Temeraire507 wrote: »The Master Writ Add-On can only do active quests, so it is not very useful for the technique you use. I do them in the same way you do, stockpile them, craft the item for all of them and then turn them in all at once, I use the Add-On primarily to craft the most valuable items required, so that I don't make mistakes there and do the rest the same as you so it, screenshot or constant checking.However, in the crafting side of things I do wish I had access to the master writ addon because there are so many variables with item, trait, and motif that are not visible during the actual crafting interface that I end up either writing them down on paper or taking a photo of my TV with my phone to reference. Not to mention I end up double and triple checking this before I finally hit the "craft" button, this takes a far greater amount of time than on PC where as long as you know what set table to run up to, the addon will do the heavy lifting and take mere seconds (probably a little more since the global cooldown on improving the item takes a few additional seconds).
Likewise with the master alchemy and enchanting writs, the variability between the writs is so extreme that an addon would save a lot of scrolling ingredient lists and verifying combinations.
Although I will admit that I don't know if the addons can look at "unopened" master writs or if they have to be an active quest for them to work. I generally stockpile 20-30 master writs before turning them in, and pre-craft all the items before rolling up to Rolis. If the addon only reads open quests, then this method wouldn't work since you can only have one quest active at a time for each profession and the 20+ enchanting master writs I have would still benefit more by pre-crafting them all manually.
FlopsyPrince wrote: »1 selection on the crafting window would always be faster than multiple selections. I don't agree with the handwaving. And I even now end up crafting the wrong thing when the system decides to skip an input along the way. That would be true even more so with trying to really speed through.
Try to do your "speed run" on the console and you will find it is not nearly as easy as you think.
Lots of interesting thoughts in lots of text, but it avoids the "is it fun" aspect. I tolerate this on and off now, but it is not really fun. I am an altoholic, so I would be running a lot of characters through a lot of things in any game I play. I quite WoW several years ago because that became too much of a chore and too little fun.
I don't even mind repetitive actions (obviously), but some of this is ridiculous. I am currently using precrafting, but that becomes difficult if you skip a day or several, since you have to figure out what to not make on a too regular basis.