I really want to build a shire / hobbit themed house as I've always been totally enamored with the literature and movies. I've also seen a few examples online of people that have done really good jobs of it. I just want somewhere to chill with my characters that make me feel like I'm in Middle Earth.
I'm trying to research which furnishing items would best suit the aesthetic for a hobbit hole (ideally one that I can enter) and for an outdoorsy 'feasting' area (think Bilbo's 111st birthday sort of vibes).
I was wondering if anyone could recommend any particular furnishings. Circular doorways and hallways seem to be eluding me in particular, but I'd also like to find some rickety-looking tables, rustic vegetation and other items that may help build the house. I guess that a lot of the applicable items will probably come from various green furnishing plans which is part of the reason I'm asking, there is such an abundance of these and they really seem to vary dramatically in quality (some are really nice, some are super pixelly and look out-dated).
Cost isn't an issue; I have quite a lot of gold and am happy to make more over time to finish the project.
Any tips would be highly appreciated.
Thank you!