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The night-capping in Cyrodiil needs to stop.

Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.
Edited by ZOS_Exile on 8 February 2022 13:41
  • xDeusEJRx
    IMO, I don't think they should buff guards, I personally think they ought to change the point reward system. Maybe make it so that most of the incoming points are earned during on-time hours.
    For example, on NA servers, during North American- favored times, you receive the most amount of points and during off-times such as during night time, the incoming points are decreased.
    Vice verse with EU and other servers. You get the most points during day-evening timeframe and during off-times like during night time the earned points are worth less.

    I think that's the only way to honestly make nightcapping when the population's offline, not OP at flipping campaign score
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • TequilaFire
    Know the feeling. PS NA Blackreach.
    But our nights are someone else's morning.
    And as you can see hardly a DC only problem.
    Edited by TequilaFire on 6 February 2022 14:22
  • VaranisArano
    I agree. When I log off for the evening, everyone should just stop playing on PC/NA Cyrodiil.

    What, you mean to tell me that it's daytime on the other side of the world? Pffft.
    This complaints about nightcapping have been going on for nearly as long as ESO has, and ZOS hasn't changed the scoring. I think you'd need to ask for an Oceanic server before ZOS even seriously considered it so those players could actually have their own "primetime".
    Edited by VaranisArano on 6 February 2022 14:41
  • Storm27Stars
    EP has won on Xbox EU in Greyhost for easily the last six months, probably longer. It's annoying but you can't tell people when to log on so I guess we have to suck it up unfortunately. Atleast on Xbox NA there seems more variety as to who wins in Greyhost.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    You do know places like Australia exist right? Where it is Daytime here while your asleep in the US.
  • cyberjanet
    But our nights are someone else's morning.

    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • AlnilamE
    Or AD and EP can recruit more Aussies and Kiwis to their side.

    There is no alliance limitation for people playing in different countries. Out-organize them!

    I say this as someone who plays EP in Ravenwatch.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Kidgangster101
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


    DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.

    Did know that when it's night for you and sleeping...... Other parts of the world are just waking up or in their afternoon?

    So is it really nightcapping when it's daytime for others playing? Idk just a thought here lol
  • rexagamemnon
    So its supposed to be a war between three different alliances. In real-world warfare, night time ops are a thing. I was in the Marine Corps, so you could say i have some expertise on the subject haha.
    It absolutely is fair any faction in the game to log in during night ours to conduct (what i would call, night raids) your faction can do the same if they want.
    [snip] Im not trying to peck a fight in the forum or bait or what ever you want to call it, I'm just trying to be unbiased objective and examine this from a satellite view on the matter.
    ESO is still a video game, and we are a community, we should all laugh and have fun regardless of who wins and loses during a campaign. Instead of complaining they are “night-capping” as you call it, laugh about it that they can’t beat or coordinate during peak ours so they have to resort to “night capping” it should all be in good fun because we are a community. I laugh all the time that im horrible at PvP, but i still love PvP, especially when its Zerg vs Zerg! And i dont get upset when i lose in duels or BGs.
    On console i often see blues and reds coordinating together against yellows, and in the past where they both attack the same yellow keep, but not each other. But i don't get upset about it, i laugh and maintain a positive attitude about it.
    Red, blue, yellow, i want us all to have fun together, even if my faction loses every campaign.
    If people are doing real cheating to win like running some kind of program to add stats or damage to their characters then ya, i absolutely condemn that. But if they aren’t its all fair and it should be fun.
    Keeps in mind also regardless of faction every faction has their critique of the other factions. I’ve been playing xbox euro server since 2015, back then in the Hadreus campaign before ZOS started changing the names, yellows was in control of the map 24/7 every single keep and resource for entire campaigns, i can imagine the frustration and slander that may have been said about the yellows for all that time. AND THAT IN NOT AN EXAGGERATION IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT. And it seemed like it was for over a year it was like that until one day, reds came in and lit the place on fire.

    [edited for mild bait]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 6 February 2022 18:28
  • RaikaNA
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


    DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.

    Did know that when it's night for you and sleeping...... Other parts of the world are just waking up or in their afternoon?

    So is it really nightcapping when it's daytime for others playing? Idk just a thought here lol

    Then you should select EU server instead of playing on the NA server. Why should you get an easy emp and win campaign every single month without much of a fight while the rest of us are busting our ass on prime time to earn our bread?

    That's the simple solution for solving a lot of issues... play on the server that is friendly to your time...
  • Emmagoldman
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


    DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.

    Did know that when it's night for you and sleeping...... Other parts of the world are just waking up or in their afternoon?

    So is it really nightcapping when it's daytime for others playing? Idk just a thought here lol

    Then you should select EU server instead of playing on the NA server. Why should you get an easy emp and win campaign every single month without much of a fight while the rest of us are busting our ass on prime time to earn our bread?

    That's the simple solution for solving a lot of issues... play on the server that is friendly to your time...

    Hmm, not from the south pacific myself but telling them to go to EU server makes as much sense as go to NA server. Neither is in their geographic range at all. Been this ways for years
  • Amottica
    Cyrodiil was not designed to be competitive PvP so there is no reason to punish people who play the game during not so prime time hours.
  • vms11934
    Ownership points should be dynamic, not static. The points a 3 bar faction gets for holding another 1 bar faction's keep should be less than what they would get for holding a 3 bar faction's keep.
  • drsalvation
    I think that's an absolutely valid tactic.
    If one alliance can do it, so can the other one.
    I also don't have much time to play during prime hours and I'd rather play during low pop to avoid lag.
  • Kwoung
    While I will agree that it would be wrong to punish players in other time zones, I think many are missing the point that in most of the nightcapping cases I have seen, it isn't players from another country doing it. It is a group of local players staying up late to nightcap purposefully and all they have to do is wait for 10pm PST or so on NA servers, run the map and go to bed, leaving it whatever color until the players from asia log in and start playing and moving the map around again.
  • BlossomDead
    Reminds me of the time I got threatened via whisper to stop playing during my free time from a territorial DC player, forgetting about the fact this games' ToS don't mention any binding to their particular opinion whatsoever.
    Edited by BlossomDead on 6 February 2022 17:31
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    How do you decide whose timezone is the most important in a game played across the globe? One might take the perfectly legitimate stance that it is an AD or EP problem for not playing when Daggerfall does.
  • drsalvation
    Kwoung wrote: »
    While I will agree that it would be wrong to punish players in other time zones, I think many are missing the point that in most of the nightcapping cases I have seen, it isn't players from another country doing it. It is a group of local players staying up late to nightcap purposefully and all they have to do is wait for 10pm PST or so on NA servers, run the map and go to bed, leaving it whatever color until the players from asia log in and start playing and moving the map around again.

    and what's stopping other alliances from doing the same?
  • RaikaNA
    Kwoung wrote: »
    While I will agree that it would be wrong to punish players in other time zones, I think many are missing the point that in most of the nightcapping cases I have seen, it isn't players from another country doing it. It is a group of local players staying up late to nightcap purposefully and all they have to do is wait for 10pm PST or so on NA servers, run the map and go to bed, leaving it whatever color until the players from asia log in and start playing and moving the map around again.


    I've personally observed this kind of activity.
  • furiouslog
    Well, if the "night capping" is unfair, might as well continue to level the playing field by only allowing evenly matched teams on during prime time. Limit participation based on the lowest pop in attendance, everyone else queues. Then it'd be fair, instead of letting full pop AD running all over 1 bar pop DC and EP every night. Right?
  • Kwoung
    How do you decide whose timezone is the most important in a game played across the globe? One might take the perfectly legitimate stance that it is an AD or EP problem for not playing when Daggerfall does.

    I don't think anyone needs to decide what time zone is more important than others. All that needs done is scoring be adjusted to account for population imbalances. If one faction has 6-12 players and the other 2 none, the actions of those 6-12 players should have little to no impact on the campaign score. IMHO if all 3 factions don't have say at least 20 players each on, the scoring should just stop.

    I am in no way saying that the players themselves should earn less AP for their actions, that can remain the same, just that the campaign scoring doesn't take those no resistance PVD actions into account. When the servers actually have enough players again, 15-30 minutes later the scoring kicks in again.

    Also, if those off hours players want to make a difference in their campaign, they should all consolidate to a particular server where they can fight each other and do so. Which is a lot more realistic than telling people "If you want to win, stay up late also and risk losing your job".
    Edited by Kwoung on 6 February 2022 17:56
  • BlossomDead
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.
    Edited by BlossomDead on 6 February 2022 17:58
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    [snip] We do have a server. Its not "yours". If there's a problem, the solution isn't to just decide that paying customers should just not be able to play, or shipped off somewhere else. [snip] think about fair solutions if you want to add anything worth considering, and stop trying to blame other players for the inherent problem in the system.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 6 February 2022 18:30
  • Kwoung
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.

    Yeah, no thanks. My family appreciates my being able to hold down a job, pay my mortgage, insurance, put my kids through college and afford groceries among other things. Although a few years back, I was beween jobs and did exactly that when we got bored of losing, we killed the PVDers so many times they gave up trying and we nightcapped the whole map ourselves for a couple campaigns (and won). It was quite lame really.
    Edited by Kwoung on 6 February 2022 18:11
  • BlossomDead
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.

    Yeah, no thanks. My family appreciates my being able to hold down a job, pay my mortgage, insurance, put my kids through college and afford groceries among other things. Although a few years back, I was beween jobs and did exactly that when we got bored of losing, we killed the PVDers so many times they gave up trying and we nightcapped the whole map ourselves. It was quite lame really.

    Hence the current service uptime: so that people in all walks of life can choose when to play. These choices needn't match yours.
  • Kwoung
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.

    Yeah, no thanks. My family appreciates my being able to hold down a job, pay my mortgage, insurance, put my kids through college and afford groceries among other things. Although a few years back, I was beween jobs and did exactly that when we got bored of losing, we killed the PVDers so many times they gave up trying and we nightcapped the whole map ourselves. It was quite lame really.

    Hence the current service uptime: so that people in all walks of life can choose when to play. These choices needn't match yours.

    I posted what I feel is a very fair solution a few posts above, it rewards PVP and minimizes the impact of no population PVDing while still allowing players in those low pop times to still earn their usual AP. The only objection I can see, would be from folks that feel the actions of 3-6 players (yes I have nightcpped a whole map with 2 friends) should carry 5x more weight on the score than the actions of the vast majority of players trying to actually engage in PVP for a chance at winning a campaign.
    Edited by Kwoung on 6 February 2022 18:20
  • TequilaFire
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.

    Yeah, no thanks. My family appreciates my being able to hold down a job, pay my mortgage, insurance, put my kids through college and afford groceries among other things. Although a few years back, I was beween jobs and did exactly that when we got bored of losing, we killed the PVDers so many times they gave up trying and we nightcapped the whole map ourselves for a couple campaigns (and won). It was quite lame really.

    Did that for 30 years, now I have permission to stay up all night. ;)
  • Kwoung
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Servers are up 24/7 (exceptions apply). You can log in anytime. Give it a go.

    Yeah, no thanks. My family appreciates my being able to hold down a job, pay my mortgage, insurance, put my kids through college and afford groceries among other things. Although a few years back, I was beween jobs and did exactly that when we got bored of losing, we killed the PVDers so many times they gave up trying and we nightcapped the whole map ourselves for a couple campaigns (and won). It was quite lame really.

    Did that for 30 years, now I have permission to stay up all night. ;)

    Me too in about 3 years! ;)
  • LashanW
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    RaikaNA wrote: »
    Start buffing up guards during non-prime time hours... I suggest boosting guards up to veteran trial level... giving them a massive amount of health plus letting them hit hard.


    DC isn't winning in Ravenwatch (NA) because they're good... they're winning because as soon as AD logs off for the night... DC logs in and take the entire map without much of a fight.

    Did know that when it's night for you and sleeping...... Other parts of the world are just waking up or in their afternoon?

    So is it really nightcapping when it's daytime for others playing? Idk just a thought here lol

    Then you should select EU server instead of playing on the NA server. Why should you get an easy emp and win campaign every single month without much of a fight while the rest of us are busting our ass on prime time to earn our bread?

    That's the simple solution for solving a lot of issues... play on the server that is friendly to your time...
    NA server is in Texas, US.
    EU server is in Frankfurt, Germany.
    Neither is "friendly" to SEA/Australia.

    Here's some fun geography stuff,

    So, if you want to blame anyone, blame ZoS for trying to provide a service for the entire world using only 2 physical points on the globe.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • VaranisArano
    Kwoung wrote: »
    While I will agree that it would be wrong to punish players in other time zones, I think many are missing the point that in most of the nightcapping cases I have seen, it isn't players from another country doing it. It is a group of local players staying up late to nightcap purposefully and all they have to do is wait for 10pm PST or so on NA servers, run the map and go to bed, leaving it whatever color until the players from asia log in and start playing and moving the map around again.

    See, this is exactly why the Cyrodiil servers need to turn off when I log off for the night.

    10pm central on the weekends. 9pm central on weekdays. That ought be fair, right?

    I mean, gods forbid that those darned West Coast and Oceanic players get to capture keeps and rack up points after my bedtime. That shouldn't be allowed.

    Side note: one of the things that most delighted me about the old Trueflame was if I couldn't sleep, I could log on at midnight and still join a PUG raid in Cyrodiil.
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