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Official Discussion Thread for "Ride your free Doom Wolf mount into The Elder Scrolls Online"

  • Tommy_The_Gun

    00:33:00 is where he explains you just need to win 3 games.
    So it does not matter what mode ? Any 3 wins ? So I can just do the tutorial or some Story Campaign Chapters ?
    That will do ?
  • deadsheepb14_ESO

    00:33:00 is where he explains you just need to win 3 games.
    So it does not matter what mode ? Any 3 wins ? So I can just do the tutorial or some Story Campaign Chapters ?
    That will do ?

    Yes. In the video they even remarked if you are new to the game then your first 3 wins will probably be in the trials. Any win counts.
  • MvP_Robin
    Soul Shriven
    This is absolutly absurd. You are giving stuff away to "NEW" players that other players had to pay for with crowns. Eventhough i play on PS4 and this awefull promo is for PC/MAC only, (Disgracefull) i BOUGHT my Doom Wolf Mount.... And now ur just handing them out... i will not play this card game simply to that fact and would like to recieve a refund on my purchased Doom Wolf Mount.

    PS. I will not buy any crowns from now on untill they actually start to care for their console players and players that are playing sinds day one.... No wonder the community is getting so toxic, pulling in players that are "Handed" everything and poor game preformance including a release on a broken class once again...

    My My ESO, where are you heading.......
  • Linaleah
    MvP_Robin wrote: »
    This is absolutly absurd. You are giving stuff away to "NEW" players that other players had to pay for with crowns. Eventhough i play on PS4 and this awefull promo is for PC/MAC only, (Disgracefull) i BOUGHT my Doom Wolf Mount.... And now ur just handing them out... i will not play this card game simply to that fact and would like to recieve a refund on my purchased Doom Wolf Mount.

    PS. I will not buy any crowns from now on untill they actually start to care for their console players and players that are playing sinds day one.... No wonder the community is getting so toxic, pulling in players that are "Handed" everything and poor game preformance including a release on a broken class once again...

    My My ESO, where are you heading.......

    couple of years ago, they gave away a wolf mount, to both console and PC players. wolf that a fair number of us, me included - bought with crowns. few weeks ago - they gave away a cat mount. also a mount that a fair number of us paid for. they also added crown store outfits to event drops for a few years now.

    this? is nothing new and you are YEARS too late to complain about it.
    Edited by Linaleah on 28 June 2019 23:46
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • MvP_Robin
    Soul Shriven
    Linaleah wrote: »

    couple of years ago, they gave away a wolf mount, to both console and PC players. wolf that a fair number of us, me included - bought with crowns. few weeks ago - they gave away a cat mount. also a mount that a fair number of us paid for. they also added crown store outfits to event drops for a few years now.

    this? is nothing new and you are YEARS too late to complain about it.

    I know this and i get it, but there is still something called a tolerance level and a breaking point.... i have seen many of these awefull promos coming around and it has hit my breaking point. I hardly complain and i would prefer not too, but this promo was the drup that overflowed the bucket...
  • Linaleah
    MvP_Robin wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »

    couple of years ago, they gave away a wolf mount, to both console and PC players. wolf that a fair number of us, me included - bought with crowns. few weeks ago - they gave away a cat mount. also a mount that a fair number of us paid for. they also added crown store outfits to event drops for a few years now.

    this? is nothing new and you are YEARS too late to complain about it.

    I know this and i get it, but there is still something called a tolerance level and a breaking point.... i have seen many of these awefull promos coming around and it has hit my breaking point. I hardly complain and i would prefer not too, but this promo was the drup that overflowed the bucket...

    I still don't see it. i mean its not even the first time they are giving away this wolf. its an old mount. they tend to do that occasionally with old mounts and costumes.

    I'm not seeing a problem to be honest, because even with those prior mounts.. I had years to enjoy them. this is not even just video game practice, let alone ZoS only practice.

    I mean... I payed $80 for imperial edition of ESO. nowadays, it costs $10 for the base game (it goes on sale constantly so i can't even see $20 as a regular price anymore) and about same for imperial upgrade. and? /shrug.

    the fact that console is excluded is much more of a problem than a promotions existence in general.
    Edited by Linaleah on 29 June 2019 00:25
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Gwahiir
    Is there any way to play against friends and have that count?
  • MvP_Robin
    Soul Shriven
    Linaleah wrote: »

    I still don't see it. i mean its not even the first time they are giving away this wolf. its an old mount. they tend to do that occasionally with old mounts and costumes.

    I'm not seeing a problem to be honest, because even with those prior mounts.. I had years to enjoy them. this is not even just video game practice, let alone ZoS only practice.

    I mean... I payed $80 for imperial edition of ESO. nowadays, it costs $10 for the base game (it goes on sale constantly so i can't even see $20 as a regular price anymore) and about same for imperial upgrade. and? /shrug.

    the fact that console is excluded is much more of a problem than a promotions existence in general.

    There is no need for you to "see" it as it is a expression of my opinion. I can obviously tell you disagree wich is perfectly fine. No hard feelings. But it is not about the individual promotion or mount, its about the whole practise. A practise indeed not only ZoS uses but its in my eyes very awefull. But atleast we see eye to eye on the fact excluding consoles is a problem to props there.
  • iceicule
    Soul Shriven
    So I have ESO through Steam and downloaded Legends through Steam also. The official post says something about Bethesda account email matching that of your ESO accounts. My question is am I good by doing this through steam or do I need to download and play the game through the Bethesda launcher? Be nice if we didn't need to wait until the end of the promotion to get the email...kind of just hoping I did everything right before this ends...
  • kamimark
    This is the official discussion thread for "Ride your free Doom Wolf mount into The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr with this special Legends promotion!" blog article.
    ESO: Elsweyr owners can play Legends June 28 – July 14 and receive a free mount!

    Well, that's fine, I suppose I can play a little Legends again, tho I think it's one of the weaker CCGs. I came to a halt in the storyline fighting some Lich because I can't be bothered to make a new deck against it, but I can do some side trial or whatever they call them.

    But why a wolf for Elswyr? They have a few dire wolves in the wilderness, but it's mostly senche. Maybe even time for a new mount, like a Terror Bird. I'd be hyped to get a Terror Bird!
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • Banana
  • Jaimeh
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    Does practice game mode against the AI count for the promotion? @ZOS_SarahHecker
    Have not played this game yet at all, but on The Elder Scrolls: Legends Twitch stream they said:
    Practise mode does not count, but Single player does. So technically you can play against AI, but not in practise mode.

    Thanks for the heads up! I'm never gonna win a game then :lol:
  • Zath

    00:33:00 is where he explains you just need to win 3 games.

    Thanks, that answers my original question then. To quote from the video... "Tutorial will be included..." and "So if you're new, the first 3 are probably going to be the tutorial..."

  • Jaimeh
    Zath wrote: »

    00:33:00 is where he explains you just need to win 3 games.

    Thanks, that answers my original question then. To quote from the video... "Tutorial will be included..." and "So if you're new, the first 3 are probably going to be the tutorial..."

    Ah, awesome, that's good to know!
  • khorphos
    Soul Shriven
    So can you Legends on mobile or must it be PC. Also, can you replay campaign missions and have them count?
  • Kiyakotari
    khorphos wrote: »
    So can you Legends on mobile or must it be PC. Also, can you replay campaign missions and have them count?

    I would also like to know this about the mobile/PC question.
  • Fusozay
    this one think "legend" - bull of ***. tjis one cannot do even first pve mission against bandits. bandits spam 3-8 minions per move. this one only 1-2...
  • Lord_Eomer
    Gonna miss it, not interested in Card Games!
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    If I exclusively play ESO through steam, and I install Legends through steam, will my accounts not be linked under the steam email/eso account?
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Looking in steam support and checking both games shows the same account name, for both games. Steam account email is same as eso account email. So I'm good to go or is there another place to check to make sure I get a free mount?
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Kiyakotari wrote: »
    khorphos wrote: »
    So can you Legends on mobile or must it be PC. Also, can you replay campaign missions and have them count?

    I would also like to know this about the mobile/PC question.

    I installed Legends on my phone to try it that way first, the account was created through my google play so the account information will be different from my steam account that I play ESO on. I don't think you could earn the mount this way.
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Would love to get that mount but just thinking that I have to go again through that horrid experience that these card games are makes me quit inmediately

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • electromagnets
    PLEASE start giving away mounts that a large portion of your dedicated player base doesn’t already have... first the clouded senche and now the doom wolf? Yay, already have both... :/

    Maybe offer something as a consolation for us vets? Like crowns or gems?

    I mean, it’s already painfully obvious that you’re trying to entice all of the new players / WoW refugees, etc, but come on - show some love to we who have supported this game for years...
  • redlink1979
    Console players, neglected again...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • redlink1979
    ...it’s already painfully...

    Painful is to get nothing as it happens again to console players...
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • jhall03
    @ZOS_SarahHecker I'm sure when you make these posts you all expect us console players to gripe about getting shafted yet again, and that obviously your policy is to not reply. This I understand.

    Well, let me be yet another voice from the console community (you know that very large player base that copes with an even poorer performing version of your game because we still love it) that says WHY IS IT SO HARD TO INCLUDE CONSOLE PLAYERS IN EVENTS LIKE THIS? This I do not understand.

    If it's a logistics issues with either Microsoft or Sony, then we will understand. But how do we know? Right now it just seems like we're second-tier customers, and that you don't want to put in a little more effort so that we can get this reward.

    PS I personally don't really care about a mount, but I would like a reason to get into Elder Scrolls Legends.
    Edited by jhall03 on 2 July 2019 13:24
  • Miraslova
    I'd rather they lessen the cost of the Highland Wolf by 300 crowns and I'd buy it right away.
    "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"
  • aesina_f
    If I win 3 casual matching, will it count? Also, I've logged in with my email on Android with the same email as my ESO, but at the same time, my Google play game acc with a different email also connected to the game. Will I get the mount?
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    @ZOS_SarahHecker Can you guys help us understand what is meant by "any game mode" and whether puzzle mode counts? This game is a lot of fun, and I'm enjoying it, but as someone who has never played such card games, I'm struggling in certain areas, and I'd love to know what I need to focus on and improve before my time is up so that I can get the mount. Thank you kindly for any help you can give us :)
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • Cheezits94
    As I have already written in a different topic: On PC, that mount has been given away for free on so many other occasions already, literally everyone I play with has it already. At a Gamescom a few years ago they were handing out codes for it like candy, friends of me are occasionally streaming ESO on Twitch and can't even use the codes they still have for giveaways because every viewer has it. :|

    If anyone needs a doom wolf code on PC without having to install Legends, just send me a message, I still have like 10-15 or so.
    If you can't even spell sets, locations and items, you probably have no clue what you even are talking about.

    Tamriel, not Tamerial, Temerial or Tamériál
    Alkosh, not Alkoash
    Dolmen, not Dolman
    Olorime, not Oloramie
    Sorcerer, not Sorceror
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