My guess is it's going to be Hammerfell because I doubt they'll go back to Skyrim or new Dunmer lands since we've already had a Dunmer chapter. I also don't think they will go into Blackmarsh because then they'd just add the zones bordering this years zone and I feel like that's something they won't do, to avoid fatigue of the climate, flora, fauna etc.
My guess is it's going to be Hammerfell because I doubt they'll go back to Skyrim or new Dunmer lands since we've already had a Dunmer chapter. I also don't think they will go into Blackmarsh because then they'd just add the zones bordering this years zone and I feel like that's something they won't do, to avoid fatigue of the climate, flora, fauna etc.
Daedric realms will probably only be Q4 DLCs for now if anything.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »If we got something prince related I don't want it to be more Sheogorath. He keeps appearing enough as it is.
Ah yeah the annual “We’re going back to...”
They’re running out of nostalgia locations lol
It's beard. If you ugly, just grown a nice beard and then you look just like other bearded dudesWhich is incredible considering how ugly NPCs looked in TESIV
Luke_Flamesword wrote: »It's beard. If you ugly, just grown a nice beard and then you look just like other bearded dudes
Darkstorne wrote: »If Todd allows them, 2022 will be Hammerfell.
If Todd wants to save all the Hammerfell hype for TES6, then my money is on the Telvanni Isles of Morrowind being 2022's Chapter. Then more of Skyrim for 2023 (Whiterun or Winterhold?) and more Cyrodiil for 2024 (Skingrad). After that it's a tossup between central Elsweyr's jungles (cities of Corinthe and Torval) or more Blackmarsh. And then there's whatever part of Skyrim they still haven't finished. By that point TES6 will be out and ZOS will be free to set Chapters in Hammerfell if they weren't allowed to previously.
Basically, they've got enough options to keep ESO going for the best part of another decade before they need to consider non-Tamriel focused Chapters like the Shivering Isles. And once they've exhausted Tamriel... time for ESO2 in a new timeline and we start all over again.
Darkstorne wrote: »If Todd allows them, 2022 will be Hammerfell.
If Todd wants to save all the Hammerfell hype for TES6, then my money is on the Telvanni Isles of Morrowind being 2022's Chapter. Then more of Skyrim for 2023 (Whiterun or Winterhold?) and more Cyrodiil for 2024 (Skingrad). After that it's a tossup between central Elsweyr's jungles (cities of Corinthe and Torval) or more Blackmarsh. And then there's whatever part of Skyrim they still haven't finished. By that point TES6 will be out and ZOS will be free to set Chapters in Hammerfell if they weren't allowed to previously.
Basically, they've got enough options to keep ESO going for the best part of another decade before they need to consider non-Tamriel focused Chapters like the Shivering Isles. And once they've exhausted Tamriel... time for ESO2 in a new timeline and we start all over again.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »If we got something prince related I don't want it to be more Sheogorath. He keeps appearing enough as it is.