Wife can't enter IA any ideas?

Wife can grab the daily quest but it won't let her go into the nymic itself. We already ran repair any ideas?
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 21 March 2024 16:38
  • TaSheen
    Has she tried porting there direct? If that's what's not working, has she tried going to the entrance itself in Apocrypha? If she doesn't have Necrom on her account, the only way to enter will be porting directly.

    Have you tried grouping with her to see if that helps?
    Edited by TaSheen on 20 March 2024 23:22

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • fizl101
    Just double checking, do you mean infinite archive or bastion nymic?
    Soupy twist
  • DinoZavr
    Most likely you mean Bastion Nymic, though your post title says "IA: Infinite Archive". There are different dungeons. To enter Bastion Nymic you have to get the quest in Necrom, then you have to collect five pieces of Daedric Ichor, which will be picked up by defeating Herald's Seekers, the zone's roaming World Bosses. After that you can enter.
    (or let's say you get the Nymic daily, collect five ichors, group with your wife, who also has got the quest, then you both enter as a group)

    Quest giver for the Infinite Archive is located inside the Archive, so you cannot get the quest without entering the instance.
    And to re-enter archive grounds AFTER you run out of "threads" (lives) you have to reset the instance clicking the hourglass in IA hall
    (though this implies she already could enter the IA, but spent all 3 or 4 treads granted from the start - this also contradicts your question).
    Edited by DinoZavr on 20 March 2024 23:46
    PC EU
  • RandomKodiak
    It was IA, forgot we lost power a couple of weeks ago last time she tried and it seems it bugged out because we didn't finish now that we went through all that hopefully it will be good next time we try. Thanks all
  • TaSheen
    Hope it does work out - let us know, 'kay?

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • ZOS_Bill

    Thank you for the updates. If your wife continues to have any issues please let us know.
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