I am really sick and tired of waiting 3-6months, for motifs to be added/drop from content, as new content is about to happen. Can we for the love of gawd, stop time-gating motifs!!!!! When the content drops, the motifs should too! When dungeons/trials come out, the motifs should drop then, not 3-6 months later... THIS IS A QOL that aneeds to happen.
The Crown Crafting Motif: House Mornard will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting May 10, 2023, at 10AM EDT. The House Mornard Motif chapters, and very rarely the complete book, have a chance to drop from Galen Reward Coffers, awarded from completing the associated Galen Delve and World Boss daily quests from Juline Courcelles and Druid Gastoc.
so finally some info about House Mornard Motif but nothing about Firesong style, iirc the last years always both new styles were implemented at the same date? this not?? i think we waited long enough...some official information would really be nice, thanks
My hope is that they both will get released at the same time, but only the House Mornard will be in the Crown Store. If not, @ZOS_Kevin please let us know when the Firesong motifs will start dropping, I really really really really want em pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BaalMelqartu wrote: »I'm starting to get really confused as to why the Volcanic Vent dailies are being excluded from motifs again. I asked about this once in an official feedback thread but was never responded to there.
-They even neglected to mention that the daily Vent/Harrowstorm/etc counted in Jubilee even though I tested and they did count.
-So far, I see no point in doing the Galen volcanic vent dailies because every time they announce a new reward, they say you can only get them from daily delve and daily boss. This is true of the House Mornard style and it was true for the recently added druidic furnishing plans.
The Firesong motifs will drop from vents directly instead of dailies, so I guess that's why?
Wasn't update 37 the scribes of fate dungeons update?
That's what made me think they should've been dropping now. Unless you meant update 39, since today's update was update 38 if I'm not mistaken.
They want people to come back to the zones later on, not just at launch, so things like motifs get delayed.
For me this means I do not play through the zone with my various characters until everything is available, as to avoid wasting potential shiny drops.
laniakea_0 wrote: »
Indeed. I try to do this as well, but it often sucks to lag behind. there is also the problem that there's usually an event set in the Chapter before all motifs are available, forcing you to buy it before then if you don't want to miss the rewards.
laniakea_0 wrote: »It wasn't always like this. Prior to Markarth, delaying a motif for some time after the DLC released was unheard of. it was the proper way to release it at the same time, the right way to do. There isn't even a good reason, like them having to still finish making it because the style is already in the game. it shows up in the Crafting library, oftentimes in the Achievements and many of the new set use the new styles as well. What ZOS is doing now is just disgraceful!
The Crown Crafting Motif: Firesong will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting June 14, at 10AM EDT. The Firesong chapters, and very rarely the complete book, have a chance to drop from Volcanic Vents in Galen, or from Galen Reward Coffers given by Druid Aishabeh in Vastyr, also in Galen.
Luke_Flamesword wrote: »So it will be released 14th June, one week after release of whole new chapter...
Is it really best time for new motif from old content? It can't be scheduled in the way that we have all year motifs BEFORE release of next chapter?
It does seem odd from a marketing point of view. Won't ZOS sell fewer Firesong motifs due to the release timing, for this exact reason?
I couldn't agree more. People are going to be excited to run new content and aren't going to be looking to farm OLD content for loot that should have been available months ago. Definitely a very short-sighted implementation.
You'd think they'd push "Scribes of Mora" at Necrom launch due to everyone wanting to create an Arcanist. But if a large number of people hate it, then when it finally does show up, they will have many less sales because people won't want to be associated with that class anymore.
[edited for bashing]
The Crown Crafting Motif: Firesong will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting June 14, at 10AM EDT.
The Firesong chapters, and very rarely the complete book, have a chance to drop from Volcanic Vents in Galen, or from Galen Reward Coffers given by Druid Aishabeh in Vastyr, also in Galen.
Source https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/64225
Are the drops locked to 1 per day per account?