing fortnite are not averse to a little bit of "hard" time and ESO is for M+...

    For me it's not about being averse to a little bit of hard time, it's the chaos. Tank not even slotting inner fire to taunt, Speedy Gonzalez running ahead and triggering encounter in progress just when someone else discovered a master chest, meanwhile cp 160 L3g0l4s_<random number> in the back is near death and running away backwards from a single enemy. And none of those things are the individual's fault really, the problem is that the game doesn't "guide" you into making it a smooth experience for everyone. In other mmo's I've mostly enjoyed pug dungeons, and while sometimes frustrating, the different people you encountered made it more interesting to me than always running with the same group. In this game, not so much though, and I'll sometimes even prefer taking my time soloing the place over joining a random group.
  • Pevey
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Pevey wrote: »
    It could be worse. They could be “gifting” us Lair of Maarselok.

    Joking aside, I went ahead and accepted these on my account since I typically have eso+ almost of the time. But on my son’s account, where he avoids eso+ specifically to avoid the dlc dungeons, September rewards are a compete bust for him.

    uh.... Lair of Maarselok drops Azureblight Reaper... a BIS set for end gaming trials. That would be a PLUS if ZOS gave us this dungeon for free... giving everyone access to a dps BIS gear. How is that a bad thing?

    I love my Azure, and Z'ens, too. But I farmed them via ESO+. I would never want that dungeon added to my account.

    I tend to not farm transmutes via RND in any case. I rarely run normal dungeons except to get skill points, so I queue for them specifically. But I did run a lot of RNDs to level up my arcanists. If you're patient and run once per day, you can level a new toon for free with minimal effort. Eventually, a new class probably will be released with an additional character slot or two.

    Having a pretty large group of people actively NOT want to own certain DLC content, even if it's free, because of the way RND works, seems like a marketing design that could be improved.
  • katanagirl1
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    It sounds like sarcasm here, so I am curious just what everyone is suggesting when saying those who queue for specific dungeons should use the group finder versus those queuing for randoms get to use the dungeon finder.

    Just how does that work? If one person wants to farm an unknown number of times to get the gear he or she needs, is it then acceptable to leave the group when that is met, or if there are others who need gear don’t have what they need does the leader have to stay on?

    These questions are why I haven’t tried it. If the consensus is the speed runner gets priority, which I never would agree with, then I am not sure if it is rude to leave when you get what you need or not.

    There is no clear ettiequte for this. Although, I would argue a group finder lead should have more authority than some random guy speed runner in a random dungeon.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • kargen27
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    The random daily reward is an incentive to queue for a random to help players looking for a specific dungeon fill their group. Some players have instead decided to use it as you suggest to farm transmutes. That is fine but if they are dropping dungeons they think can't be run quick enough they are circumventing the reason the random queue was created. For players that only want the daily rewards a better strategy than dropping unwanted dungeons is to run on a lower level character. A player on a low level character can usually post in zone chat looking for group for quick daily and fill almost instantly. Then you avoid the queue for doing the random.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • thedocbwarren
    I wish those dungeons were solo-able since it's likely the only way I get to do them. Ay why give 'story' rewards that likely no way to run a dungeon in a way the story can be even experience the story. Obviously a bigger problem of not balancing these for non-group, non-vet players, etc. I want the story not the grind, but I have no idea if that is even enough people to consider at all. Maybe don't have story quests in these?
    kargen27 wrote: »
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    The random daily reward is an incentive to queue for a random to help players looking for a specific dungeon fill their group. Some players have instead decided to use it as you suggest to farm transmutes. That is fine but if they are dropping dungeons they think can't be run quick enough they are circumventing the reason the random queue was created. For players that only want the daily rewards a better strategy than dropping unwanted dungeons is to run on a lower level character. A player on a low level character can usually post in zone chat looking for group for quick daily and fill almost instantly. Then you avoid the queue for doing the random.

  • kargen27
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    It sounds like sarcasm here, so I am curious just what everyone is suggesting when saying those who queue for specific dungeons should use the group finder versus those queuing for randoms get to use the dungeon finder.

    Just how does that work? If one person wants to farm an unknown number of times to get the gear he or she needs, is it then acceptable to leave the group when that is met, or if there are others who need gear don’t have what they need does the leader have to stay on?

    These questions are why I haven’t tried it. If the consensus is the speed runner gets priority, which I never would agree with, then I am not sure if it is rude to leave when you get what you need or not.

    There is no clear ettiequte for this. Although, I would argue a group finder lead should have more authority than some random guy speed runner in a random dungeon.

    Not sure how others go about it but when I join a group for a gear run I stick around for a few more rounds if I get what I want before others in the group. If I'm just filling my sticker book and someone in the group is farming gear for a build I'll usually trade it to them instead of binding it.
    If the group leader is planning on leaving I think they should ask who still in the group wants lead so they can fill the group and continue.
    I don't mind if others drop as soon as they get what they need. Not as bad as it used to be now that we have the sticker book but a player could have run that dungeon many many times before the current group and just be tired of it.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • shadyjane62
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    You have to them with other real people.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    I would take Fang lair over City of ash II or Imperial city prison any day.

    ICP is also DLC, and like SCP and FL it can be avoided entirely by players who haven’t got it yet.

    Imperial City was added to the base game quite some time ago.

    No, it wasn't.

    Start a new account. Observe access to IC and its dungeons isn't included.

    It is free, but it is DLC. And unlike Vvardenfell, which is a free DLC applied forcibly to every account, IC requires a separate transaction to acquire the entitlement.

    Huh, my mistake. Could have sworn it was added to the base game. There’s conflicting info out there on various websites that claim it’s base game content.

    its effectively base game because its free

    but it still requires "buying" the dlc from the crown store to get access to it outside of eso+, so a fresh account can choose to not activate that
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Aurielle
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    You have to them with other real people.

    That’s not the issue. They just often take too long, with long stretches of mobs that some players insist on trying to kill (see, for example: ICP, Falkreath Hold, etc). When I’m farming transmutes for a build I’m working on, I’m not going to do an easy dungeon that takes 25-30 minutes to complete, when I can do an even easier dungeon with zero mechanics that takes 10 minutes to complete.
  • Necrotech_Master
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    if you queue for a random dungeon, your goal may be to get transmutes

    but other people could be queuing for a specific dungeon for gear or lead or what have you, and you could still be grouped with them

    the rewards for random is because your filling a group

    if your going into a random with a group of 4, then everyone has the same goals, if your going in to the queue as a solo, the goal is to "clear the dungeon", whether thats "fast" or not is irrelevant, because you queued up for random, your given bonus rewards thats it

    if you bail on the dungeon, you take the penalty for it, and annoyed 3 other people if they are unable to continue the dungeon without you (but for most normal runs, i can almost guarantee the people who are still in the dungeon wont likely care and are probably glad they arent running with you)

    most dungeons already have level requirements to queue for them, if you get into a dlc dungeon, you are never going to be queued up with anyone under lvl 45
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • spartaxoxo
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Aurielle wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    I would take Fang lair over City of ash II or Imperial city prison any day.

    ICP is also DLC, and like SCP and FL it can be avoided entirely by players who haven’t got it yet.

    Imperial City was added to the base game quite some time ago.

    No, it wasn't.

    Start a new account. Observe access to IC and its dungeons isn't included.

    It is free, but it is DLC. And unlike Vvardenfell, which is a free DLC applied forcibly to every account, IC requires a separate transaction to acquire the entitlement.

    Huh, my mistake. Could have sworn it was added to the base game. There’s conflicting info out there on various websites that claim it’s base game content.

    They call it base game now because it's free rather than because it automatically unlocks.
  • spartaxoxo
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    It sounds like sarcasm here, so I am curious just what everyone is suggesting when saying those who queue for specific dungeons should use the group finder versus those queuing for randoms get to use the dungeon finder.

    Just how does that work? If one person wants to farm an unknown number of times to get the gear he or she needs, is it then acceptable to leave the group when that is met, or if there are others who need gear don’t have what they need does the leader have to stay on?

    These questions are why I haven’t tried it. If the consensus is the speed runner gets priority, which I never would agree with, then I am not sure if it is rude to leave when you get what you need or not.

    There is no clear ettiequte for this. Although, I would argue a group finder lead should have more authority than some random guy speed runner in a random dungeon.

    If you get a full group via group finder, people just complete the full dungeon. The person who makes the group specifies etiquette like "no speedrunning." If multiple runs are needed, who wants to stay is decided at the end and anyone done with the gear will leave. They'll probably trade anything they had duplicates of but that's not expected. It's just a nice thing a lot of people do when they know it's a gear run.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 5 September 2024 19:44
  • spartaxoxo
    I wish those dungeons were solo-able since it's likely the only way I get to do them. Ay why give 'story' rewards that likely no way to run a dungeon in a way the story can be even experience the story. Obviously a bigger problem of not balancing these for non-group, non-vet players, etc. I want the story not the grind, but I have no idea if that is even enough people to consider at all. Maybe don't have story quests in these?
    kargen27 wrote: »
    LaintalAy wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »

    Then they can bail and take the penalty. They are not losing anything.
    I've had that happen with the tank in Fang Lair and the rest of the group went on while we waited and we were at the last boss by the time another tank showed up.

    Personally, I am a bit miffed by this attitude. The random dungeon finder is there to help people form groups for content they need. I accept that and I take what I get when I run randoms.

    But if I decide to farm gear for sticker book or a motif in a DLC dungeon, I'm now not deserving of help because a dungeon might take 5 minutes longer?

    I don't see your point.

    From comments I see everyday here, the random dungeon finder is for people to farm transmutes.
    Apparently, all other priorities are rescinded.

    If you're dungeoning for a specific purpose, all advice I've seen here to date is: Use The Group Finder.

    If I want to run either of these dungeons, I'll subscribe to ESO+. But when I run a random, I don't see that I have to bail and take the time penalty for getting a dungeon that I don't like. So I won't.

    The random daily reward is an incentive to queue for a random to help players looking for a specific dungeon fill their group. Some players have instead decided to use it as you suggest to farm transmutes. That is fine but if they are dropping dungeons they think can't be run quick enough they are circumventing the reason the random queue was created. For players that only want the daily rewards a better strategy than dropping unwanted dungeons is to run on a lower level character. A player on a low level character can usually post in zone chat looking for group for quick daily and fill almost instantly. Then you avoid the queue for doing the random.

    Both of these soloable but you'll need the skill precognition (and good timing) for Fang Lair. You'll need it for SCP as well if your DPS is low.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 5 September 2024 19:47
  • Dragonredux
    Soarora wrote: »

    I’m tired of the hate towards dungeons from casuals and the trial community. If you don’t genuinely try to get into dlc dungeons, you’ll never know if you’ll like them. The dungeon community needs more people. I found dungeons the most fun when I was a casual and they were hard, unfortunately even HM for many dungeons are just too easy which is why the trial community laughs at dungeons.

    It's getting increasingly harder to find people to do vet dungeons let alone hard mode nowadays. Everyone wants to do trials and only do dungeons when there's some op set in there to farm and even then it's on normal for that. It took a half hour on release week for the 2 newest dlc dungeons on vet as a tank and dps premade that I wondered if the queue broke again. Most of my vet experience has been through pugging, I would love to prog a HM with some guildies or something but there's like never an interest.
  • El_Borracho
    You could just quit the group if a dungeon you don't like pops up. Its not uncommon.

    At the same time, Fang Lair is nowhere near the difficulty it once was. Scalecaller still gives some groups fits, but that's 2 dungeons.
  • BlueRaven
    Soarora wrote: »
    notyuu wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    Yeah, it's called the average player struggles to hit 10k dps

    When I was new I pretty much exclusively ran fang lair. It was my first vet dungeon. I don’t recall if it was my first normal dungeon too or not. My DPS was terrible. I got kicked sometimes. But I still ran fang lair anyways.
    Of course, I’m just me and I’m biased towards defending this DLC (my pfp is Thurvokun for a reason… I actually forgot it was until I posted this haha), but having low dps doesn’t 100% mean you'll hate fang lair and SCP.

    I’m tired of the hate towards dungeons from casuals and the trial community. If you don’t genuinely try to get into dlc dungeons, you’ll never know if you’ll like them. The dungeon community needs more people. I found dungeons the most fun when I was a casual and they were hard, unfortunately even HM for many dungeons are just too easy which is why the trial community laughs at dungeons.

    I feel it’s not the dungeons themselves necessarily, it’s other players.

    Quick background, I am an emergency alt for a trial group. Just recently we did vet trial hard mode (I got perfected gear) with less than a full group.

    I don’t like doing dlc dungeons even on normal, as I don’t want the headache of strangers judging me. Vanilla dungeons? Those are easy enough that no one cares. But dlc dungeons, suddenly the fear of vote kicking comes up.

    I think the reluctance to do dlc dungeons is justifiable. Some people just want to play, and not have their efforts judged by others.

    Personally I don’t do random group finder AT ALL. If I run a dungeon it’s with a premade of people I at least kinda know or I just don't go.
    I am doing vet trials, I should be fine, but I just don’t want to be put in that position.
  • spartaxoxo
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    notyuu wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    Yeah, it's called the average player struggles to hit 10k dps

    When I was new I pretty much exclusively ran fang lair. It was my first vet dungeon. I don’t recall if it was my first normal dungeon too or not. My DPS was terrible. I got kicked sometimes. But I still ran fang lair anyways.
    Of course, I’m just me and I’m biased towards defending this DLC (my pfp is Thurvokun for a reason… I actually forgot it was until I posted this haha), but having low dps doesn’t 100% mean you'll hate fang lair and SCP.

    I’m tired of the hate towards dungeons from casuals and the trial community. If you don’t genuinely try to get into dlc dungeons, you’ll never know if you’ll like them. The dungeon community needs more people. I found dungeons the most fun when I was a casual and they were hard, unfortunately even HM for many dungeons are just too easy which is why the trial community laughs at dungeons.

    I feel it’s not the dungeons themselves necessarily, it’s other players.

    Quick background, I am an emergency alt for a trial group. Just recently we did vet trial hard mode (I got perfected gear) with less than a full group.

    I don’t like doing dlc dungeons even on normal, as I don’t want the headache of strangers judging me. Vanilla dungeons? Those are easy enough that no one cares. But dlc dungeons, suddenly the fear of vote kicking comes up.

    I think the reluctance to do dlc dungeons is justifiable. Some people just want to play, and not have their efforts judged by others.

    Personally I don’t do random group finder AT ALL. If I run a dungeon it’s with a premade of people I at least kinda know or I just don't go.
    I am doing vet trials, I should be fine, but I just don’t want to be put in that position.

    I've never had an issue with people kicking in normal dungeons.
  • Necrotech_Master
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Soarora wrote: »
    notyuu wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Am I the only person who doesn't want to do Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak on their daily random dungeon?
    I've made it a point not to own the dlc dungeons so that when I am doing randoms I only have to worry about main game ones when my ESO+ isn't up. That way, I have control of when I want to put serious time and effort into ESO and when I choose to take a more chilled approach.
    It's a pity because some of the other rewards for September look nice.

    Is there a reason behind the phobia of DLC dungeons? Most of them are quite easy :)

    Yeah, it's called the average player struggles to hit 10k dps

    When I was new I pretty much exclusively ran fang lair. It was my first vet dungeon. I don’t recall if it was my first normal dungeon too or not. My DPS was terrible. I got kicked sometimes. But I still ran fang lair anyways.
    Of course, I’m just me and I’m biased towards defending this DLC (my pfp is Thurvokun for a reason… I actually forgot it was until I posted this haha), but having low dps doesn’t 100% mean you'll hate fang lair and SCP.

    I’m tired of the hate towards dungeons from casuals and the trial community. If you don’t genuinely try to get into dlc dungeons, you’ll never know if you’ll like them. The dungeon community needs more people. I found dungeons the most fun when I was a casual and they were hard, unfortunately even HM for many dungeons are just too easy which is why the trial community laughs at dungeons.

    I feel it’s not the dungeons themselves necessarily, it’s other players.

    Quick background, I am an emergency alt for a trial group. Just recently we did vet trial hard mode (I got perfected gear) with less than a full group.

    I don’t like doing dlc dungeons even on normal, as I don’t want the headache of strangers judging me. Vanilla dungeons? Those are easy enough that no one cares. But dlc dungeons, suddenly the fear of vote kicking comes up.

    I think the reluctance to do dlc dungeons is justifiable. Some people just want to play, and not have their efforts judged by others.

    Personally I don’t do random group finder AT ALL. If I run a dungeon it’s with a premade of people I at least kinda know or I just don't go.
    I am doing vet trials, I should be fine, but I just don’t want to be put in that position.

    I've never had an issue with people kicking in normal dungeons.

    this, the only time ive ever tried to kick people is speedsters who arent sticking with the group (also the only reason ive ever left dungeon groups is the speedsters)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • SeaGtGruff
    Anifaas wrote: »
    I have been playing mmorpg since 2008, yeah I know, late to the party, but I have never seen a playerbase as odd as ESO's. Even kids playing fortnite are not averse to a little bit of "hard" time and ESO is for M+...

    I know what you mean. I think it's because ESO is catered around being the best single-player MMO on the market rather than a great multiplayer MMO. End game activities in ESO are more catered towards people who want to decorate and play fancy dress: crown store and virtual consumption activities.

    Also TES 1-5 were pretty easy solo games and it seems many of the fans from those ancient games abhor MMOs, standard MMO culture and challenging content. This mindset seems to pervade ESO. But on the bright side, even though the proportion of end game community who enjoy challenges (such as veteran dungeons) may be quite small here compared to other MMOs they are usually incredibly welcoming and eager to invite you to their reindeer games. Quite the opposite of the M+ crowd in WoW or the elite TFO crowd in STO.

    I don't think ESO tries to be more of a single-player MMO than a group-oriented MMO. I do think it tries to cater to many types of players-- solo, group, casual, vet, and everyone inbetween those categories-- and I like that, because it encourages a more diverse playerbase.

    If a lot of players spend more time on solo activities than group activities, that is on the players themselves, because ESO is filled with content that was clearly designed to be tackled by groups-- not necessarily players grouped together (as in a group dungeon or trial), but also multiple ungrouped players tackling the same content at the same time (as in a world boss or a world incursion event). There are many world bosses in the original base game zones which are difficult for many players to solo, even if the "average" player today has a much, much higher DPS than was possible in years past and can now burn down most of those old world bosses with ease.

    As a result of the constant power creep, such that many players find older content to be lacking in challenge, there seems to be an effort to make a lot of the newer content more challenging. And even so, some players keep pushing their DPS as high as possible so they can burn through that content, too. I think the intention is to make certain content harder so it encourages players to play together more, but if the players want to respond by getting MOAR POWAH so they can burn through the harder content solo, then that choice of response is on the players, not ZOS.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • LaintalAy
    The problem is that it's early in the month so it looks like September is a bust.
    Yes, this is something that I don't understand either. It almost forces you to take them if you want the other monthly rewards.

    But there's no point discussing that now; because (sarcastically) these dungeons are just easy and there's no rational argument for not wanting them to be included into the daily reward structure. :'(
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