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Bring back Group Bg's

  • Comicman
    I simply feel we should stop arguing with each other if there should be a separate queue for premade and solo players. And start focusing on the fact that PvP in total feels quite meaningless otherwise then just have fun, you don't get any decent gear or feel any kind of progression while doing PvP. I think how BGs are now is fine as its kind of mindless fun for people who just want to jump into action and have some small scale PvP experience ( yeah there still are problem regarding MMR - skilled players playing vs newbies) but that is a thing that can be fixed quite easily.

    I think there should be added some kind of "arena" for premade queue where the MMR would be fixed on teams, not on individual players which would make the queue actually work correctly. Whether its 3 teams match or just 2 teams match I believe most of the hardcore PvPers wouldn't mind either one. I believe these players are just looking for a way they can express their skills and teamwork.

    So adding new "rated" mode or whatever you want to call it for only premade groups, with new rewards like exclusive sets for PvP or something like that. I believe this might encourage many people to actually try premade/structured small scale PvP without taking away the "madness fun" of random BGs we right now have and that many people are actually enjoying. Of course, the rewards need to be kept inline so it doesn't feel like if you don't do premade PvP you are missing out on the best gear, or offer the same rewards for all PvP players but maybe at a slower rate? There are many questions regarding these kinds of things. But I think we can all agree that everyone who wants to do PvP should be given a chance to learn the basics and then later on if he feels like he mastered the game to express his skill with a team of his choosing around himself.

    But if premades get faced with nonpremade in the same queue it simply makes no sense. I don't believe that even the premades groups did enjoy the enemies they played against: They simply enjoyed playing with their buddies/friends/family which they aren't able to do atm. Which is bad, and there should be a way for them to do that. But like I said before in an environment where they get faced with adequate enemies so both sides can enjoy it.
  • Kebo
  • Trailed
    Just had a match where 2 people on my team did under 60k dmg for the duration of the deathmatch. I'M SO GLAD WE CAN'T Q AS GROUPS ANYMORE. I LOVE PLAYING WITH ELITE LIKE THAT
  • Berek_Bloodfang
    They have truly managed to destroy the fun of PvP in this game, congratulations ZoS, you did it.
  • Vara
    I LOVE the solo que but I would also LOVE a second group que that you could que with a duo or a quad so teams would either be two duos or a 4 stack.
  • Commandment
    SebDeTyra wrote: »
    Rhaegar75 wrote: »
    I'm having so much more fun now:

    1. most BG are full
    2. the waiting time is ridiculously low
    3. battles may be more chaotic but so much more fun and matches are tighter and fought till the very end

    I hope ZOS won't change anything until they can add 2 separate queues

    This soooo much. Absolutely loving the fast queue times and randomness of it all. No more sweaty pre-mades camping you at spawn jumping about thinking they're good players because they have cc and pocket healers, whereas my team got 3 nightblades.......

    Find 1-3 friends and you wouldn't experience that problem.
    Oooohhh wait it's random did you get the same 3 random night blades vs a group for sweaty sorcs and templards?
  • Commandment
    For those of you who missed it, I have source's of what devs said on this thread regarding group BG's
  • Cerbolt
    It'd be nice if they made a separate queue for groups but if it was just a choice between staying as solo only or going back to how it was before I'd prefer it to stay solo only. I prefer random Vs random since it's so much more unpredictable.
    AD - For the Queen!
    PSEU: Relaryn - Altmer Vampblade | Kazhran - Khajiit Stamsorc | Khahan-ra - Khajiit Magplar | Ra'ban - Khajiit MagDK | Gaelhwen - Bosmer Stamden

    PCEU: Kazhran - Khajiit Stamsorc | Khahan-ra - Khajiit Stamplar | Relaryn - Altmer Vampblade
  • Jeremy
    I'd support a separate queue for people who want to queue up with others. But a pug only queue needs to stay in place.

    The sad truth is this game's PvP isn't designed well enough to support group or organized play mixed in with pugs. It has a very poor balance of play - meaning certain tactics just overwhelm and dominate others - meaning coordinated burst attacks. In other words: which ever side has the most people targeting the same person at once is going to win 9 times out of 10. If you don't believe me, sign up for some battle grounds early in the morning when pre mades still get in on a regular basis. It's so stupid it's laughable and is some of the worse pvp I've ever seen. It's absolutely miserable (unless you just choose to laugh at it like it deserves). It's literally stun/splat, stun/splat, stun/splat, stun/splat... it's about as much fun has having holes drilled in your head.

    Other game's have a better PvP system for this sort of thing because defensive and healing strategies are more effective and just stronger generally, so pugs have a fighting chance. On this game: they don't. Just simply having someone on the mic calling out a target is literally all it takes for one team to completely dominate any pug they encounter (assuming they are competent players).
    Edited by Jeremy on 6 June 2020 15:19
  • Codeman1976
    Please, for the love of all the Gods, stop this insane experiment and bring back group battlegrounds. There are just as many people wanting solo to stay as there are that want the ability to group with friends. Can we get a solo and a group battlegrounds going? It will be another “experiment”. Please give us what we want. Chewy. Yummy. Smokey. BACON! Err. I mean, bring back group battlegrounds. Please.
    PS4 NA
  • SentientFlesh
    Soul Shriven
    There has to be some middle ground here. Surely ZOS stores some sort of Kill:Death ratio or other meta stats that could help balance non-grouped teams somewhat against grouped teams.

    It doesn't make sense from a gameplay standpoint why you wouldn't be able to group in BGs. It's not like every time you're going up against a 4-player team. You and one other person could get matched with two random's in the Queue. It doesn't have to be 4-player team or nothing...

    In Cyrodiil you can effectively have a limitless group, we see it all the time when one faction is getting devastated. Cooperation and co-play is the biggest part of ESO, I don't see why BGs need to be an exception. I don't PvP often, but I have a few friends that I like to run with and it would be great to be able to group for BGs. We're not great... not every pre-grouped BG team is going to be unstoppable, and not everyone running BGs are skilled or specced for PvP. The majority of groups will likely be formed like this:

    Guild Chat
    Player 1: Hey, anyone want to group for a few BGs?
    Player 2: Sure!
    Other Players: I'm running pledges.
    Player 1: Okay, looks like it's just you and me Player 2!
    PS4:NA - Aldmeri Dominion
    Narco Simpatico: Altmer MagSorc | Ethyl Tryptamine: Bosmer Warden Healer | Maj-the-Junkie: Khajiit Templar Tank | Dances-In-Tears: Argonian PvP Warden |
  • Technica
    I didn't realise BGs was changed until the other day.

    I don't like to play BGs on my own - no particular reason, I just don't. So I haven't played it for well over a year.
    My partner started playing ESO recently and I wanted to queue with him, only to find we cannot play together. Massive let down...

    We tried Cyro, and he lagged to high hell so we couldn't play there together properly. We then tried IC, and it's a city of tumbleweeds basically, so there was almost nothing interesting to do...

    Thouroughly disappointed by the PVP in this game. :/

    Supposed to be able to play with friends, but they don't let you.

    All we can really do together is run Banished Cells another 500 times
    Edited by Technica on 14 July 2020 20:57
    You will know me by my eye. | Adventuring since beta | PC EU | ESO+ | I recommend this reshade (Example Screenshots)
  • Vizzini
    YES GROUP QUE ! OMG why are we even needing to sit here and post about why they enable whole reason why ppl like to do battle royal. TO PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SImply make a ranked system like they have in other games. When you start BG you are rank 1. System tries to pull as many ppl that are close to your rank. IF you win alot you rank up and if you loos a lot you rank down. Rank goes up to 50 its very simple. Then when you play you actually are having fun and not just smoking noobs , or getting insta killed by ppl way better than you. No separate que. And the good ppl are always getting better because they are paired up with the other good ppl. So even if you que alone you can still do ok. But as you get to the upper tiers you eventually are going to need to start using communication to do better. It solves all the problems of battle royal pvp. Simple ranked system.
  • LVCIF3R0
    Soul Shriven
    Me I left the game becouse no group bg. Cyro sucks so bye bye
  • MurderMostFoul
    Although I think solo-only is an improvement over the prior system, I still support allowing solos and duos to queue as the best, most feasible compromised solution.

    With the current meta, the gap between a well composed pre-mades and pugs would be significantly higher.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • TheAlphaRaider
    Lole wrote: »
    Has nothing to do with improving...

    How does it not? You form a group play with friends you guys build coordination and comfort level together now you guys just improved and you can fight other premades...... It's magic

    it has nothing to do with people getting stomped either, they dont know how to code an effective match making queue
  • DrCanabis
    Comicman wrote: »
    wylievc wrote: »
    At least allow duo queue. It's a fair compromise, gives the illusion we can play with friends (friend) and the issue in the first place was people complaining about "premades". Right now we have a divided community and I've never seen it in a worse state, the community will die off if nothing is done soon.

    Not really if you check the number of people making a daily post crying about not being able to play BGs with friends, is pretty much the same number as people who were crying about premades. Queue is much faster now and teams more balanced. If you think good duo cant stomp team of 4 solo players you are either really bad or just lying. Also when I read most of the posts nowadays the people who are crying the loudest don't even want separated queues for premade they want to take premade group of at least 2 people against solo players.

    How is it balanced when your team can have 0 healers and an opposing team can have 2 max gear templars? Matchmaking is more broken than before lol not balanced at all
  • MurderMostFoul
    DrCanabis wrote: »
    Comicman wrote: »
    wylievc wrote: »
    At least allow duo queue. It's a fair compromise, gives the illusion we can play with friends (friend) and the issue in the first place was people complaining about "premades". Right now we have a divided community and I've never seen it in a worse state, the community will die off if nothing is done soon.

    Not really if you check the number of people making a daily post crying about not being able to play BGs with friends, is pretty much the same number as people who were crying about premades. Queue is much faster now and teams more balanced. If you think good duo cant stomp team of 4 solo players you are either really bad or just lying. Also when I read most of the posts nowadays the people who are crying the loudest don't even want separated queues for premade they want to take premade group of at least 2 people against solo players.

    How is it balanced when your team can have 0 healers and an opposing team can have 2 max gear templars? Matchmaking is more broken than before lol not balanced at all

    In deathmatch, ive never lost to a 2dps/2healer team as a 4dps team. Deathmatch is a kill race, 1 healers can help, but 2 will slow down your damage rate too much.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Cinbri
    Edited by Cinbri on 29 August 2020 20:17
  • Qbiken
    Group queues coming back :D
  • buttaface
    Any game that mixes premade teams with solo players in their basic arena mode is a complete PVP failure. The premade option should exist ONLY in addition to a solo only option.

    Played GW1 Pvp for years, solo, small group and large group, it was outstanding. Among the many reasons it was such a great PvP game is that the introduction to PvP was a simple random 4 man arena, 4v4 Deathmatch style. This allowed newer players to learn in the less complex simple maps and then branch out from there. As anyone playing for awhile knows, GW1 was a huge PvP success, and instant, packed queues in the random arena. It was a great place to learn and test out. ESO does not have this and that's why the game is not near the PvP success it could be.

    So, this 20 year PvPer does very little of that in ESO, haven't touched BGs, not once, and that is due to long experience when premades are mixed with solos from other games. I'll wager there are tens of thousands of me "out there" who feel exactly the same.

    If they put solo and premade queues as different options, totally fine with that. If it goes back to mixing the two, nope. Waste of my time.
  • ZeroAccess
    Soul Shriven
    Please bring them back, was what I enjoyed most about the game. I left and came back and I'm crushed.

    I don't understand why everyone is crying about pre-mades ... just get better I played solo all the time but it was fun with 1-2 friends
  • buzzclops
    ZeroAccess wrote: »
    Please bring them back, was what I enjoyed most about the game. I left and came back and I'm crushed.

    I don't understand why everyone is crying about pre-mades ... just get better I played solo all the time but it was fun with 1-2 friends

    The get better argument is harsh, but so accurate in this situation. No premade was unbeatable and the game should encourage ppl to group up imo. 4 good solo players together always could beat an average premade. The problem has always been the poor matchmaking (most likely because there is just not enough good players to fill up high mmr games). Now i can understand how gigantic the challenge is for less experienced players. But at the same time ppl gotta learn to play together. In bgs as you play more you face better players. At some point ppl need to understand they cant just leap by themselves in a group of 4 and expect to win like in cyrodiil...
  • Reverb
    Loved playing BG with friends. Sometimes with a full group but usually I just queued as a duo with 1 friend or guildie. We would laugh together, sometimes rage together, and I knew there would always be (at least) one team member who would focus objectives with me and play well, collaboratively.

    After they made it solo only I went from playing BGs most nights to...never. This midyear mayhem was the first time I went back to BG and only for 2 matches. My friends and most guildmates have also completely quit BG. It’s sad really. It was such a great alternative to cyrodiil lag, now it’s not even on our radar as a worthwhile activity.

    But this week I’ve been recommending it to people upset about losing their rapids on their mules and farmers. I’m telling them to do at least one BG every day, they don’t have to fight or participate with their group, they can just run around on base and still get last place AP. And I’m not even sorry if this further degrades the overall BG experience.

    Edit to add - and when asked if people will be mad at them for doing that I respond “so what? You don’t know those people and will probably never see them again. Just block them or turn off chat for 10 min if it’s a problem. Zeni decided that BG are ‘every man for himself’ and your ‘self’ just wants Rapids. You don’t need to care about anyone else’s experience during the match”.
    Edited by Reverb on 31 August 2020 13:41
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Rewans
    Now Im just back to check things after a few months break but as I see its still hopeless.


    I dont rly want to pach ESO up every few month just to see group BG is back or not. Is it possible to apply for some kind of newsletter which inform me when group/duo bg is back, [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on 2 September 2020 12:55
  • Reverb
    Rewans wrote: »
    Now Im just back to check things after a few months break but as I see its still hopeless.


    I dont rly want to pach ESO up every few month just to see group BG is back or not. Is it possible to apply for some kind of newsletter which inform me when group/duo bg is back, [snip]

    [edited for bashing]

    You could look through the patch notes or ask in the forums before patching. There’s nothing automatic, but those would be faster than downloading the patch and battling the Load Screen Boss just to find out.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Vizzini
    NO BLOCKING FRIEND FROM PLAYING BG TOGETHER WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA. The real problem was a bad Match making rank system. Just do it like Halo. They had the best. Level 1-50. not based on char level, but based on how well you do in BG ! Then if you suck and are new you will play with other ppl who suck and are new. IF you are good you play with other good ppl and are constantly challenged.

    The whole purpose of online gaming is to play with other ppl. Many of the biggest Games , channels , competitions are all based around pvping as a group in voice together. How could you take that away??? PPL getting obliterated wasn't due to other ppl being in groups and them not being in one, It was because of terrible Matchmaking ranking.
  • silvix1896
    Any Ideas when the patch for Group queue will come? By the end of September ?
  • silvix1896
    No idea or guess?
  • MurderMostFoul
    silvix1896 wrote: »
    No idea or guess?

    I would guess no sooner then the next DLC.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
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