(ಠ_ಠ) Casually Xbox (ಠ_ಠ) Xbox NA - EN - PvE - No Dues - Guild for Adults 30+


At Casually Xbox we work together to experience all of the content Elder Scrolls Online has to offer. Our guild does not require 3rd party programs, though we do run a (Discord Server) for those who wish to use one. We welcome everyone over 30 years of age: Those with ESO plus subscriptions and those without, English-speaking players from all over the world, all races and orientations. Let's make this our safe space where we can all unwind, relax and enjoy Tamriel without RL baggage.


Clan rules:
Be Nice.
Be Respectful.
Be Patient.
Be Honorable.
Be a Good Human.

Casually Xbox is exactly what it sounds like - a casual guild for Xbox players. We are who we say we are. We are casual, we are older and we love this game. We love gaming, but not at an expense of our families. We have families, kids, pets, and jobs, and as they say "RL happens". We respect your real-life commitments.


Age - Casually Xbox leader (OGCryptor) just turned 49 (omg I was just updating this post and realized it's been few years...) on August 18th. We are looking for players age 30+. The average age in our guild is in mid 40's.

Inactivity Timer - As long as the guild roster is not filled we will not be checking for inactive accounts, though for security reasons I will be changing the guild rank of all inactive players to recruit. Once the roster fills and there are no more open slots clan leader (OGCryptor) will do inactivity checks. At that point, we will start clearing out players who have not logged in for a while. If we continue to have a full roster after that we will start clearing out players who have not logged in for a while, starting with those who have not logged in the longest. If anyone plans to be away from the game for longer than few months but wishes to remain in the guild they can contact the guild leader (OGCryptor) to assure they are not removed. We are nothing if not flexible.

Leadership - I (OGCryptor, guild leader) have been gaming since the late '80s and have been leading the same MMORPG guild for well over a decade (before moving to Xbox in 2017). We have been known under a few different names in different MMORPGs, most people would have known us as "Gunbad" or "We Are Right". At peak times our guild topped at just under 1,800 active players (that was at the launch of Star Trek Online in 2010). We got this.

Voice Chat - We love to talk while we play. We use Xbox Live Voice Chat and (Discord Server) as a backup. Please feel free to add guild leader (OGCryptor on Xbox Live) to your friends list on Xbox Live & feel free to join my party any time you see me in ESO.

Playstyle - This is a casual guild. We do things casually. That does not mean we don't try our best, but it does mean that we have real-life commitments that take priority. Some of us will go above and beyond into specific aspects of the game, be it raids or dungeons, but as a group, we are laid back. TBH it's pretty nice to have a few individuals in the mix who enjoy (for example) raids so when you feel like trying that option is available to you. We more than welcome those who are able to commit to the game at a higher level.

Time Zone - Everyone is welcome from all over the world. We are not specific to any one time zone, our members come from all over the place. Guild leader (OGCryptor) is from West Coast of Canada. To be specific Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Guild Focus -This is a casual PvE guild. We try to experience all of the PvE content the game has to offer. Just relax, play, and have a good time.

Faction - The only place where your choice of faction matters is PvP and in PvP we play on the Aldmeri Dominion side.

Cheating - This comes as a surprise to some people but I am very serious when I say we have zero tolerance against cheating. We will report all cheaters. We will report everyone who is using bots and exploiting. We will report you if you cheat. If you are doing anything that goes against the terms of use you do not want to join our group. We have reported cheaters in the past and will not hesitate to do so again. I do things "by the book" and I see our integrity as something that's very important to all of us.

You are welcome - We welcome everyone. All colors, all orientations. You are welcome if you have a disability resulting in limited mobility. You are welcome if you can only play for a few hours every few days, weeks or even months. We welcome people with heavy accents (I have one) and people from all cultures. You are welcome if you perceive your skill level as very low. You are welcome if you don't have ESO plus. You are welcome if you don't know anything at all about gaming or ESO. You are welcome, does not matter what part of the world you are in (as long as you speak English). Join us & let's learn things & grow as people together.

How to join - The best way to join our guild is to do it in-game. In-game go to the menu, social / mail. Click RB to move over to “Send” tab. Send an in-game mail to OGCryptor. You don’t have to write a long essay; we all know how painful typing on a controller is. Just let me know your real age and let me know that you would like to join. This is a guild for adults over the age of 30 (RL age), please do not apply unless you are at least 30 years old.


A perfect fit for this clan would be someone who:
- is allergic to drama
- likes to keep things simple
- is over 30 years of age
- does not tolerate cheating in any meaning of the word (no bots, exploits, etc...)

If some, or all, of the above, applies to you then we are a perfect match and it would be a shame if you don't join in!

Any additional questions please either DM me (Xbox GT OGCryptor) or post in this thread. Thank you!

Casually Xbox Website: https://casuallyxbox.com/
Casually Xbox on Discord: https://discord.gg/ZS6n563eX3
Edited by Cryptor on 12 December 2022 22:57
Casually Xbox Guild: Discord Server - Recruiting Thread - Guild Website - My information: Instagram - Twitch Stream - Youtube Channel - Discord Server - Xbox GT: OGCryptor - Mastodon Profile
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