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Official Discussion Thread for "Get Exclusive Deals and More with New ESO Plus Rewards!"

Community Manager

This is the official discussion thread for the "Get Exclusive Deals and More with New ESO Plus Rewards!" blog article.

We are thrilled to announce a series of brand-new updates to ESO Plus, providing even more value to current members. Check out this article to find out what new rewards are coming to ESO Plus soon!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Turelus
    Note that if you are partly though a 3- or 6-month membership, you will be credited your bonus crowns by the end of November.
    Thank you so much! Mine actually renewed last week on a new 180 Days so this makes me super happy!

    Rest all sounds good, as I'm ESO Plus it's mostly extras for me.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Jake1576
    So much for ppl getting loyalty rewards and feeling special the things they are going to be giving to people that keep their eso plus active will be available later in the year for other's to purchase in the crown store so it's like how when you buy a limited time mount it ends up in crown crates later on making it really not a limited time item or really that rare
    Edited by Jake1576 on 17 September 2018 14:41
  • MissBizz
    Turelus wrote: »
    Note that if you are partly though a 3- or 6-month membership, you will be credited your bonus crowns by the end of November.
    Thank you so much! Mine actually renewed last week on a new 180 Days so this makes me super happy!

    Rest all sounds good, as I'm ESO Plus it's mostly extras for me.

    I was watching mine closely as it renews late October/Early November. Haha.

    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • sozo108
    Please add additional outfit slots and allow free outfit/dye changes for ESO Plus members.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    It indicated some things would be exclusive to the + membership.

    10% increase in Crown allotment, limited time unlocks of collectibles that don't really sell that well or are common crate drops...

    Feels like grasping for subs more than bonus rewards, imo.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Apache_Kid
    Meh. I'll be impressed when we get a siege storage bag.
  • Marabornwingrion
    Cancelled my sub and will never buy it again :blush:
  • Turelus
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    So much for ppl getting loyalty rewards and feeling special the things they are going to be giving to people that keep their eso plus active will be available later in the year for other's to purchase in the crown store so it's like how when you buy a limited time mount it ends up in crown crates later on making it really not a limited time item or really that rare
    Exclusive items are overrated. At least we're getting them free or at a discount.

    There's nothing to say the subscriber items which head to the store won't be grossly over valued.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • WCHero
    Glad to see you are adding more stuff for subscribers. Though, is it possible us non-sub peasants can have the craft bag, now?
  • G1Countdown
    ESO wrote: »
    In additional to unique deals, ESO Plus members will also gain access to exclusive Crown Store items. These exclusive items may be available for sale for Crowns or even free (as mentioned above). These items can include collectibles such as costumes, pets, mounts, and more, and will be identified by the gold text and Chalice icon. Like the exclusive deals, these items can change often, so be sure to keep an eye out.

    The bold part implies that many of the exclusive items will be at full price. "May" being the operative word. I have a problem with this. My experience with various retail companies that I have worked for is that loyalty members of many businesses typically visit the store front about 10 times more often than non members. Those same members traditionally can spend anywhere from 2 to 3 times as much as a non member. Having the majority of the exclusive items at full price just seems to be a way to pull more crowns out of my wallet. And, I have a feeling that the 150 stipend of crowns for each month won't come close to covering the costs of these full price items. This seems less of a benefit to me and more of a money sink.
  • Vanthras79
    Thanks ZOS for the bonuses to ESO plus sub. I know I say this a lot, but I really do feel this game is still moving in the right direction. Way to go!
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • Sevn
    So most of if not all of the new bonuses are strictly related to the crown store? Zero QoL additions? 150 extra crowns when items have risen by at least 500 crowns huh? Alrighty then.
    WCHero wrote: »
    Glad to see you are adding more stuff for subscribers. Though, is it possible us non-sub peasants can have the craft bag, now?

    Man I hope so as at this point it's the only reason I sub, discounts on unknown future crown store items of which most likely I'll have little interest in doesn't sound like much of a reason to continue with a sub.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Cancelled my sub and will never buy it again :blush:

    Same for me on Xbox One...funny cause my main gripe was not getting crowns.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Sarannah
    Very nice, thank you!
  • newtinmpls
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Meh. I'll be impressed when we get a siege storage bag.

    Ooooh That would be interesting.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Cuthceol
    But will ESO plus make the servers run better or stop bugs?
  • LordLomax
    Well I am looking forward to it and see what we get :)
  • Acrolas
    I never, ever expected ZOS to tap into the TOS goodwill clause for virtual currency for this specific instance. I took membership to be related to the promotions, competitions, and sweepstakes also listed. Namely, membership as in signing up for a newsletter or following a social media account. Not the paid ESO+ subscription.

    I'm happy people are getting a bonus stipend. But it's not the interpretation I would have used to get there.

    We'll see how the rest goes. It was a good move to remove gifting from the ESO+ selection as that would inevitably favor certain people in the in-game item trade over others.

    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Meh. I'll be impressed when we get a siege storage bag.

    Quick access to an unusually high volume of siege items was probably one of the main considerations in making the Banker unavailable in Cyrodiil. I think it's a fair compromise that a trebuchet or camp that I would struggle to fit into my garage only takes up one slot in inventory.
    signing off
  • Recremen
    This is all quite lovely. It's hard to replace the value of the DLC that ESO Plus misses every year based on the initially-advertised release schedules, but it sounds like you've got a good system moving forward to offset the loss. Thanks!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • doggie
    I really don't understand why they force people who purchase the DLC's to micromanage their inventory. I started a new character 2 weeks ago and it's now got 160'ish inventory slots and it will be another 50 days untill it's 210+.

    In the meantime my inventory fill up after a quest or two and I have to find a bank or store, or crafting station. It's really annoying.

    Why are people who may spend 50-100$ on the game and play 3-4 months so much more important than people who spend 300-400$ paying for the DLC's and playing on and off over the years?

    For people who have purchased the content over time it dosen't make a lot of sense to subscribe, we've already paid quite a lot for the game.
  • DirkRavenclaw
    I just looked at it, looks nead, some Items where 1 crown for plus, 2 crowns for non plus members, 1 item(a pet) was completly free for plus members and some items where exclusive to members like a deral on mimic stones, overall a nice change
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • Jazdia
    Honestly, I’m looking forward to this. Freebies are always nice and I’m curious as to see what discounts we get and what counts as exclusive.

  • Esha76
    I'm pretty excited to see what ZOS has in store for the exclusive stuff and discounted crown items. I've been subbed pretty much the entire time since day 1, and I'm due for a renew at the end of this month, I will absolutely be renewing.

    I'm really glad to see more perks for ESO plus members. I don't care if it's a grab at more subs. I feel the subscription will have more value for me.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • MattT1988
    The link isn’t working. I’m stuck on the age verification page. I put in my birthday and it takes me to the home page of the website, I click the article and it asks for my birthday again, I put it in again, it takes me back to the homepage again, it’s an endless loop.
    Before anyone asks, I’m 30, so I’m old enough.
    Edited by MattT1988 on 18 September 2018 05:01
  • Jayne_Doe
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    The link isn’t working. I’m stuck on the age verification page. I put in my birthday and it takes me to the home page of the website, I click the article and it asks for my birthday again, I put it in again, it takes me back to the homepage again, it’s an endless loop.
    Before anyone asks, I’m 30, so I’m old enough.

    I've found this happening to me more and more lately. What I do is just enter a different date, and then I get in.
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    So much for ppl getting loyalty rewards and feeling special the things they are going to be giving to people that keep their eso plus active will be available later in the year for other's to purchase in the crown store so it's like how when you buy a limited time mount it ends up in crown crates later on making it really not a limited time item or really that rare

    Where does it say that the free exclusive items will be available later for purchase? I read that we'd get free exclusive items every so often - though I don't like the idea of randomly available and for a very limited time (I certainly hope we'll get notice beforehand and will have several days, at least, to log in and get the item). Then, we'd also get other exclusive items for purchase, in addition to deals on regular CS offerings, including limited-time items. Are we just assuming that these will become available later to everyone else, or did I miss something?
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 18 September 2018 17:34
  • MorganaLaVey
    Does the "Priestess of Mara costume" have any meaning behind or is it just a ramdom Costume with a Marasymbol done on it?

    *sry for my bad english
    Soul Shriven
    Please have ESO+ increase inventory storage capacity. Each DLC adds new content and gear, but no extra inventory space to store it. I have all 15 character slots but only play on 4 because the other 11 are just there to hold gear. I also have all of the storage crates, but the amount of of storage provided by the crates is not enough for clearing any of my 11 characters used for storage or any of the new gear that has come out since then. I would love to have a single place that holds all my gear so I wouldn't have to spend countless amounts of hours switching characters just to get gear.
  • StamWhipCultist
    Astrid_V wrote: »
    Cancelled my sub and will never buy it again :blush:

    Quick! Someone call the NASA
  • Acrolas
    A random thought that hit me while fishing...

    Are Cassus Andronicus and Allaria Erwen going to wind up as Chalice items? Because it would make sense to gift those at full price as other people might not have a banker and/or merchant assistant. And it also make sense to offer them at a discount to ESO+ members who may be more likely to already have a banker and/or merchant.

    A possibility worth budgeting the crowns, I suppose...
    signing off
  • Strider__Roshin
    The direction of this game is definitely making me a proud investor :smile:

    Keep up the great work ZOS!
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