Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Infinite Archive U43 is amazing!

  • SilverBride
    Oh one question about Eye of the Infinite and the Watcher. Does it take the place of our pets? My main IA character uses the Volatile Familiar and I don't want to lose that.
  • ESO_player123
    Oh one question about Eye of the Infinite and the Watcher. Does it take the place of our pets? My main IA character uses the Volatile Familiar and I don't want to lose that.

    A more interesting question I think if it's COUNTED as a pet. If so, it will negatively impact some sorc builds that do not use pets (as described below)
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet, which seemed cool until I realized that it counts for sorc's pet/no-pet boons and it took away my Hardened Ward heal :'(

    Edited by ESO_player123 on 21 August 2024 19:48
  • Syiccal
    What builds you all using
  • SilverBride
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet, which seemed cool until I realized that it counts for sorc's pet/no-pet boons and it took away my Hardened Ward heal :'(

    I guess I won't bother trying to get the Eye of the Infinite now, if it's going to mess up the build of my dedicated IA character.

    [Edited to remove tags due to misunderstanding]
    Edited by SilverBride on 21 August 2024 21:09
  • ESO_player123
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet, which seemed cool until I realized that it counts for sorc's pet/no-pet boons and it took away my Hardened Ward heal :'(

    I guess I won't bother trying to get the Eye of the Infinite now, if it's going to mess up the build of my dedicated IA character.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin Is this intended?

    The quote that I used above does not talk about the Eye of the Infinite. It's one of the new visions. And, according to the poster, it counts as a pet and messes up their Hardened Ward healing (and that is not desired for me either). So, may be the watcher from Eye of the Infinite is not counted as a pet. I do not know, and I hope it does not. I would prefer to have control when and where I use the pets.
    Edited by ESO_player123 on 21 August 2024 20:27
  • Icy_Waffles
    I have gotten my sorc where I want it! Varied setups for arc 1-2, 3-4, and 5+

    I’m so ready for when this launches on console lol
  • SilverBride
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet, which seemed cool until I realized that it counts for sorc's pet/no-pet boons and it took away my Hardened Ward heal :'(

    I guess I won't bother trying to get the Eye of the Infinite now, if it's going to mess up the build of my dedicated IA character.

    The quote that I used above does not talk about the Eye of the Infinite. It's one of the new visions. And, according to the poster, it counts as a pet and messes up their Hardened Ward healing (and that is not desired for me either). So, may be the watcher from Eye of the Infinite is not counted as a pet. I do not know, and I hope it does not. I would prefer to have control when and where I use the pets.

    Oh I misunderstood. Thank you for clarifying.

    [Goes back and edits to remove tags]
    Edited by SilverBride on 22 August 2024 00:21
  • SONEshock
    Just as a question, and I haven't gotten into game yet, but as someone who can't get past arc 1 (I once managed to defeat Tho'at, but not again), can these things be seen before that, or do I have to go into arc 2+ to see them?

    I was excited about the new areas (one of my biggest issues with doing the IA is how boring the levels were after seeing them a few dozen times), but somehow I get the feeling I am not going to be seeing them any time soon, if at all.

    If you want to group up sometime, would love to absolutely help you get past Arc 2 and/or Arc 3 depending on how much time you have. That's what community is for!
    Elora Elentári | Swamp Haven/Alls-Faire Trading Guild/Only Pixels/Soup Kittens/Arkfall
    PC NA | Aldmeri Dominion
    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!
  • JemadarofCaerSalis
    SONEshock wrote: »
    Just as a question, and I haven't gotten into game yet, but as someone who can't get past arc 1 (I once managed to defeat Tho'at, but not again), can these things be seen before that, or do I have to go into arc 2+ to see them?

    I was excited about the new areas (one of my biggest issues with doing the IA is how boring the levels were after seeing them a few dozen times), but somehow I get the feeling I am not going to be seeing them any time soon, if at all.

    If you want to group up sometime, would love to absolutely help you get past Arc 2 and/or Arc 3 depending on how much time you have. That's what community is for!


    At the moment, I am 'cleaning' up old zones (finding all the little museum things, trying to find all the books etc..) and just occasionally dive into IA.
  • FlopsyPrince
    So is it really compelling to anyone who didn't already like it?
  • amig186
    So is it really compelling to anyone who didn't already like it?

    If you wanted it to be harder, then yes. Otherwise, no.
    PC EU
  • nejcn001
    Is IA state saved now after logging out?
  • Sarannah
    nejcn001 wrote: »
    Is IA state saved now after logging out?
    amig186 wrote: »
    So is it really compelling to anyone who didn't already like it?

    If you wanted it to be harder, then yes. Otherwise, no.
    Not sure if it really is harder. The new visions and verses are really powerful, so at the start of the IA it is even easier now. But when you get a bit further in(arc 3 and higher), you really have to pay attention to all the fabled or you will die quickly. Very very quickly. Soooo many stuns, stuns, and more stuns. (The constant stuns feel kinda tedious to be honest, even though the IA is still very fun)

    But I wouldn't call it harder really, just have to pay more attention.
  • JaxontheUnfortunate
    Yeah I agree I am very tired of the constant stun stacking and invulnerable phases as it's more annoying then challenging. Still very happy with the changes overall. :)
  • pklemming
    Syiccal wrote: »
    What builds you all using

    Dps stuff for earlier arc and azureblight and serpent's disdain on later arcs, with me buffing to 40k health and 33k resists. If I don't have 2 FE by arc 3, I restart.
  • Lord_Graas
    Well... it's all good but because we have more random visions our chances of getting something worthwhile are much lower now. For example, I reached the third arc and didn't get a single vision with any damage boost for my build. This made further progress a slog and grueling experience
  • pklemming
    I would not call any off the new verses and visions super powerful. They are ok, but not to the level of AE and FE. The addition watered down the pool and chance of getting those. My overall dps is slower now. Couple with the new extremely annoying mechanics and insane dps output of the new marauders later on, it feels like more of a slog than it was.

    Mostly, it made the whole thing less fun, and makes me wonder if any of the team have EVER played a roguelite game.Dull, tiring and a slog are not words you want associated with a roguelite.

    It is like ToT all over again. How can we copy an idea, but somehow make it infinitely worse?
    Edited by pklemming on 22 August 2024 18:25
  • pklemming
    They could fix visions and verse, but adding an achievement for a 4th choice for each.A lot of the other stuff needs removing. Later on, you literally don't have the dps to take the meteor down in time.

  • FlopsyPrince
    amig186 wrote: »
    So is it really compelling to anyone who didn't already like it?

    If you wanted it to be harder, then yes. Otherwise, no.

    That is what I thought, but thanks for confirming it.

    Another "miss" for those who don't like IA, but glad some of you got a benefit. I just wish they would spread the love a bit wider.
  • SilverBride
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet...

    To clarify, is this just for that particular run?
    Edited by SilverBride on 22 August 2024 20:15
  • ESO_player123
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet...

    To clarify, is this just for that particular run?

    It's a vision, so yes.
  • SilverBride
    EF321 wrote: »
    This new vision gives you permanent pet...

    To clarify, is this just for that particular run?

    It's a vision, so yes.

    That's what I thought, but with some of the changes in game I didn't want to assume anything.
  • BergisMacBride
    I run the daily quests with a companion up to the end of Arc 2 for the set drops and archive fortunes.

    For those levels and my purposes IA is about the same after the changes, except the better visions and verses show up less frequently cause of the new ones. Tried almost all of the new ones (only have one new vision/verse left for the achievements). Saw a few new bosses (Dugan and Valarril) and had Bittog pop for me. No problems with any of them although this is just Arc 2. Same for the new arenas and Fabled.

    Vision and verse selections are definitely worse than before mostly due to the dilution effects. Some of the new ones are ok but not as powerful as my favorite old ones (FE, AE, Magical multitudes, etc…). I’d like the option to earn through achievements/upgrades more vision/verse choices and/or the ability to exclude certain ones from ever showing up. Either of these would go a long way to improving IA, at least for me.
  • Grec1a
    SkaiFaith wrote: »

    @Grec1a since you've run IA 47 times you should have enough IA currencies to spend at Filer Ool, which has a rotating store with items such as the collectibles you need to obtain the mount you desire!
    You could not even need to run IA anymore and just wait for the week your needed item is on sale...

    It's really annoying having the goalposts moved at the last minute when you're working towards something... or so I thought. But in my experience every 2nd daily quest run is still 100% 'old' content for some reason. So I not only have my ugly horse but also enough fortunes for the skeever pet, which is what I really wanted in the first place :)

    It's a tradition, or an old charter, or something...
  • SkaiFaith
    Grec1a wrote: »
    SkaiFaith wrote: »

    @Grec1a since you've run IA 47 times you should have enough IA currencies to spend at Filer Ool, which has a rotating store with items such as the collectibles you need to obtain the mount you desire!
    You could not even need to run IA anymore and just wait for the week your needed item is on sale...

    It's really annoying having the goalposts moved at the last minute when you're working towards something... or so I thought. But in my experience every 2nd daily quest run is still 100% 'old' content for some reason. So I not only have my ugly horse but also enough fortunes for the skeever pet, which is what I really wanted in the first place :)

    I stopped running after getting all achievements and the horse but I wanted the Skeever too. Is the Skeever now pushed as the last item you would get from dailies? I think there's an order to the daily drops, right?
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • Grec1a
    SkaiFaith wrote: »
    I stopped running after getting all achievements and the horse but I wanted the Skeever too. Is the Skeever now pushed as the last item you would get from dailies? I think there's an order to the daily drops, right?

    I think after the mount fragments it's the Unreliable Archive Maps. At least that's what I got..
    It's a tradition, or an old charter, or something...
  • ESO_player123
    Grec1a wrote: »
    SkaiFaith wrote: »
    I stopped running after getting all achievements and the horse but I wanted the Skeever too. Is the Skeever now pushed as the last item you would get from dailies? I think there's an order to the daily drops, right?

    I think after the mount fragments it's the Unreliable Archive Maps. At least that's what I got..

    I think the newest are added after the previous ones.
  • Sarannah
    Request: Merge the new daily quest to kill 10 fabled/1 marauder to "kill 10 fabled OR 1 marauder" in one quest. This way players can always complete that quest, even if they have badluck with which marauder(s) they get. Or if they aren't really strong/good players who can kill marauders.
  • Oznog666
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Request: Merge the new daily quest to kill 10 fabled/1 marauder to "kill 10 fabled OR 1 marauder" in one quest. This way players can always complete that quest, even if they have badluck with which marauder(s) they get. Or if they aren't really strong/good players who can kill marauders.

    I agree. Although I'm normally having no problem with marauders every now and then Mr. Murphy is showing up and everything goes wrong xD. Sometimes I only have at about one hour for playing and if i do these archive quests I may have bad luck with the marauder in arc 2. Then I have to do arc 3 as well and if I have bad luck again - mostly if they appear in a very tiny area with almost no space to move around - then I have no more time for playing.

    But beside this I love all those new things in the archive, its making fun again. I had a lot of luck, in the first two days I managed to get all new achievements (beside this one with the 30 quests of course).
    PC EU
    1 Healer, 1 Tank, 3 DD, 5 more Toons just for fun
  • SkaiFaith
    Finally update hit consoles and I did my first run, just 'til I beat 3rd Arc's marauder and stopped because of time.
    First impression is really good to me.

    I think I got 4 times icy arenas and 2 times fiery ones.
    I found Zulfimbul (minotaur marauder) at Arc 2 and it's been no problem thanks to Isobel who tanked it well.
    I'm missing only 1 verse and 3 visions + what's needed for the new Avatar transformation. I think I'll have a hard time with the Avatar since I now usually stop running around Arc 3; I hardly expect to get all that's needed by then.
    I like the new shock damage bonus and the speed one. The one from potions is funny but I almost never use potions...
    I think I found 3 new bosses and they seemed fine at lower arcs but I felt they could become troublesome later on.

    All in all it was funnier than before. So far so good. We'll see how it goes - I'm a bit afraid of the WW marauder since I heard it has nasty mechanic.
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
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