I have loved and played Elder Scrolls games since Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind first came out, and in the thousands upon thousands of hours I have poured into the various Elder Scrolls games I have played over the years, I have always loved playing some variation of a sneaky bow wielding character. And while right now I have a workable substitute, there is not enough sneak to my build.
Is there a build someone can point me to or help me figure out how to make that would help me create an effective sneaky bow wielding character?
Ideally, I want this to be a bow/bow build, but if I have to take a different set of weapons I could live with dual wielding daggers. And if possible I want stealth to be part of regular combat. I am pretty sure this means a Nightblade, but I just have not been able to put an effective build together yet.
Can anyone offer any suggestions on this?
I am a nearly exclusive PVE player, so this build will be PVE focused, and ideally, I would like to be able to do most PVE content with it.
Edited by Tornaad on 27 August 2021 17:12