Hello, i got ban for cheating when i just play normaly????????

Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
The code of the email is: 240621-002392
When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

[edited for profanity bypass]
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 24 June 2024 20:46
  • Danikat
    No one on this forum can help you. If you want to find out why you were banned and ask ZOS to reconsider you need to submit a Support ticket using the link at the top of this page.

    I don't think bans are automatic though, so you may have been banned yesterday for something you did a few days ago and it's taken until now for ZOS to investigate and make a decision.

    You will probably get an automated response to your first support email, you need to reply to it to say that didn't help you so it's escalated to a real person. You will then need to answer any questions they ask you (even if it seems totally irrelevant).
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Punitio
    Danikat wrote: »
    No one on this forum can help you. If you want to find out why you were banned and ask ZOS to reconsider you need to submit a Support ticket using the link at the top of this page.

    I don't think bans are automatic though, so you may have been banned yesterday for something you did a few days ago and it's taken until now for ZOS to investigate and make a decision.

    You will probably get an automated response to your first support email, you need to reply to it to say that didn't help you so it's escalated to a real person. You will then need to answer any questions they ask you (even if it seems totally irrelevant).

    It doesn't allow me to enter with my accoun in elderscrollsonline.com, it says "im permanently banned" so i can't even send a ticket. I was doing nothing wrong, for the last months i was just playing like 2 hours or less a day to craft and sell items in the guild stores and do some random cyrodiil solo pvp, nothing else..
  • notyuu
    Perma auto ban usually happens when ya bank tries to block/do a charge back on the payment, make sure it went through
  • valenwood_vegan
    I would recommend following the instructions here: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/#en/answer/8540 to file a ticket to appeal the ban.

    There's unfortunately nothing anyone on the forums can do, but if you have a ticket number people are often able to post them here and tag Kevin or one of the forum mods, who can check that the ticket has made it to the right people at customer support.
  • Punitio
    I would recommend following the instructions here: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/#en/answer/8540 to file a ticket to appeal the ban.

    There's unfortunately nothing anyone on the forums can do, but if you have a ticket number people are often able to post them here and tag Kevin or one of the forum mods, who can check that the ticket has made it to the right people at customer support.

    I did it, thanks
  • Punitio
    notyuu wrote: »
    Perma auto ban usually happens when ya bank tries to block/do a charge back on the payment, make sure it went through

    Nop, i don't have eso plus currently, had it for like 2 years and didn't renew, and i use a debit card, not credit, i never had any issue in the last 4 years of playing this game till today
  • Punitio
    @ZOS_Kevin Hello, plis, help!
  • TaSheen
    @ZOS_Kevin - can you help out here?

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Photosniper89
    Stop trying to pull Kevin here, we need him to respond to our PVP thread!!!!

    jk jk good luck on the ban. Hope it's just a misunderstanding.
  • Punitio
    Stop trying to pull Kevin here, we need him to respond to our PVP thread!!!!

    jk jk good luck on the ban. Hope it's just a misunderstanding.

    It definitely is, i never received any warning and im playing since 2018 and is the first time while i was doing exactly what i have done the entire time i played this game!
    Edited by Punitio on 21 June 2024 15:22
  • Amottica
    @ZOS_Bill @ZOS_Kevin may be able to communicate with you privately on the matter.

    Players tend not to receive a warning before getting a ban. Hope they get things sorted out.

  • reazea
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    Edited by reazea on 21 June 2024 19:29
  • Stafford197
    This seems like a common issue here on the forums where players are banned ingame and then do not receive any real explanation as to why. Plenty of times it turns out to be a false ban too but is a huge hassle to figure out. Anyone know if this is standard procedure for MMOs?

    Just seems wrong for an account to be banned and not told exactly why.
  • reazea
    This seems like a common issue here on the forums where players are banned ingame and then do not receive any real explanation as to why. Plenty of times it turns out to be a false ban too but is a huge hassle to figure out. Anyone know if this is standard procedure for MMOs?

    Just seems wrong for an account to be banned and not told exactly why.

    In general companies not feeling they are accountable to their customers is becoming a bigger and bigger problem now days. It's a really disappointing trend.
  • Dracane
    This is nothing short of utterly terrifying. I hope you can sort this out, because this is just crazy.
    I was also banned a few years back because of pvp trolls mass reporting, but I had Zenimax do a check on my account, where they of course saw that I didn't even have as much as addons in use.

    Banning people should require very good reasons and an easy way to appeal. Otherwise, injustice is sure to win.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Gleandra/videos
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    This seems like a common issue here on the forums where players are banned ingame and then do not receive any real explanation as to why. Plenty of times it turns out to be a false ban too but is a huge hassle to figure out. Anyone know if this is standard procedure for MMOs?

    Just seems wrong for an account to be banned and not told exactly why.

    I could be wrong, but in today's world where nearly everything is Ai, I would guess this ban was just a computer screening through and seeing the red flags it's been coded to look for / similarities, automatically banning without reason to OP. I don't believe this is the case, but it would explain the sudden ban and no explanation.

    To Punitio though,
    As others had said, no one here can do much or anything about it, it's something that has to be communicated with the devs. The best way to get into contact with an actual representative, if you are able to, is to use the automated email that's sent to the email associated with your account. after a couple to few emails back and forth with the automated responses, you'll get an actual dev to look into the account history and tell you what's up.

    Hopefully this helps, and best of luck man. sorry this happened to you
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • Araneae6537
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 21 June 2024 17:42
  • belial5221_ESO
    The probablem is probably how many crates you bought and the amount of gold you sent at once.It flags it as gold buyer/seller when too high,but noone knows the threshold.
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the General Help section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Not sure what platform you're on, but on PC NA that would be 90 million gold minimum, which maybe flagged them as weird (though a player COULD save up that much of course, I've been hearing a lot about buying gold for real money).

    Or, someone you bought the Crates from had gotten them illegitimately and that somehow swept you up?

    In any case, hopefully you get things sorted out or at least get an explanation--I would have thought they'd sent an email with a reason (check spam?).
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • FlopsyPrince
    This sounds like another one of those automatic systems that is flawed, but not reviewed.

    I cringe when I consider I could get banned from doing the kind of Crown selling I have done in the past. Not a lot of it, but could an automated process decide I am evil too?
    Edited by FlopsyPrince on 21 June 2024 17:45
  • SilverBride
    This is why we need a controlled system for "selling crowns". ZoS could sell Crown Vouchers of varying amounts in the Crown Store for cash. These could then be sold to other players in game for gold. They could put some controls in place, such as having to be approved for gifting to purchase and sell these, to help prevent abuse of the system. But something like this is really needed.
  • reazea
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    [edited to remove quote]

    Did you read the original post in this thread? Have you read all the other posts that pop up at least a couple times a week lately where people are describing this same or very similar situation? It seems apparent that ZOS is using some sort of AI system that is erroneously flagging legit trades as "cheating" or scamming in some way. Now people are getting so jumpy about it they're afraid to even try gifting or trading in game gold for anything in the crown store for fear of what might happen.

    Edited by reazea on 21 June 2024 19:31
  • Araneae6537
    reazea wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    Did you read the original post in this thread? Have you read all the other posts that pop up at least a couple times a week lately where people are describing this same or very similar situation? It seems apparent that ZOS is using some sort of AI system that is erroneously flagging legit trades as "cheating" or scamming in some way. Now people are getting so jumpy about it they're afraid to even try gifting or trading in game gold for anything in the crown store for fear of what might happen.

    Yes, of course I read it — did you? The OP was banned without being told the reason, and yet you would claim to know that reason. Perhaps someone reported the OP did not pay the promised gold for the crates. Perhaps something about the way they acquired the gold flagged the system. Perhaps the ban has nothing whatsoever to do with the crates bought and is the result of a report made earlier, perhaps an accusation of botting or cheating in PvP. Please note that I am not accusing the OP of anything, but bringing up possible scenarios which could also be mistaken or even false. Some have been reasons cited in other threads as to why someone was banned (for example, one player was reported as cheating after getting stuck in a wall in a BG after getting hit with magnum shot).
    Edited by Araneae6537 on 22 June 2024 01:25
  • kyle.wilson
    ZOS_Icy wrote: »

    This thread has been moved to the General Help section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    maybe you could help?
  • Punitio
    reazea wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    Did you read the original post in this thread? Have you read all the other posts that pop up at least a couple times a week lately where people are describing this same or very similar situation? It seems apparent that ZOS is using some sort of AI system that is erroneously flagging legit trades as "cheating" or scamming in some way. Now people are getting so jumpy about it they're afraid to even try gifting or trading in game gold for anything in the crown store for fear of what might happen.

    Yes, of course I read it — did you? The OP was banned without being told the reason, and yet you would claim to know that reason. Perhaps someone reported the OP did not pay the promised gold for the crates. Perhaps something about the way they acquired the gold flagged the system. Perhaps the ban has nothing whatsoever to do with the crates bought and is the result of a report made earlier, perhaps an accusation of botting or cheating in PvP. Please note that I am not accusing the OP of anything, but bringing up possible scenarios which could also be mistaken or even false, in the case of other players reporting.

    Hello, i make more than 30 million gold each month by crafting gold quality items and selling them on guild traders, i got like 300 million gold this year and spent around 100 million buying crates like i do everytime they release a new crate for the last like 3 years, i didn't do anything else other than my usual gameplay.
    And i go zone by zone typing "buying crowns for gold" and when some random dude pm me i just buy crates from random persons everyday, never had any issue till today.
    Edited by Punitio on 21 June 2024 21:16
  • Punitio
    Well, i guess im out of this game if they don't solve this, very dissapointed.
  • Araneae6537
    Punitio wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    Did you read the original post in this thread? Have you read all the other posts that pop up at least a couple times a week lately where people are describing this same or very similar situation? It seems apparent that ZOS is using some sort of AI system that is erroneously flagging legit trades as "cheating" or scamming in some way. Now people are getting so jumpy about it they're afraid to even try gifting or trading in game gold for anything in the crown store for fear of what might happen.

    Yes, of course I read it — did you? The OP was banned without being told the reason, and yet you would claim to know that reason. Perhaps someone reported the OP did not pay the promised gold for the crates. Perhaps something about the way they acquired the gold flagged the system. Perhaps the ban has nothing whatsoever to do with the crates bought and is the result of a report made earlier, perhaps an accusation of botting or cheating in PvP. Please note that I am not accusing the OP of anything, but bringing up possible scenarios which could also be mistaken or even false, in the case of other players reporting.

    Hello, i make more than 30 million gold each month by crafting gold quality items and selling them on guild traders, i got like 300 million gold this year and spent around 100 million buying crates like i do everytime they release a new crate for the last like 3 years, i didn't do anything else other than my usual gameplay.
    And i go zone by zone typing "buying crowns for gold" and when some random dude pm me i just buy crates from random persons everyday, never had any issue till today.

    I hope it gets sorted out for you and that you get reinstated soon! I was not meaning to imply that you did anything wrong, only that, without more information, we can only guess what was construed as wrongdoing by ZOS. I wish that ZOS would communicate more clearly with players receiving a ban, and do more investigation before handing one out. :(
    Edited by Araneae6537 on 21 June 2024 21:25
  • Punitio
    Punitio wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    reazea wrote: »
    Punitio wrote: »
    Today i receive an email saying i was banned for cheating. i was happy yesterday i bought 180 diamond crates from randoms players with gold like have done for years and was happy i got 2 mounts and the polymorph.
    Today i wake up with an email saying im banned for cheating, when i only enter this game to craft items and sell in the guild traders and play pvp in cyrodiil. Thats it. I have addons like everyone else and do nothing else but farming gold, pvp and buying crates for gold from random players in zone chat. [snip] IS THIS????
    The code of the email is: 240621-002392
    When i try to enter with my account in the elderscrollsonline.com to send a ticket for this, it doesn't allow me to enter my accound because in "permanently banned". So let me get this straight, you horrible system ban me for no reason and i dont get to make a claim? great support system, 10/10... .....................

    ZOS is really cracking down on people buying crowns with in game gold lately. They've said it's not against the ToS, but people are still getting banned for it.

    I believe this is false information. It is not against ToS to buy Crown items with in-game gold, only to pay real-world currency to anyone besides ZOS for in-game currencies. Furthermore, you have absolutely zero evidence that anyone has been banned for this as you’re claiming.

    Did you read the original post in this thread? Have you read all the other posts that pop up at least a couple times a week lately where people are describing this same or very similar situation? It seems apparent that ZOS is using some sort of AI system that is erroneously flagging legit trades as "cheating" or scamming in some way. Now people are getting so jumpy about it they're afraid to even try gifting or trading in game gold for anything in the crown store for fear of what might happen.

    Yes, of course I read it — did you? The OP was banned without being told the reason, and yet you would claim to know that reason. Perhaps someone reported the OP did not pay the promised gold for the crates. Perhaps something about the way they acquired the gold flagged the system. Perhaps the ban has nothing whatsoever to do with the crates bought and is the result of a report made earlier, perhaps an accusation of botting or cheating in PvP. Please note that I am not accusing the OP of anything, but bringing up possible scenarios which could also be mistaken or even false, in the case of other players reporting.

    Hello, i make more than 30 million gold each month by crafting gold quality items and selling them on guild traders, i got like 300 million gold this year and spent around 100 million buying crates like i do everytime they release a new crate for the last like 3 years, i didn't do anything else other than my usual gameplay.
    And i go zone by zone typing "buying crowns for gold" and when some random dude pm me i just buy crates from random persons everyday, never had any issue till today.

    I hope it gets sorted out for you and that you get reinstated soon! I was not meaning to imply that you did anything wrong, only that, without more information, we can only guess what was construed as wrongdoing by ZOS. I wish that ZOS would communicate more clearly with players receiving a ban, and do more investigation before handing one out. :(

    I was happy that i got the Worm cultist mount, and bought the polymorph and Shackled Titan mount with gems yesterday night. Today i wake up with this and my desire to play this game has vanish completly, i guess im out for good now if they don't solve this soon.
    They will lose plenty of real money without me because lot of players spent big dollars to buy houndreds of crates each year and sold to me for the gold i made playing the game.
    Edited by Punitio on 21 June 2024 22:04
This discussion has been closed.