Does anyone else make Journals for their Characters?

Ive recently started a new roleplaying character, and ended up making an instagram taking pictures and logging the journey that my character takes, am i the only one that does stuff like this?
  • Eporem
    I know of ones who do this though on different platforms than instagram. I imagine instagram would be a fun way to do so though and can perhaps be linked here for others to read. @Ilsabet here in this forum keeps a journal too amoung others.

    Edited by Eporem on 3 November 2020 16:45
  • TheImperfect
    Not a journal as such but I did start writing back stories for my characters and decided to put on in an EHT book in my characters house. I wrote so much though it's going to take multiple lorebooks. When I finish the house I'll link the house as a share on EHT.
  • WarriorNinja9
    Eporem wrote: »
    I know of ones who do this though on different platforms than instagram. I imagine instagram would be a fun way to do so though and can perhaps be linked here for others to read. @Ilsabet here in this forum keeps a journal too amoung others.

    Yeah, The instagram user name is: AerinLannus
  • RunningShadow
    Kinda like TheImperfect, I like use to an AddOn for my writings. There's one called The Librarium and it seems very purpose-built for writing journals, letters, or tablets, (or sequence plaques if that's your fancy) – You can also see it update in real-time as you write which is nice.
  • Aendruu
    When I discovered I created this to record various notes together with my character's backstory, which I then illustrated with screencaps whenever the game got too laggy for adventuring. (Yes, I have far too much time on my hands!)
    "So, drinking is a sacrament to Y'ffre... because it's his way of reminding us not to take things too seriously... You know how the other Elves are. Altmer have their crystal towers, and that's how they want to be — cold and perfect. And Dunmer are just like their Red Mountain — smouldering and dark. We just want to have a drink and not worry about it."
    - Regring the Spinner
  • WiseSky
    Aendruu wrote: »
    When I discovered I created this to record various notes together with my character's backstory, which I then illustrated with screencaps whenever the game got too laggy for adventuring. (Yes, I have far too much time on my hands!)


    Great stuff !

    You might like the immersive mount addon ::D
  • Vevvev
    I used to keep a journal for my character on my RP guild's Enjin website, but I made it a habit and once things got stale the journal got stale. Next thing I knew the journal was over 10 pages long and I had to stop since most entries were.... lacking. After that I've made 5 entries over the past 2 years.
    Edited by Vevvev on 6 February 2021 23:30
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • PoisonedSweetroll
    Yep, i've been doing it on Skyrim since i went back to it not long ago, and i was so happy to discover there's an addon for ESO that serves that purpose. I decided to use it for the firs time today before going to sleep while i was waiting on an inn for my vamp level to recede, and i wrote an in character narration of how i acquired the condition, with all and the fact that i was playing the lute while i waited for a player who could give me a bite and that there was another one also waiting while playing a drum lol.

    I don't feel like writing a journal/personal diary for all of my characters tho, some of them just don't seem like the kind of persons who would do that, specially my chaotic main, or at least they wouldn't write something too personal.
  • Azzuria
    I don't keep a journal so much as pen a story keeping up with the out-of-game life of one of my favorite toons.

    Noemi Snowborne... or Snowpaw, if you will.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • StarOfElyon
    Ive recently started a new roleplaying character, and ended up making an instagram taking pictures and logging the journey that my character takes, am i the only one that does stuff like this?

    I considered doing that but I never followed through. :(

    I decided to make a lore book based on two of them though.
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