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Frustrating Torvesard Fight

As a less than perfect fighter, I found the Torvesard fight very frustrating, as dying at any stage returned my character to the beginning point to repeat each stage (in slightly shorter versions.) I think it would have been reasonable to have the character restart the stage where he died and revived. After multiple attempts, I got to the last stage and had almost completed it when I failed to dodge quickly enough to miss a fatal blast.
  • SilverBride
    I agree. This fight is difficult for some of my characters and having to reset to the beginning makes it more than a little frustrating.

    This fight is giving me flashbacks to how difficult story bosses were at launch and it sometimes taking days to defeat one. I hope this trend doesn't continue.
    Edited by SilverBride on 8 July 2024 14:41
  • tom6143346
    I have to disagree very hard this fight was as easy as always, pretty fast done like all the chapter boss fights befor. It’s like every chapter boss , they are way to easy for a chapter boss in my opinion. They should not necessarily take longer, but at least you should have a risk of dying.
  • AnduinTryggva
    tom6143346 wrote: »
    I have to disagree very hard this fight was as easy as always, pretty fast done like all the chapter boss fights befor. It’s like every chapter boss , they are way to easy for a chapter boss in my opinion. They should not necessarily take longer, but at least you should have a risk of dying.

    This all depends on your character level, gear that you carry and build in general.

    Some guys out there simply don't have tons of years of experience on how to create a good and survivable build at any stage of character development.

    Some might come to that point at pretty low level as they concentrated on this story quest leaving out all other side quests with a fresh toon.

    I think it is one of the issues that certain stry endbosses for which the final confrontation you cannot postpone without starting all over again so little scale with player level.
  • Syldras
    I didn't find that fight hard, but I don't see why people who do would have to start all over again if they fail right before the end. Resetting to the last stage seems reasonable. Although I'm not sure if it's technically possible the way it currently is implemented.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • tom6143346
    Ok yeah it might be a bit tuffer if you completely new in the game , i agree on that . But that’s no the player , no ? I mean in pretty much any game out there you as a player need to figure out how something goes. At least in the mmo I know. It’s a natural progression of the player I would even say . And even with my low level toons I can butcher this bosses. We have so much mythic s and the arcanist that make playing the game more easy I really don’t think something in the game should be even easier as it is now . But I guess that’s bin discussed over and over again on the forums. It’s just not easy to bring so different skill levels together , where both are happy .
  • Syldras
    No one said the boss should be made easier. OP suggested that if a character dies, the boss should reset to the current stage.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • tom6143346
    Well then it’s my bad that I misunderstood it.
  • SilverBride
    I consider myself a skilled player but some of my characters aren't as strong as the others. Some classes just don't do as well as others.

    This fight may be easy for some players but that doesn't address the OP's concerns about having to reset the entire multistage fight if the player dies rather than just the stage they were on.
  • Maitsukas
    I'd remove the spoiler from the title if I were you. Change it to something like Frustrating Final Storyline Boss Fight
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the weekly Infinite Archive vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • shadyjane62
    I don't think any boss at end should reset to beginning. I still have nightmares about Vaermina and will never finish Necrom because if that. If I had known I would not be able to complete Necrom I would never have bought Gold Road as I cannot now finish that either.

    Why should I buy games I am unable to to complete?

    I am a casual player when it comes to anything outside of Pvp. Content I have to pay for should not be so difficult that a casual cannot complete.

    Making bosses invulnerable during the middle of a fight is not content. Making a boss reset at the end of the chapter is soul destroying for those of us who are not the best.
    I don't go into trials or dungeons or anything vet because I am not good enough to participate, but I do expect to be able to finish the chapter story.

    Making it so hard just made me determined never to trust Zos again.
  • c363b
    To be clear, my point was not the difficulty of the stages. It was the reset to the beginning regardless of what stage the character had reached when he died.
  • c363b
    What do the different colors (other than the obvious red) mean in the circles that appear briefly on the platforms?
  • Hapexamendios
    I think the OP's suggestion is a good one. I can definitely see that fight being frustrating for lower leveled characters.
  • Pelanora
    He's the only one I liked from Necrom, wouldn't want to fight him anyway.

    Team Ithelia.
  • Scaletho
    c363b wrote: »
    As a less than perfect fighter, I found the Torvesard fight very frustrating, as dying at any stage returned my character to the beginning point to repeat each stage (in slightly shorter versions.) I think it would have been reasonable to have the character restart the stage where he died and revived. After multiple attempts, I got to the last stage and had almost completed it when I failed to dodge quickly enough to miss a fatal blast.

    My friend, for every casual player with NO veteran character with a very good/best end-game build and/or NO fast reflexes from hours and hours of experience, you will always find 10 hardcore players saying "oh, for me Tovesard was too easy! It is very fast to defeat".

    Very few players understand that personal experience in ESO is not the same for eveyone. And casual players suffer most, cause there is NO Boss adaptation to player capacity or resources.
  • Ravensilver
    Scaletho wrote: »
    Very few players understand that personal experience in ESO is not the same for eveyone. And casual players suffer most, cause there is NO Boss adaptation to player capacity or resources.


    I am now 62. My hands are becoming more and more crippled by genetic arthritis. I have played the same character since the beginning of ESO. I adjust the build with every new expansion, I try to get the best gear that I can within my limitations.

    And the only 'advice' someone like me tends to get is 'git gud', when asking whether some aspects of the game could please be modified to make it playable by people like me.

    I've been playing computer games in some form or other since 1974. So I do know how to play. But ageing is being merciless to me and I will *never* be 'gud' again. Unless, of course, a miracle cure is found that completely restores the destroyed joints in my hands....

    So. I don't need vet rewards or achievements. But I do *need* the possibility of experiencing the product that I am (and have been) paying for.
    However, I fear that as long as older devs are replaced by bright-eyed (and healthy) young ones, there will be no awareness of the limitations that crop up with older players, or players who just don't have the abilities (for a variety of reasons) to easily handle all content.
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