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Aurbiscuits is recruiting! 10 spots free in the biscuit tin. [casual/social/small and friendly]


Yeah. We get it. We got tired of those big anonymous guilds too.

So we made something different.

Aurbiscuits is a small, close-knit community and will stay that way. We’re irreverent, kind, supportive and we put fun and frolicks first.

We run dungeons from random normals to hard mode. If you join us, we’ll expect you get involved. Because we’re small, we don’t have room for people who don’t actually want to team up for stuff.

But teaming up with us is easy. We’ll invite you personally when we do runs and make sure you feel at home. We won’t rush you if you want to stop and do the quest. We don’t shout, criticise or moan. To us, dying in a dungeon is just another opportunity for hilarity.

We love our delves and dailies and we team up for world bosses. We love to immerse ourselves in the lore and we PVP sometimes. We have some pretty special houses, a guild bar and a duelling ground.

But our guild isn’t about any specific content or play style. We were created purely so that we can have a small, close community of friends who like to relax, have fun and support each other whilst exploring everything the game has to offer.

You don’t need to be a hardcore player to join our irreverent little band. If you’re a new player, you’re welcome. If you’ve run every piece of content on hard mode you’re equally welcome.

So how do you know if Aurbiscuits is your guild?

  • You’re as likely to be found watching the sunrise in Deshaan as burning down a boss
  • You like to chat and joke with a small number of people you know well, but...
  • You also like to immerse yourself completely sometimes, without feeling pressured to be social
  • You dislike rules and regulations
  • You think dungeons should be fun and friendly
  • You love Tamriel in all its diverse beauty...
...then you sound like our kind of player.

How to join:

Our recruitment process takes a little while, because we value our guild and are careful to preserve its special character. We have an upper limit on membership numbers to keep the guild small. As I post this, we have 10 spots free.

Either leave a reply to this thread with your in-game name or message @Kurgle and if we’re not full, we’ll get started.

First, we’ll have a private chat on discord to see if we both think we’ll get on. If all goes well you become a crumb. To become a full biscuit, you’ll need to have shown us that you do want to do stuff with us, so don’t sit quietly - get involved sometimes when invited to.

That doesn’t mean we expect you to be turning up at specific times for runs. But if after a month we haven’t done anything together, we’ll have a chat about whether we’re the right guild for you.

If you come on the odd run (and of course turn up for our now infamous wobbles) then you'll fit in fine.

Sound good? Then get in touch. We’re itching to show you how much fun this game can be.

One last thing: Aurbiscuits is a safe place for you no matter what your background is. We give and expect tolerance and understanding. Any racism, homophobia, discrimination of any kind, whether humorously intended or not, results in instakick of the member responsible. We play nice. That’s pretty much the only rule.
Edited by Kurgle on 10 September 2018 15:11
  • ScardyFox
    Just a simple question - what age sample are your members?
  • Kurgle
    Generally older, 30 - 50-odd. One of our members is only 18 tho :)
  • ScardyFox
    Sounds good - I'd like to schedule an interview, what times are you typically able to?

    This is of course if you have opening(s).
  • Kurgle
    We do have spots :) Generally evenings are better for me after 9 or so - kids to put to bed first :) Would that be good for you?
  • Kurgle
    So erm, I typo'd my own @ name above. I wish I could say it was the first time.

    Msg @Kurgle in game.
  • ScardyFox
    Kurgle wrote: »
    We do have spots :) Generally evenings are better for me after 9 or so - kids to put to bed first :) Would that be good for you?

    Yes, that works nicely - I am in a similar familial boat. My only question is GMT 9pm? Or...?

  • Kurgle
    Yes GMT (or whatever the current offset is) I'll look you up in game later, or whisper me, I'm on most evenings.
  • Field
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there, I'm very interested in your guild and would love to have a lil chat to get a chance to try it out.
    Also wrote to you in-game but not sure if it got through alright!
  • ScardyFox
    Hm, trying to send a message but it keeps saying account not found - if you'd like to try me im @ScardyFox
  • Kurgle
    Field wrote: »
    Hey there, I'm very interested in your guild and would love to have a lil chat to get a chance to try it out.
    Also wrote to you in-game but not sure if it got through alright!

    Hey Field, got your message fine, tried to whisper you but couldn't get you - I've replied with the discord link :)
    Edited by Kurgle on 10 September 2018 22:45
  • jim1522

    If you have any open spots left I am interested, my username is @jim1522
  • Kurgle
    We do Jim! I'll give you a shout in game.
  • Kurgle
    7 spots left now until we close recruitment for a while (we do this to give new members time to settle in and get to know everyone). Get in touch soon if you'd like to be part of this round :)
  • Golnebo
    The first Wobble already took place, so make sure you secure a spot in our guild. We'd love to have you!
    PC - EU

    {Nemesis the Magnificent} - Wannabe Magician with a nack for accidentally killing everything around him - Aldmeri Dominion High Elf Mastercrafter.
    {Knightmare the Wild} - Fiendish Templar Lady with a must kill attitude - Dunmer by birth - EP by choice.
    {Thinks-he-is-Funny} - Tough EP Argonian Dragon Knight. Drinks his ale in Belkarth - Secretly in love with his battlesister Knightmare the Wild. Battlegrounds King.
    {Son-of-a-Witch} - Confused Nightblade who took up the dark arts of black magic. Literally sits in Mournhold all day doing nothing. Dreams of returning to Dragonstar Arena.
    {Eilalenya Alkinaerith} - Strikingly beautiful High Elf of the Aldmeri Dominion - Seducer of men and elves - Learning the Healer ropes. Heals for fun.
    {Blue Bear-y Pie} - Think-outside-the-box Mastercrafter Warden - Enjoys long walks on the beach - Protector of Tamriel's fauna and wildlife - Breton lady.
    {Neopatra} - Grumpy old Veteran - Wreaks havoc in Cyrodill - loves her grandchildren - Redguard Brute. In case of bad mood she turns into a werewolf.
    {Sneaky little Maraya} - Gorgeous Redguard Bombshell - Evil stamsorc who loves to clear dungeons of monsters.
    {Seven of Nirn} - No-nonsense brutal lady-Orc. Always rambling on about the Covenant. Get with it or get out kinda StamSorcOrc.
    {Reeks-of-Incompetence} - Hangs in the balance DK. Studied to become a dentist. Alcohol made her do nothing all day. Argonian Historian.
    {Doctor Whoops} - Self conscious Sorc . Father to 18 children. None of which are anywhere in sight. Proves shield nerfs wrong. Currently doing vDSA.
    {Daisy Deathbringer} - Foul necromancer that likes to hang at funerals and graveyards. Mostly plays with the dead, does not deal much death.
    {Major Defiler} - Lovely necromancer who likes to study life. Puts the word romance in necromance.
    {Cindiana Jones} - Defected Templar. Very deadly in Battlegrounds. Likes to wander around Cyrodill.
    {Sideskirt Bob} - Nightblade who got his nickname when a lady Nord mentioned his waistline.
  • Karparus
    Hi there! This sounds like a good guild, right up my alley. If there's any spots left my user ID is @Karparus
  • Riccory
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, sounds like my guild too :smiley:@Riccory
  • Kurgle
    Good to meet you Riccory, and thanks for joining our merry band :)

    6 spots left for this round...
  • Kurgle
    Karparus, I'll send you a msg in game with the discord link, just join us for a chat when you can.
  • Karparus
    Thanks :)
  • Stroggnonimus
    Hello, would be interested in a friendly, chill guild :) Maybe you could hit me up in game ? @Stroggnonimus
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


  • Kurgle
    Will do :)
  • LordTeabag
    Soul Shriven
    Heya guys, are there are any spots left open for one more?

    I'd, definitely like to try the guild out. Sounds very close knit, and a small circle normally = colder beers! I'd like to be a part of it
    My tag is @DominusExsilium

    Edited by LordTeabag on 25 September 2018 12:07
  • Kurgle
    Hi LordTeabag (what a tremendous name!)

    Yes we do still have a few spots. I'll get in contact with you in game.
  • LordTeabag
    Soul Shriven
    Kurgle, my apologies, I will be away the next couple of days then will be working late (arriving home at midnight GMT) until Thursday. If there is anyone online at that time who could send me an invite, or who I could get into contact with?

    Thanks about the name also haha
    Edited by LordTeabag on 28 September 2018 13:02
  • Kurgle
    np, Lord T, I'm usually in bed by midnight anyway (I'm old! I get tired!) Just send me a message in game when you're ready (@Kurgle) and I'll send you the discord link.
  • Kurgle
    Hello, would be interested in a friendly, chill guild :) Maybe you could hit me up in game ? @Stroggnonimus

    Strogg I can't seem to find you in game or send you a msg - I'll stick the discord link in a forum pm to you.
  • Kurgle
    Murkmire is here, I made a shadowscale char in celebration and we still have a handfull of spots! I'm afraid our recruitment process is a little longer than the usual, but we have some lovely new members now who are settling in nicely, so it seems to be working :)

    Send me an in game message or reply here if you'd like to try us out.
  • Spiderjen
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, do you still have any spaces left?

    I've mostly been playing on the NA server as someone I know was already playing there, but as I'm in the UK the time difference is annoying, so I want to start playing here more, and hopefully make some friends here.

    I'm a bit older than most players (56) and I'm a bit rubbish at fighting - though I give it my all, I die a lot. :smile: I'll be happy to provide any other information about myself that you need.

    Thank you! @Spiderjen
  • tolgeee
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I would like to join your guild please invite me :)

    InGame ID : @tolgeee
  • Kurgle
    Spiderjen wrote: »
    Hi, do you still have any spaces left?

    I'm a bit older than most players (56) and I'm a bit rubbish at fighting

    Thank you! @Spiderjen

    Hah! I'm 53, rubbish at fighting AND finding my way around. I think we'll get on fine :) I'll send you the discord link in game.
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