Modern_apathist wrote: »Hey I would love to join! eso character name Gharmund!
Guysheeda_1 wrote: »Greeting. I would like an invitation.
CP Level 777
Master crafter in Woodworking, Light and Medium, Alchemy, Enchanting, and Provisioning.
I'm looking to do Craglorn content and group dungeons plus trials.
Send invite in game to Guysheeda
I'd be interested if still recruiting. I'm not new to mmorpg's, but to the game i am new. XD
Very different from a lot.
UserID is Syfyre
BolzenXENON wrote: »Hi ! I would like to join your guild. @BolzenXENON
HiimFinest wrote: »interested @Hiimfinest.
Hi i would like to join your guild userid is @Stharkie
RadagastGreen wrote: »Thanks @Stharkie - we're glad you're interested in the Guild and someone will send you an invite and add you in game ASAP. If you're on discord let me know your ID. Or you can use this link to get added :
IrishWhisky wrote: »Hello, If you have room, Id like to join. You can reach me in game @IrishWhisky or character name Euraina Shadowsong. Also on discord, IrishWhisky#2783. Thank you
sunsett_ESO wrote: »My wife and I would like to join. Our account ids are "darkfrog" and "reformergirl".
powerupDefault wrote: »I would like to join, my id is Y17-Override_Harness