Are there any lists or databases on where I can find specific lootable treasures in Tamriel? I'm not talking about treasure maps, or antiquity stuff. I am talking about the treasures you can steal, loot, or pickpocket off of npcs or containers.
For example, lets say I want to find the "Anesthetizer Coil" for a specific reason, but I don't know in what zone or which character to pickpocket from to get it. How would I go about finding out without spending hours searching manually?
The only hints I have been able to piece together thus far are some cultural contexts for the treasures, such as Nord themed items in the Rift & Eastmarch, but there is little indication for stuff beyond that especially if they share similar cultural titles/names but are part of different zones now that DLC has been released for other areas of similar culture (I.E. Western Skyrim for this example)
If anyone has any information regarding how I could find out which zones hold which treasures I would be grateful, it is a lot of fun to collect these items!
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 3 January 2025 12:25