I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with a black screen (just the UI shows) in some indoor areas
such as ancestral tombs and the Vivec thieves refuge after the latest patch?
I had the game running for 25 hours with no problems but after the patch the water turned black, I fixed it by changing
the reflection settings to low but then went into the thieves refuge in Vivec and the problem returned.
I tried turning the shadows off but then almost everything outdoors was black except for the sky and doing so didn't
fix the interior problem.
I used the wayshrine and checked an ancestral tomb which was also black as was the water (until I turned the reflections
to low).
I did search and came across some other threads and tried some of the fixes mentioned but nothing made any difference.
Aside from the patch I had installed some addons so I removed those completely taking the files out of the Addon folder
but it didn't change anything.
Attached are some screenshots showing the problem.

Edited by daemondamian on 23 May 2018 04:18