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Midori Ken - Strenght through unity,honor through loyalty

Greetings,children of this world!
In the name of lord daichi,we shall inform you about the green fist that is midori ken!
*puts a hand on the hilt of his blade,tied to his waist*
We are looking forward to your enlistment afterwards...

Alright,after this charming introduction,let me tell you a bit about our guild.
We have our roots in a different game that we started playing a few years ago.
The game was samurai themed,and this should explain our guild,s name.
The guild had multiple leaders in the last few years,with me being number 5.
After a while,i decided to leave the game,but still wanted to stay in contact with the rest of the guild,so i made a discord server.
And thats how this guild,in its current shape and form,was made.

-How does midori ken,,work''?
Today,we are a multigaming clan that makes use of a chain of command.
Everytime we start playing a new game,it gets its own discord channel and becomes one of our,,branches''
Imagine midori ken as a tree:
Our history and ideals,are the roots.
Our chain of command would be the trunk.
And the branches would be the different games we play.
Everytime we get a new branch,this branch gets its own branch leader,usually someone who already has a higher rank.
In this branch,he is free to lead how he wants,as long as he stays active and true to our concept.

-Im a casual player,what about me?
Well,if someone doesnt have the time or simply isnt interested in climbing up the ranks and investing too much of his free time,he gets a different rank.
He gets the rank of a,,honorary member''and counts as a member who is not included in the chain of command,but ofcourse,he still has to follow our basic rules to make sure everyone gets along well.
A honorary member has less influence in the clan,but he also has less obligations,everyone who joins us,gets informed about the ranks via pm,and can then decide what rank he wants to choose.

-Whats the purpose of midori ken in eso?
To have fun,ofcourse!
But i guess you guys want to know something about our guild activities.
The social aspect is very important for us,more than win-maxing or grinding dungeons...we are like a small(sometimes weird)family.
So if you expect daily raids or something like that,i got to be honest and tell you that you propably wont be very happy with us.
We are very casual friendly,some of our members just want to chat while doing their own thing in the game,others want to do a dungeon together sometimes or a bg.

-Plans for the future?
Taking part in the alliance war,hosting rp events and buy a house for our clan.

Our clans background story for eso isnt really fleshed out yet.
Since we are a samurai/japanese themed clan,we had to adapt to the lore of eso somehow,thats why we draw a lot of inspiration from the akaviri,and they will play a big role in our background story.
We will also buy a house for the clan later and decorate it in the most asian way possible;)

-How big is the clan?
Still very small,to be honest,at least in eso.
I wanted to make sure that everyone who thinks about joining us,knows this.
Already happened that people joined us,expecting to meet plenty of people,then find out its not the case,and leave.
We dont try to become one of those massive clans out there,but we definatly try to recruit more members to make sure that everyone can get help,if he needs it.
With that being said....bring your friends! :)

-Im new to the game or mmo,s in general,is that a problem?
Absolutely not.
We are no pro,s either and still learn about new stuff in the game all the time.

-What are the requirements?
There arent any,besides being able to speak and understand,english.
But there are some,,nice to have,s''...more about this below:

*Wearing akaviri/taesci armor or something similiar,is recommended,but by no means a requirement,you can wear whatever you want.
*Green is our clan,s color so i hope thats fine for you.
*Since the social aspect is very important for us,i hope you will join us on our discord server(strongly recommended)and talk with us!(or,well...write with us^^)
*A rp friendly name would be apreciated,but thats up to you.
*We fight for the daggerfall covenant and would always welcome members from the same faction,with open arms.....but dont worry,we are open for all factions.

There is much more i could tell you about the clan and its history,but then the post would get too long
If you want to know more about us,please feel free to join us on discord and i will answer your questions.
Even if youre not planning to join us,youre welcome :smiley:
Just send me a pm here,or talk to me ingame.

PS:Im not a native speaker,so i appologize for any mistakes i may have made.
Edited by Sendrik on 18 November 2018 17:09
A wanderers way never ends.
  • Sendrik
    Shameless bump.

    We are still around and looking forward to your enlistment!
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • Sendrik
    Still alive and growing!
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • Sendrik
    Spread the green,join midori ken ;)
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • Praag
    Soul Shriven
    Hello. Thinking about joining but would like to know time (or time zone) when you guys are mostly online and how could I contact you in game. Cheers!
  • Sendrik
    Feel free to add me ingame @Sendrik :)
    About the time....Id say most of our members are online in the evening MET.
    A wanderers way never ends.
  • Sendrik
    Merry christmas from midori ken!
    Praise the indrik! :blush:

    A wanderers way never ends.
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