(ಠ_ಠ) Casually Xbox (ಠ_ಠ) Xbox NA - EN - PvE - No Dues - Guild for Adults 30+

  • akkum1_ESO
    I am a 64yr old retired underground miner. I currently do work ... as a teachers aide at the local high school. I am looking to join a casual guild to help me learn the "ins and outs" of playing ESO on the Xbox ... not a huge fan of PvP. Would definitely be interested in dungeons, ... etc ... I currently have a few very low level characters ... trying to figure out what I like best
  • Cryptor
    akkum1_ESO wrote: »
    I am a 64yr old retired underground miner. I currently do work ... as a teachers aide at the local high school. I am looking to join a casual guild to help me learn the "ins and outs" of playing ESO on the Xbox ... not a huge fan of PvP. Would definitely be interested in dungeons, ... etc ... I currently have a few very low-level characters ... trying to figure out what I like best

    Hi Akkum! Thank you for checking us out & my apology for late reply! Would you be able to send an in-game mail to OGCryptor please? That will allow me to get you in, Thank you!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to update everyone since I have been away for a few weeks. I am sorry to say that I got COVID a few weeks back and it turned out to have a much greater impact on my health than I ever expected. I am just starting to get back to semi-normal life but this will be a long process. I am playing but a lot less then I did before getting sick, this should improve as time goes on.
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor

    Hi all,
    We are re-starting our guild "World Boss Wednesdays" and everyone is welcome to join in! You don't have to be part of Casually Xbox to join this. I start a group around 8PM PDT (West Coast) and we run around killing world bosses. I no longer have ESO+ subscription so we'll be running around in areas accessible by everyone in the group (unless I end up being the only one in the group without ESO+ in which case I will simply hand over group leadership so someone else).

    Add me as a friend "OGCryptor", join us!
    Edited by Cryptor on 12 October 2022 20:44
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • sweatyfieri
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested!
  • Cryptor
    I'm interested!

    sounds great! add me on Xbox "OGCryptor" so that I can answer any questions you might have. alternatively, you can send me an in-game mail to "OGCryptor". Looking forward to gaming with u!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    It's "World Boss Wednesday" today! What this means is when I log into ESO tonight (8PM PDT) I will jump into the in-game guild text chat and start a group. Everyone is welcome, feel free to bring any friends with you, you don't have to be a member of our guild to participate (the more the merrier, though please keep in mind that guild members always have priority). We will start out running around Tamriel killing World Bosses and if we feel like it, we can also participate in other open-world activities. No level requirements, etc... Feel free to add me to your friends list on Xbox if you have not done so yet (OGCryptor) and Dm me when I get on at 8!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Big thanks to everyone who participated in World Boss Wednesday! We spent almost 3 hours running around clearing world bosses and then we split between Tales of Tribute, Division 2 and Overwatch 2. Looking forward to next week!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Hi everyone!
    Big thanks go out to everyone who continues to join our "World Boss Wednesday" weekly events! Due to its popularity, we are expanding our weekly guild events with "Friday Dungeon Partey" ;)
    WEDNESDAYS = World Boss Wednesday
    Starting at around 7/8 PM PDT we gather together and start running around the world killing world bosses.
    FRIDAYS = Friday Dungeon Partey
    Starting at around 7/8PM PDT we gather in 4 person groups and start running dungeons 'till we can't run no more ;) Please keep in mind that for this event specific classes are required for each group (1x tank, 1x healer, 2x dps) and depending on how many people show up & what roles everyone chooses to play there might or might not be a spot for everyone. First come first served.

    Guild Resources:
    Discord - https://discord.gg/ZS6n563eX3
    While we currently do not fully utilize our Discord server we are slowly making the effort to use it more. Voice Chat quality through Discord (integrated into Xbox UI now) is far better due to noise suppression and other features available on this platform. Please feel free to join!
    Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/CasuallyXbox/
    This of our subreddit as our guild website. It will be updated shortly.
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/CasuallyXbox
    Our guild social media presence and recruiting tool. If this is your platform of choice please follow! We are transitioning out of Twitter for our media presence due to recent developments on this platform.
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1263688421076580
    This is our newly created Facebook group, we are transitioning into Facebook for our guild social media presence. It will be updated shortly.
    Edited by Cryptor on 10 November 2022 16:21
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor

    Join us today! Casual, long-standing guild filled to the rim with mature players. Almost all of our active players are within the 40 to 70 age bracket. no dues, no-nonsense, no drama. Experienced guild leader, experienced members, it's a pleasure to be a part of! No mandatory...anything. All kinds of players doing all kinds of in-game activities, there is something here for everyone!

    We are currently running the following two weekly guild events:

    WEDNESDAYS = World Boss Wednesday
    Starting at around 7/8 PM PDT we gather together and start running around the world killing world bosses. The minimum level requirement for this event is 10.

    FRIDAYS = Friday Dungeon Partey
    Starting at around 7/8PM PDT we gather in 4 person groups and start running dungeons 'till we can't run no more ;) Please keep in mind that for this event specific classes are required for each group (1x tank, 1x healer, 2x dps) and depending on how many people show up & what roles everyone chooses to play there might or might not be a spot for everyone. First come first served. The minimum level requirement for this event is 10.

    You can join in any of the following ways (listed in order of preference):
    1 - Search for "CasuallyXbox" in the guild search & apply to join us.
    2 - Send an in-game mail to "OGCryptor".
    3 - DM "OGCryptor" on Xbox.

    If you would like to discuss stuff with the guild leader before joining (or would like to see what guild events look like and how they are run) you can see it for yourself here https://www.twitch.tv/ogcryptor. You can also reach out to "OGCryptor" on Xbox.
    Edited by Cryptor on 12 November 2022 18:40
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Big welcome to Pane joining the guild today! Our doors are always open to mature gamers! DM "OGCryptor" on Xbox with any questions!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Hi all,
    This is just a reminder that you too can join us on our "World Boss Wednesday" event, starting 8PM PDT. You don't have to be part of our guild to participate in this. Simply DM "OGCryptor" in-game or on Xbox Live and join us in a World Boss Killing spree!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • kcwoodiii
    Soul Shriven

    I am interested in joining.

    Well over 30 with a full time job, but can play in evenings and weekends.

    Note sure what info you need from me.

    My account profile is KCWoodIII. The current character I'm playing is Kane Cole.

    Look forward to hearing from someone,


  • Cryptor
    kcwoodiii wrote: »

    I am interested in joining.

    Well over 30 with a full time job, but can play in evenings and weekends.

    Note sure what info you need from me.

    My account profile is KCWoodIII. The current character I'm playing is Kane Cole.

    Look forward to hearing from someone,


    Hi there!
    Guild invite out (in-game), adding you to my xbox friends just in case, looking forward to playing with you!
    Welcome to the guild!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • kcwoodiii
    Soul Shriven

    I accepted the invite.

    I am new to being in a guild like this.

    How to I plug into? Get involved with people who are online?
  • Cryptor
    kcwoodiii wrote: »

    I accepted the invite.

    I am new to being in a guild like this.

    How to I plug into? Get involved with people who are online?

    Are y ou normally online at 8-9PM PDT? If so taking part in our world boss & dungeon events would be a great start! Aside from that I am online every day and we usually end up with a voice chat where people drop by on Xbox Live. I will reach out for you when I see you online!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • kcwoodiii
    Soul Shriven
    Im on EST. I can be on from 5-10 pm est monday - friday. 8 am - 10 pm est on weekends. I will look for you or others in the guild then.

    I think the difference is 3 hours.
    11 pm EST is too late for me.

  • Lextaliones
    Soul Shriven
    Looking forward to gaming with you all as I return to Tamriel!
    XBox playerGT: Lex Taliones Weird guy.
  • Cryptor
    Welcome to all of the new guild members!

    Don't forget to watch the Game Awards today
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Hi everyone,
    It's way too early to unveil this but I am super excited about this and will do it anyways :) I am very excited to say that we are taking the next step in growing our guild and are in the process of adding a website & Forum to our arsenal! This will be a great recruiting tool for us and I believe it will give us much more exposure in the future. This project will take a few weeks to complete but once it's done this will be amazing!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • Cryptor
    Guild Update

    Hi everyone! I have some great news! Thanks to a very generous donation from one of our guild members we now have a fantastic large guild house! visit my (OGCryptor) main house to see it! Our goal is to have every mundus stone, crafting station, training dummy and utility that there is! We already have some of the main crafting tables & assistants in there.

    This is a great step forward for our guild and just in time for the new expansion too!
    Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
  • w1ck3dl0vely
    Edited by w1ck3dl0vely on 6 July 2023 20:32
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