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We need a way to manage this overwhelming amount of materials

  • korwinthale
    @Kildar You actually can spend skill points to increase the number of research slots available at like level 8 in a craft. I got that today and it helps ALOT but yes you shouldve seen my houses in previous TES games... literally like a junk yard lol I remember showing my uncle my piles of items and how I would expertly arrange my entire house lol :D
    "Still, we have to keep trying and hoping. That's what's important--the trying and the hoping. Maybe that's most important of all."
  • Kildar
    level 8 eh? i was wondering when i would get it. thanks for that. but still the amount of time it takes makes me feel like they are going to come out with a pop up that says "dont want to wait? pay a dollar and you dont have to"
    it needs to be tweeked. if only a little.maybe let you make a queue for it. a limited one.actually they could just steal eve onlines skill queue! that would be perfect.
  • WhiteQueen
    Runes yes. Gawd. Those things are killing my bags.
  • roguearchonb14_ESO
    I have to agree with OP on this one. I find myself in a constant state of "WTF! 'Inventory Full' again?!?" Sure, I don't have to pick everything up, but let's just say I only pick up the following:
    • Weapons/Armor to deconstruct/sell,
    • Provisioning materials, and
    • Blacksmithing materials

    My bags are still going to be full after a delve through a mine or two. Why? because a clove of garlic takes up the same amount of space as a heavy armor chest piece or a trait gemstone.

    I don't disagree with the reasoning behind a bag slot being one-size-fits-all, but all in all I much prefer the item weight system of other ES games. I've already purchased 3 bag upgrades, a bank upgrade, and one slot upgrade for my mount and my bags still fill up obnoxiously fast.

    A much bigger bank would be very helpful.
  • Reb
    tawok wrote: »
    Ah, very good call. I forgot all about feedin' the steed. My guild hit 10 players last night, so I'm going to make the GBank wide open and throw stuff in there for my guildies to use. (Since most mats don't even sell for 1g, unless I'm doing it wrong B) )

    The answer to your first post :D

  • iknaton
    This would be easily solved if plants/runes/provisioning items used 1/10th of inventory space the other items use. A plant should not take the same space a maul does.
  • deathscytheduo2ub17_ESO
    FCqt wrote: »
    I was in the similar situation as the OP and since my current character is 100% crafter I refused to let any material go to waste. Here I am with 4 alt acting as bank and me spending 1-2hour a day simply shuffleing material around. :astonished:

    You will quickly learn that this is a foolish decision. Having ALL the crafts on one toon doesn't leave much room for class, weapon, armor, and racial skills. When you reach level 15 or 20 and can't kill a squirrel, you will regret all the points you put into trade skills #3-7.
    I'm doing all professions, we just got a guild bank and I got rid of my bank alts so I'm not to worried about the crafting bank idea.

    I'm also a cat-ninja who can nuke the hell out of you in PvP if you wander off alone. I don't put all my points into crafting, just the important skills. I haven't done hireling because I don't need it yet. I just upgraded to my second slots for all 3 main professions and the only thing I've upgraded in provisioning is to double the food I make. You just have to be smart about your points if you're going crafter. But then those of us who go Full-crafter know this already.

  • Phadin
    I have three characters, each with 2 crafts apiece. I only keep materials in the bank that I am passing to one of the others, or items that are shared between multiple crafts... such as the style items and gem stones. The only craft I think has an excessive amount of material is provisioning, because each alliance has a different set of recipies and materials. This is compounded by the fact that you can get materials for recipies you don't necessarily have access to in your alliance. So if you don't have access to other alliance recipies, don't keep the mats. Sell them or delete them.

    Being able to pick up everything that is nailed down... even junk... has been a common feature of ESO. I'm glad they have it in this game. but yes, MMO packrats will need to learn that they can't have and keep everything. Time to start trimming the fat out of your inventory.
  • Kreager
    Shared bank space sucks as well for alts trying to craft
  • FCqt
    After reading a lot about how people manage their crafting profession I have came to the conclusion that not many person have took the bold move of leveling a character to 50 JUST to craft. This is what I'm doing. Once I reach level 50 I will respec and invest everything in crafting and maybe put together a AOE farming build if I have enough SP remaining. Then I will start leveling my main. This way I don't have to worry about wasting points in crafting and concentrate on combat skills to be as versatile as possible.
  • rcrandall85
    Here's how I handled the massive amount of crafting ingredients:

    Create 2 characters. Dedicate them to Combat.
    Create 4 characters. Dedicate 1 to Alchemy. Dedicate 1 to Smithing, Woodworking, Tailoring. Dedicate 1 to Enchanting. Dedicate 1 to Provisioning.

    This way all will have enough room to carry all the crafting ingredients they would ever need for their profession, the only problem left is what to do with what you create. A lot of what you make can't be sold for much. But can be of use to you. Sell it for what little it's worth or break it down to regain some materials and collect what little experience doing so will give you. Whatever you do, make it useful.

    I was considering starting three more characters to act as storefronts and pack mules. Always remember your characters are useable assets too.

    Best way to gain more bag space is to pool the gold all your charcters collect and use it to buy more bank space as needed. Use remaining gold to buy weight add-ons for horses and for your combat characters.
    Edited by rcrandall85 on 2 April 2014 13:28
    With Steel and Stone,
    Blood and Bone.
    We safeguard this Land,
    Our Heart and Home.
  • StopThi5
    This has been tough for me as well... All the professions seem so useful. But, I have been forcing myself to choose. I deconstruct everything, keep the racial stones, gems, and improvement mats, sell all the base mats except for the professions I have decided to play. This seems to work for me. Still have bank space, and a good deal of bag space once I sell stuff off. Provisioning seems to be my main space filler. So many food items, and not enough recipes yet to use them all.
  • tawok
    Here's how I handled the massive amount of crafting ingredients:

    Create 2 characters. Dedicate them to Combat.
    Create 4 characters. Dedicate 1 to Alchemy. Dedicate 1 to Smithing, Woodworking, Tailoring. Dedicate 1 to Enchanting. Dedicate 1 to Provisioning.

    This way all will have enough room to carry all the crafting ingredients they would ever need for their profession, the only problem left is what to do with what you create. A lot of what you make can't be sold for much. But can be of use to you. Sell it for what little it's worth or break it down to regain some materials and collect what little experience doing so will give you. Whatever you do, make it useful.

    I was considering starting three more characters to act as storefronts and pack mules. Always remember your characters are useable assets too.

    Best way to gain more bag space is to pool the gold all your charcters collect and use it to buy more bank space as needed. Use remaining gold to buy weight add-ons for horses and for your combat characters.

    You cannot make a crafting character. That's only a theory at this stage of the game. Simply put, you have to level the character to get the skill points. In theory, you could absolutely make crafting characters, send them all the stuff, and their craft will level. But you (correct me if I'm wrong) will not get skill points to enhance your crafting/provisioning. Provisioning is another case in itself, you can't provision a level 15 zone at level 3.
    FCqt wrote: »
    After reading a lot about how people manage their crafting profession I have came to the conclusion that not many person have took the bold move of leveling a character to 50 JUST to craft. This is what I'm doing. Once I reach level 50 I will respec and invest everything in crafting and maybe put together a AOE farming build if I have enough SP remaining. Then I will start leveling my main. This way I don't have to worry about wasting points in crafting and concentrate on combat skills to be as versatile as possible.

    To be honest, I didn't even think of that. That actually would be kinda fun.

    Edited by tawok on 2 April 2014 13:41
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
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    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • Phadin
    FCqt wrote: »
    After reading a lot about how people manage their crafting profession I have came to the conclusion that not many person have took the bold move of leveling a character to 50 JUST to craft. This is what I'm doing. Once I reach level 50 I will respec and invest everything in crafting and maybe put together a AOE farming build if I have enough SP remaining. Then I will start leveling my main. This way I don't have to worry about wasting points in crafting and concentrate on combat skills to be as versatile as possible.

    I prefer leveling each of my characters the slow way so I can really experience the game and all the exploration and quests. I don't want to power-level a character because I end up bypassing or spoiling a lot of the content.

    But what can I say, I'm more of a single-player RPG player instead. I don't have the MMO mindset.
  • vanity
    Yeah, there should be separate sections in the bank, I already have 7 trophies from questing. I mean if I did more questing I probably could have 12 trophies at my level. Then there is the matter of wanting sets, like a fire magic armor set and an ice magic armor set that's a another 8+ slots of necessary space because I don't want to just have one set of gear all the time, and I definitely don't want to throw unique trophy items away that I'll never see again. The bank is simply too small and not organized at all. I agree there should be bags for resources that don't take up your main space in the bank. I had about 24 different runes that i just destroyed them all cuz I needed room. Gave up on enchanting all together because the annoyance of always having them fill up my bag and bank.
  • Airion
    They definitely need to do something about it. I don't even loot runes and cooking ingredients anymore because I just don't have the space.

    I really liked how crafting materials were stored in GW2!!
  • MachoKing
    i made 3 alts, each hold specific materials, i've got my bank down to about 20/70, and just dump everything there, then take out on appropriate alt
  • Jeremy
    Airion wrote: »
    They definitely need to do something about it. I don't even loot runes and cooking ingredients anymore because I just don't have the space.

    I think that was their intended goal, so it seems to be having the effect they wanted. Especially considering the "nodes" on this game are shared amongst players, so it's likely they didn't want everyone just grabbing every node they come across on a long-term basis.

    This way players are forced to focus on certain node-types, and that would allow nodes to be shared more evenly. It's already annoying enough to have someone swipe a node you're after. Increasing bag space to where players could easily collect everything they find for hours at a time would likely make this a serious problem.
    Edited by Jeremy on 2 April 2014 14:44
  • Abeille

    I don't disagree with the reasoning behind a bag slot being one-size-fits-all, but all in all I much prefer the item weight system of other ES games. I've already purchased 3 bag upgrades, a bank upgrade, and one slot upgrade for my mount and my bags still fill up obnoxiously fast.

    A much bigger bank would be very helpful.

    I agree with you. I think that the weight system would be better than the slot system for this game. There are too many items for provisioning alone, and if we had the weight system then these items could just have a reduced weight and that would solve the problem.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Stautmeister
    I admit runes, alchemy and provisioning are a pain to keep the mats of.
    PS you can deek out 1 character in everything. You dont need all the crafting skills. Some are there purely for their handyness (spot nodes further away)
    If you focus on 3 skilltrees you spend around 50 skillpoints on passives/skills. there are 320 skillpoints in ESO ;)
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Madcat
    I haven't run into an overall issue with bank/bag size yet. My main issue is filling up while I'm on "the road" and not being able to finish a quest without destroying something. I would love to see a pack horse option. In my head it would work like this: You replace your ride-able horse with a pack horse. You can't ride it, you can just summon it and use it as a mobile bank. This is semi balancing because you're unable to mount up and ride into battle and you have to walk everywhere. Give it 60 slots and it would be equivalent to a new characters pack space. Granted this would only compound the issue for some people, as they'd fill themselves and their horse up. I think it would go a long way in helping the wary adventurer keep his hard won loot on the road.
    Edited by Madcat on 2 April 2014 15:10
  • threewolves1
    Soul Shriven
    Have always had this problem with every game. Then played GW2, and was one of the pleasant things from that game, was that you had two different type of bank slots. One normal, and one for crafting. I loved that little system.

    I'm not comparing the games, I like ESO, just saying, that bank system was actually very nice, and hadn't seen it in a game yet.
  • Xithian
    Madcat wrote: »
    replace your ride-able horse with a pack horse. You can't ride it, you can just summon it and use it as a mobile bank. This is semi balancing because you're unable to mount up and ride into battle and you have to walk everywhere. Give it 60 slots and it would be equivalent to a new characters pack space.

    Do you have a horse yet? You do realize that there IS a horse that starts with 10 capacity...and the cap on horses is level 50. This already exists, it's just not cheap.

  • tawok
    Xithian wrote: »
    Madcat wrote: »
    replace your ride-able horse with a pack horse. You can't ride it, you can just summon it and use it as a mobile bank. This is semi balancing because you're unable to mount up and ride into battle and you have to walk everywhere. Give it 60 slots and it would be equivalent to a new characters pack space.

    Do you have a horse yet? You do realize that there IS a horse that starts with 10 capacity...and the cap on horses is level 50. This already exists, it's just not cheap.
    Yeah a lot of the bag expanding options are not cheap at all. I've found a pretty solid way of handling the materials.

    I have 4 characters total. If you really want to save ALL the stuff you pick up, you'll need one for each profession. Designate a profession per character, put all your mats in the bank. Log on your Woodworking character (for example) and get all the woodworking stuff out of the bank, and repeat for every proff.

    I only do this with 4 characters, and the rest of it gets dumped in our open guild bank. If I can't use it, surely one of my guildies can.

    Personally I'd just like to see an expansion of the base bank we get. Either a mats tab, or an expanded bank in general. Possibly crafting bags. It'd save me a lot of space if I could just get a cooking bag alone.
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
    On steam at Apocky+Tawok
    Streaming On Twitch
    On the Tube

    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • banespwnb14_ESO
    Sure, I don't have to pick everything up, but let's just say I only pick up the following:
    • Weapons/Armor to deconstruct/sell,
    • Provisioning materials, and
    • Blacksmithing materials

    My bags are still going to be full after a delve through a mine or two.

    For Provisioning materials, only pick up the stuff you need to craft level 15 recipes, and I recommend waiting until your character level is about level 15 before gathering them at all. If you are collecting stuff like Capon Meat, you are wasting both your time and your inventory space. Level 1 recipes give very little xp compared to level 15 recipes, and you can craft level 15 consumables without any skill points invested in provisioning.

    Provisioning materials are so easy to get. Some mini-dungeons are absolutely stuffed with lootable barrels and crates. Get to character level 15 then start collecting the items you need to craft level 15 recipes. Craft those recipes at every opportunity. There are cooking fires all over the place. in inns, houses, even in the wild and in dungeons.

    Once you hit provisioning level 20, sell whatever level 15 and below supplies you have left. You don't need them anymore as the level 20+ recipes require completely different materials.

    If you do it right, you can get to provisioning level 50 in a matter of hours and never need to store provisioning materials in the bank.
  • Phyrdrin
    The GW2 storage system can't be beat. It was perfection *wistful sigh*. However, this is a totally different game and style. I agree that having weight to items would be a lot better but it would require a complete system overhaul. Bank expansions cost a fortune, as do proper horses, but it's a goal we all have to work towards. I suppose it would be boring if things were too easily attainable, ne?

    I've tried to make mule characters, but it's such a hassle to log out and switch toons that the process turned me off of it (on my computer, this takes nearly 10 minutes with load times and city lag). I think I would rather just level two or three characters at a time with different crafting paths and enjoy the game than try to find some insane workaround of mega maximum efficiency. I do like the idea of leveling a toon to 50 then respeccing him to be a crafting character. It's a lot of work, to be sure, but all fun games are :)
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • Zielepoot
    What about an xtra perk high in the crafting tree to allow stacking upto 200/250?
  • Korinth
    I am running 3 classes of character, each focusing on 2 skills, and the bank just don't cut it. I have 2 "mule" toons right now just to hold Potion-enchanting mats, and the other Blacksmith/woodworking mats. Now this wouldn't be an issue except you cant mail stuff to your alts.

    I think the direction the devs wanted to go was a player (account wide) can only focus on maybe 2 crafting skills. To me that is a poor choice for game longevity. But maybe not...once your characters hit 50+ you should have plenty of gold to buy bank slots??

    Just not sure I like the double pronged approach at limited bank space AND not being able to mail stuff to your alts.
    Guild Officer
    Tamriel Transport Co.
  • Opioid
    Phyrdrin wrote: »
    The GW2 storage system can't be beat. It was perfection *wistful sigh*.

    I'll agree with you there. The storage in GW2 is probably the only thing I miss from that game.

    I think a similar interface could work in this game too. Give crafting mats their own separate section of the bank accessible account-wide. Any raw or refined mat gets its own dedicated slot with a cap of something like 500 or 1000, or possibly even have it start at 100 and use it as another money sink where people need to spend gold to unlock another 100 capacity at a time, scale up the price similar to how the normal bank and bag slots are priced.

    That would solve a lot the bank space woes right there and free up bank space to store trophies, armor, weapons, etc.

  • Drexz
    I mentioned this in another thread, but I can't resist repeating. :)

    I think a great solution for this would be to provide a separate storage for crafting materials, but make it cost like 20,000 or more. This way only the dedicated crafters will buy it and it will play into the immersive qualities of the game.
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