Stinkyremy wrote: »
Roleplaying is cool, but quite simply what are you missing out on by just changing characters?
You can swap the gear from your main to alt via the back, back and forth, or create and earn gear for the alt instead.
The alt can get every skill the main can get except the 3 unique class skill lines.
The alt can do every quest the main can do.
And now with universal achievements, minus a few unique achievements, the alts progress (in most achievements) is shared with the main.
There is little in the way of restriction other than the one you are making for yourself.
I am not against class change, and even myself I pretty much always play with my main, but if I really wanted to change to a different character, there is nothing stopping me.
@ZOS_Kevin when Arcanist skill lines will be released?
I don't think the new class is the feature. Near the end, they mentioned a new infinite dungeon system to be released in an update after the Necrom chapter.
@ZOS_Kevin when Arcanist skill lines will be released?
Going to push back on this a bit. The amount of work and balancing that it takes to make a new class, it is absolutely a new feature that changes the dynamic of multiple aspects of the game.
The infinite dungeon is also a new feature that we're excited to get to later this year, but we should not discount a new class. It's a ton of work to get as feature like a new class online, and the team is excited to be able to fulfill this request.
Finally... something I am hyped about in ESO after years of 'Meh'.
I am a huge fan of the Arcanist aesthetic and would love to play it. It is an addition that would make me pre-buy the expansion, re-subscribe, and pay an additional $20-$30 for a class change token.
Templar is fun and all, but it gets stale given that it has been my class since launch. In fact, the combat having gotten stale (the last actual thing added to 'mix it up a bit' was the Psijic skill line YEARS ago) is the main reason I left. The zone and chapter stories and such still interest me, but playing with the same skillset for a decade just got boring.
At the same time, I have put hundreds of hours into this character. I have 100% completed all the vanilla zones, about half the chapter and DLC zones, and many of the dungeons. My adventure through Tamriel is my character's adventure through Tamriel. If I come back... I want to continue that adventure, not start a new one.
I am tempted by mysterious and alien magick, I want to lay down my aetherial spear and dive into forbidden knowledge... something SO in line with the theme of this new chapter that it feels borderline immersion breaking NOT to introduce a class change token. I mean really... could you imagine someone going up to Hermaeus Mora and being all "Hey so I, an exceptionally powerful and influential mortal who has been known to change the fate of the entire world like every year or two, would like to learn your arcane secrets. I am willing to trade my holy templar magic for it." And him going "Nope, I don't want to gain influence over someone who is one of the most powerful mortals of this age and who is obviously a nexus point for fate. I don't want the knowledge of their experience with Aedric magick, and I don't want to offer them access to secrets that may bind them to my service forever."
And I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
Class change tokens are now Lore Friendly (hell, you literally got the ability to respec in Skyrim FROM Hermaeus Mora), they wouldn't hurt the game in ANY way (FOTM Chasers can easily just make one character of every class. Lvling to 50 is quick and easy if you don't care about the RP journey that the character is on and you don't use the character as your self representation in the game world), they would be exceptionally profitable for ZOS, and they would bring back players like me to the game who don't find making an alt and abandoning your avatar within the game world a reasonable solution to class fatigue in a primarily story driven game.
Thanks for the feedback, @Maitsukas. We're sharing with our teams now to address.
Going to push back on this a bit. The amount of work and balancing that it takes to make a new class, it is absolutely a new feature that changes the dynamic of multiple aspects of the game.
The infinite dungeon is also a new feature that we're excited to get to later this year, but we should not discount a new class. It's a ton of work to get as feature like a new class online, and the team is excited to be able to fulfill this request.
@Wolf_Eye No need to apologize. Just wanted to clarify the feature note from our perspective. And to your point, we are taking back that feedback around some players hoping for a brand new system. That will come later with the endless dungeon. More info to come later this year.
So dmg shields, blasts, projectiles, gates, buffs, runes, and a magic book. It SOUNDS interesting, and I'll end up trying it out(I've only got 14 characters) but what about melee? This game is SO heavy on Magicka until recently we were BEGGING for stamina morphs. I'll of course have to wait until pts to make up my mind if it's for me, but disappointed 3 times over now you passed over Monk.
I agree with the majority here that introducing new classes (without a bare minimum of a class change token) isn't the way to be going about new content anymore with just how long some people have developed their current characters. It seems better to introduce new skill lines instead, via weapons, guilds, covenants, or even in this case the ogma infinium. I get that by shoving everything into a class it limits the amount of skill synergy (one ability pairing with another to be extraordinary) some classes could get with a new line added. But there's ways around that that still brings uniqueness, value, and balance.
It's just disappointing that a role playing game will let you role play for years, then say "sorry you can't use these new features for that character. Gotta start all over." Means a new name, no relations to any recurring npcs, gotta grind certain skill lines again, etc.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »i never thought i would go past 10 characters because of all the work to set up a new one, but apocrypha themed class? yes please sign me up for at least 2 more lol