Holycannoli wrote: »My guess is it's tuned for PvE. Not sure why it would be but what else about it makes sense lol.
It should scale up in dmg per target hit like all similar explode on kill mechanics.
You can literally have one guy next to you, and that person dying will hit you for the full 12k, which is just silly.
It should scale up in dmg per target hit like all similar explode on kill mechanics.
You can literally have one guy next to you, and that person dying will hit you for the full 12k, which is just silly.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »It should scale up in dmg per target hit like all similar explode on kill mechanics.
You can literally have one guy next to you, and that person dying will hit you for the full 12k, which is just silly.
VD doesnt scale for number of targets but can hit for about 50-90% of the dmg as occult (depending on your own resistances of course)
if they wanted to bring it closer in line with VD then they could drop its max bonus to 8k which would still hurt, but also not be useless like the 4k it was originally
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »Necrotech_Master wrote: »It should scale up in dmg per target hit like all similar explode on kill mechanics.
You can literally have one guy next to you, and that person dying will hit you for the full 12k, which is just silly.
VD doesnt scale for number of targets but can hit for about 50-90% of the dmg as occult (depending on your own resistances of course)
if they wanted to bring it closer in line with VD then they could drop its max bonus to 8k which would still hurt, but also not be useless like the 4k it was originally
The 4k was hardly "useless". Even at 4k damage Occult Overload was extremely good for bombing.
ArgonianAustin wrote: »With the new plague break change, we will see this more often, did they change the direct damage needed to proc plague break? They said it can proc on multiple people in 1 attack now.
ArgonianAustin wrote: »With the new plague break change, we will see this more often, did they change the direct damage needed to proc plague break? They said it can proc on multiple people in 1 attack now.
ArgonianAustin wrote: »With the new plague break change, we will see this more often, did they change the direct damage needed to proc plague break? They said it can proc on multiple people in 1 attack now.
"This set now has a cooldown of 20 seconds per target, rather than only against targets that do not already have the DoT on them.
This set can now proc on multiple enemies from a singular attack.
Reduced the Damage over Time by approximately 48%, but this damage can now Critically Strike as it does not have ingrained modifiers built into it.
Increased the damage by explosion by approximately 3%.
The damage from this set now always applies the Diseased status effect."
& Occult Overload pops are a beautiful thing
It's fine as is, go play no-cp.
Stop asking for nerfs.
Danse_Mayhem wrote: »It's fine as is, go play no-cp.
Stop asking for nerfs.
Not only are no CP campaigns generally dead compared to the others, but ‘just go play elsewhere’ is a legit terrible solution to what is clearly a broken passive that outperforms every other skill / ultimate / set in the game.
If you read the detailed explanations on this, or pvp in areas which are completely dominated by this thing then you may learn why players are annoyed at this.
Danse_Mayhem wrote: »Idk where to start with a response to that lol.
12800 AOE oblivion damage that is undodgable, unblockable and cannot be mitigated, absolutely does outperform literally every proc set, skill and ult in the game… By a long shot.
Also, none of the (experienced and well informed) players here who are writing detailed info on how this CP is broken, are wanting to Zerg around with 60ppl and are losing to this - They are annoyed that we are getting nuked from standing near a single NPC at a resource, or one other player when we are small scaling. It’s not a set that requires having a big group to punish you, it requires 1-2 other targets (including players, NPCs, engine guardian, sorc pets etc) to be close and it’s goodnight with no counter.
If the solution is to social distance and play solo, away from any and all objectives (keeps and resources) on a multiplayer online game, then that is quite possibly the worst solution to an eso imbalance ive ever heard.
Danse_Mayhem wrote: »Idk where to start with a response to that lol.
12800 AOE oblivion damage that is undodgable, unblockable and cannot be mitigated, absolutely does outperform literally every proc set, skill and ult in the game… By a long shot.
Also, none of the (experienced and well informed) players here who are writing detailed info on how this CP is broken, are wanting to Zerg around with 60ppl and are losing to this - They are annoyed that we are getting nuked from standing near a single NPC at a resource, or one other player when we are small scaling. It’s not a set that requires having a big group to punish you, it requires 1-2 other targets (including players, NPCs, engine guardian, sorc pets etc) to be close and it’s goodnight with no counter.
If the solution is to social distance and play solo, away from any and all objectives (keeps and resources) on a multiplayer online game, then that is quite possibly the worst solution to an eso imbalance ive ever heard.
Absolutely false, if you don't see numbers from sets, skills, & ults at 13k damage plus idk what to even say to that...
and if players can't mitigate/think of solutions from a single npc/player oblivion pop of 12,800 damage, well, again no-cp/proc would be a better solution for those players pvp experience.
OnGodiDoDis wrote: »Danse_Mayhem wrote: »Idk where to start with a response to that lol.
12800 AOE oblivion damage that is undodgable, unblockable and cannot be mitigated, absolutely does outperform literally every proc set, skill and ult in the game… By a long shot.
Also, none of the (experienced and well informed) players here who are writing detailed info on how this CP is broken, are wanting to Zerg around with 60ppl and are losing to this - They are annoyed that we are getting nuked from standing near a single NPC at a resource, or one other player when we are small scaling. It’s not a set that requires having a big group to punish you, it requires 1-2 other targets (including players, NPCs, engine guardian, sorc pets etc) to be close and it’s goodnight with no counter.
If the solution is to social distance and play solo, away from any and all objectives (keeps and resources) on a multiplayer online game, then that is quite possibly the worst solution to an eso imbalance ive ever heard.
Absolutely false, if you don't see numbers from sets, skills, & ults at 13k damage plus idk what to even say to that...
and if players can't mitigate/think of solutions from a single npc/player oblivion pop of 12,800 damage, well, again no-cp/proc would be a better solution for those players pvp experience.
Of course, the 12800 doesn't come on its own. It requires someone to deal enough damage to kill someone, so that dead player deal an additional 12800 damage to everyone else. Given that oblivion damage goes through all resistances and Battle Spirit, it is effectively a 25600 tooltip on a passive. If someone next to you took enough damage to die and now you take another 25600, how is that balanced?