Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

The night-capping in Cyrodiil needs to stop.

  • NeeScrolls
    Kordai wrote: »
    A lot of ep left together to join ad

    , I know of at least 30 ep that went ad. It's unfortunate that they don't want to have good fights but it is what it is.
    No wonder we're stuck in 3rd place now. :s

    (And no wonder it was just me the weakling healer by myself vs. 10 AD last nite for 1 hour trying to keep them from taking our scrolls lol ugh i like a challenge but sheesh)

    At least DC sorta came alive today though... (and so did our EP group-to-emp just now woot! )
    Edited by NeeScrolls on 23 April 2022 18:55
  • TechMaybeHic
    Kordai wrote: »
    darvaria wrote: »
    The problem is ppl are leaving EP that play late night. They are going to mostly AD just to zerg down a low population faction. The population just needs to balance, no matter what time ppl choose to play.

    It may have reached a point of no return. Do we even have enough players for 3 factions? Here's population at prime time 8:30 pm est. It's at the point that no one cares now. Prime time and it's 4/2/4. Just combine and have 2 factions.


    A lot of ep left together to join ad to concentrate off prime ball groups and zergs, ad typically sits at 3 bars to poplocked 24/7 now, I know of at least 30 ep that went ad. It's unfortunate that they don't want to have good fights but it is what it is.

    There was at least 1 DC ball group that was debating going AD as well and I think they changed their mind as they found some potential new members. I think it's gotten to be where it's hard to find the numbers to support a regular running, serious ball group.
  • Kordai
    Kordai wrote: »
    darvaria wrote: »
    The problem is ppl are leaving EP that play late night. They are going to mostly AD just to zerg down a low population faction. The population just needs to balance, no matter what time ppl choose to play.

    It may have reached a point of no return. Do we even have enough players for 3 factions? Here's population at prime time 8:30 pm est. It's at the point that no one cares now. Prime time and it's 4/2/4. Just combine and have 2 factions.


    A lot of ep left together to join ad to concentrate off prime ball groups and zergs, ad typically sits at 3 bars to poplocked 24/7 now, I know of at least 30 ep that went ad. It's unfortunate that they don't want to have good fights but it is what it is.

    There was at least 1 DC ball group that was debating going AD as well and I think they changed their mind as they found some potential new members. I think it's gotten to be where it's hard to find the numbers to support a regular running, serious ball group.

    Thankfully ad doesn't need another ball, they sit at at least 2 at all times now. An ep ball group went there too with the other ep zergers.
  • KiltMaster
    They could make different score multipliers where score counts more depending on total server population - if it's low pop across the server, you get less points. If everyone is pop locked, you get more points for objectives.
    GM of "Kilts for Sale"
  • Holycannoli
    I literally see one or two people capture keeps all the time, not to mention how easy it is to solo resources.

    That's the real problem.

    Now that one or two person crew can be beaten if someone shows up to stop them but the fact that a keep can be captured by a single person is just ridiculous.

    How do you stop that? Well maybe limiting deployed siege to one per person could help.

    There is no way to stop off-hours PvDoor. It used to be a problem in Dark Age of Camelot too, with one realm being mainly European and capturing everything while NA was asleep or at work, and NA doing it right back to Europe.

    What we can help stop though is keep capturing by these soloers and duos. It should not be possible, period.
  • Oakenaxe
    It should go without saying, but other places exist too. Your night is somebody else's morning or afternoon. The game ebbs and flows, recovering from situations like this is fun as well. Every faction does it.
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
  • Iriidius
    Oakenaxe wrote: »
    It should go without saying, but other places exist too. Your night is somebody else's morning or afternoon. The game ebbs and flows, recovering from situations like this is fun as well. Every faction does it.
    So somewhere in the whorld it is evening when here in germany it is night and nightcappers are coming
    I looked at timezones where this is. When here in germany it is 1am and DC Zerg nightcaps the map in Blackreach PC EZ it is evening in greenland, east kanada and brasil. When here in Germany it is 4 am and AD is morningcapping it is 8pm in arizona, 7pm in California and 10pm east coast.
    All these poor players have to nightcap on EU, because they dont have an own American megaserver, have they? And of course they have to play on Blackreach and not on a campaign that is still populated and Zerg on the most populated Faction and avoid any fair combat because they have bad connection. And of course they cant play at other times of the day, although i still see them at other times of the day.
    Maybe on NA many of the Nightcappers are players from Australia but on EU most of them are Players from Europe, some of them even speak german.
    Also not everybody playing at night(night on server location) is a nightcapper. You are a nightcapper if you are PvDooring while the other alliances are sleeping and coming with a Zerg when other alliances are nonexistent. You could also fight on another faction or campaign against enemy players or go IC or BGs(if you get one).
    But they want to PvDoor. It is obvious that most of the nightcappers are not interested in competitive PvP at all.
    After I defended a castle sucessfully against 5 ad nightcappers, they decided they didnt even had to kill me, only survive long enaugh to flip the flag. They startet speed sieging outposts or taking multiple ressoursses at the same time, so i could defend only 1 and not teleport anymore. 3 50k hp tanks would stand at ressoursse flag blocking, not even trying to kill me, only surviving long enaugh to flip it and 2 nbs would take ressoursses, cloak as soon as they see me and come back when i left. When their numbers finally grew to 10-15 and i was still alone they startet taking keeps again.

    Edited by Iriidius on 15 July 2022 15:17
  • darvaria
    Working as intended?

  • Cuddlypuff
    DC somehow has multiple raids of doorlings this Gray Host campaign. Please take them back or just bomb them til they return to Blackreach.
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    darvaria wrote: »
    Working as intended?


    on blackreach this is intended - It is a non-faction locked campaign so players are able to switch to other factions to balance the populations if they wish to.

    on greyhost it would not be intended.

    Personally to fix this issue I would remove factions from Cyro completely and just have the 3 BG teams there. Then have 4 queueing options. 1 for each team and 1 for 'Lowest population'. This would allow players who don't mind which team they play for to queue and be automatically swapped to whichever team had the lowest population at the time. (those low pop players wouldn't earn towards the emp board but would still gain AP, potentially at a slighly boosted rate if it needed encouragement).

    In addition there should also be population scaled scoring ticks so it's more valuable to hold territory when the server has full pop across the board and vastly less valuable when there is no opposing population.
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on 18 July 2022 09:03
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Iriidius
    after Nightcapping the campaign they are also gatecamping usually. 1 nightcapper nihjtblade hiding inside a keep was setting my coldfireballista on fire then stunning and interrupting me to prevent me from clearing it. When I attacked him he run away. Then when i finally cleared it and tried removing my coldfireballista he set it on fire again and repeated until it was destroyed. then when i attacked him he was running away. Their builds already show that they are not interisted in competitive PvP. They have 50k hp blocktanks only stunning, snaring, pulling and interruptinh you, healers(needed very much for PvDoor/Xv1 and many gankers hiding as soon as you attack them and backstabbing you when you fight someone else.
    You say the time of players shouldnt be worth less because they play in offhours? Atm their playtime is worth more than that of primetime players because they have much less resistance and can need less players too achieve the same results and it takes much longer until an enemy group will try to take your keep back. While at prime time the map is more or less balanced, in off hours one alliance often controlls everything, shifting the score heavily in their favour.
  • Cuddlypuff
    Iriidius wrote: »
    after Nightcapping the campaign they are also gatecamping usually. 1 nightcapper nihjtblade hiding inside a keep was setting my coldfireballista on fire then stunning and interrupting me to prevent me from clearing it. When I attacked him he run away. Then when i finally cleared it and tried removing my coldfireballista he set it on fire again and repeated until it was destroyed. then when i attacked him he was running away. Their builds already show that they are not interisted in competitive PvP. They have 50k hp blocktanks only stunning, snaring, pulling and interruptinh you, healers(needed very much for PvDoor/Xv1 and many gankers hiding as soon as you attack them and backstabbing you when you fight someone else.
    You say the time of players shouldnt be worth less because they play in offhours? Atm their playtime is worth more than that of primetime players because they have much less resistance and can need less players too achieve the same results and it takes much longer until an enemy group will try to take your keep back. While at prime time the map is more or less balanced, in off hours one alliance often controlls everything, shifting the score heavily in their favour.

    The more inner the keep, the sweatier the farmers. If you've already lost scrolls, don't even bother taking back inner keeps if they are being turtled. Just ride a bit further to a ring keep, take RSS and farm pugs there as they try to uncut.
  • theoriginalpickle
    I agree. When I log off for the evening, everyone should just stop playing on PC/NA Cyrodiil.

    What, you mean to tell me that it's daytime on the other side of the world? Pffft.
    This complaints about nightcapping have been going on for nearly as long as ESO has, and ZOS hasn't changed the scoring. I think you'd need to ask for an Oceanic server before ZOS even seriously considered it so those players could actually have their own "primetime".

    We of the oceanic do not exist, we also only come out at night to annoy people and night cap :) But we call it day capping.
    ]I am always the original pickle tickler nothing will stop my merciless reign
  • Oakenaxe
    Personally to fix this issue I would remove factions from Cyro completely and just have the 3 BG teams there. Then have 4 queueing options. 1 for each team and 1 for 'Lowest population'. This would allow players who don't mind which team they play for to queue and be automatically swapped to whichever team had the lowest population at the time. (those low pop players wouldn't earn towards the emp board but would still gain AP, potentially at a slighly boosted rate if it needed encouragement).

    In addition there should also be population scaled scoring ticks so it's more valuable to hold territory when the server has full pop across the board and vastly less valuable when there is no opposing population.

    You do realize the Three Banners War is the main lore of the game, around which the whole game is based upon? Might as well create another game entirely. For me, even BGs should be part of the alliances lore, but that is another topic hehe
    Edited by Oakenaxe on 20 July 2022 17:59
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Oakenaxe wrote: »
    Personally to fix this issue I would remove factions from Cyro completely and just have the 3 BG teams there. Then have 4 queueing options. 1 for each team and 1 for 'Lowest population'. This would allow players who don't mind which team they play for to queue and be automatically swapped to whichever team had the lowest population at the time. (those low pop players wouldn't earn towards the emp board but would still gain AP, potentially at a slighly boosted rate if it needed encouragement).

    In addition there should also be population scaled scoring ticks so it's more valuable to hold territory when the server has full pop across the board and vastly less valuable when there is no opposing population.

    You do realize the Three Banners War is the main lore of the game, around which the whole game is based upon? Might as well create another game entirely. For me, even BGs should be part of the alliances lore, but that is another topic hehe

    The storyline has already moved on to the 'end of the three banners war' as zos announced in their year preview and game trailers so it woul be fine.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Oakenaxe
    The storyline has already moved on to the 'end of the three banners war' as zos announced in their year preview and game trailers so it woul be fine.

    An attempt to, but I doubt it will happen. If it does, what would be the explanation for the 3 random BG "factions" to invade Cyrodiil and start another war? lol

    This game already lacks faction pride, ending the war would make things very boring and kill PvP.
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
  • Zer0oo
    bUt tHeRe ArE diFFerENt TiMe ZoNes

    Me and my friends are the undefeated champion of any and all game. All our opponents are still sleeping because there are from a different time zone and all my friends are always in my team. We win every game. What a hard earnt victory
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • Jabbs_Giggity
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


    DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.

    It's the hammer that does this...Xbox NA EP we had hammer when AD and DC were 1 bar pop and gated both alliances and took all scrolls...All in under 30 minutes.

    Lasted until morning when the no-job AD's logged on. However, prime time EP literally struggles to keep Arrius.
  • afkpro
    i think cyro is now just all about trolling. the combat bug has been around since vanilla. all things relating to balance is a joke. performance and lag. it could be a sign for things to come as the game is clearly better in pve and bg's.
  • AndreNoir
    afkpro wrote: »
    the game is clearly better in pve and bg's.
    PVE is the worst part of the game lol. The whole HM section is balanced around oneshots and entire combat system is the same with exception that 95% of skills are useless

  • fizzylu
    As someone who lives in the EST timezone.... I also play very late at night mostly. My schedule makes my day a bit backwards than what I assume some people would think is "normal". Would be kind of unfair for me to get punished from playing in MY free time just because it's not the same as your free time.
    Edited by fizzylu on 13 January 2023 01:42
  • Iriidius
    Players playing at night is not the problem. Having balanced PvP at night would be good and not be nightcapping. But on most campaigns almost every night the same alliance takes the whole map while other alliaces are sleeping and have no defenders. I apreciate every player defending against nightcappers. It is not nightcapping if you do balanced PvP at night. It is nightcapping if you abuse the absense of other alliances at night to take the whole map without resistance. And after they took the whole map they often gatekeep other alliances for hours. Nightcapping has more influence on the score than primetime PvP.
    Edited by Iriidius on 23 January 2023 01:59
  • acastanza_ESO
    One major problem, as many of us have stated previously, is the high value awarded to holding all the scrolls.
    Some people have suggested returning scroll value to what it was previously - I disagree - I think it should actually be a negative modifier to your score for holding enemy scrolls to offset their offensive and defensive buffs. There should also be a score penalty for holding enemy trikeeps. Maybe people actually choose between score and gating the opposing factions and holding all the scrolls.
    Encourage activity instead of rewarding gatecamping a dead map.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on 24 January 2023 17:50
  • Araneae6537
    People have different schedules. Or if they want to arrange their schedule around playing a game, that’s their prerogative too. Punishing people who live in a different time zone or otherwise have a different schedule than you is not the answer. That aspect of Cyrodiil is fine as is.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on 24 January 2023 18:07
  • AndreNoir
    People have different schedules. Or if they want to arrange their schedule around playing a game, that’s their prerogative too. Punishing people who live in a different time zone or otherwise have a different schedule than you is not the answer. That aspect of Cyrodiil is fine as is.

    It's not a case. EU GreyHost is just all time the same: the same group comes around 8 AM and actively holding whole map (when there barely 3 ppl on opposite sides) and scrolls until 1-3 PM then they dissappear and return later in evening primetime. I can't call it any but griefing
  • Mesite
    The only solution is to move country in real life to fit in with the appropriate prime time. If anyone's life revolves around game time, then real life location is secondary.
  • Mesite
    What I tend to do is log on when the other factions have control, get the quest to scout out a lumbermill or something in the distance behind enemy lines, then I log back on 8 hours later to simply easily travel to the area because we own that area now. That's mostly my PvP experience, other than taking back Vlasturius and Bruma from any unworthy faction that has them, which actually involves real PvP because other players are often reluctant to give them back.
  • accidentalist
    No comment.
    Edited by accidentalist on 11 November 2023 17:44
  • Jamie_Aubrey
    I love when AD log on at prime time and they start to take back keeps and DC/EP log off cause they keep dying to us, making us essentially "PvDoor" but the minute we log off they log back in and do the same but will complain that AD PvDoor when they are on but leave when we actually fight them
    Former Empress & Grand Overlord Vex Valentino
  • Kram8ion
    Night capping doesn’t exist to the world unless it’s flat
    Aussie lag is real!
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