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Official Discussion Thread for "Get Creative with the ESO Daedric Dress Up Contest"

  • ljlevend_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    RT_Frank wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno If my friends and I submit a group pic and win, do we all get the prizes or just the person submitting it?

    Would like to know this as well and if it applies to duo pics.
    I'm wondering the same thing. My friend and I worked together to take a duo screenshot, using only one of our computers for the screenshot because it had the better camera angle.

    Should only one of us submit that screenshot and we both win if it is selected? Or, should we both submit the same screenshot and, if so, is it possible in that case that only one of us would win?
  • Vagabond_Outcast
    +1 to the question about monster sets, @ZOS_GinaBruno could you please clarify that bit?:) Are we allowed to use a piece of unique gear, like monster helmets and collectible hats? Or is it crafted motifs only?
    Edited by Vagabond_Outcast on 11 March 2018 21:55
  • Alp
    Well, I made a full set of armour and bought about 100k worth of motifs for specific pieces before finding out Denmark is excluded from the contest. But here is what I would have entered with.


    Maybe someone else can get inspired by it. Who knows.
  • SilverIce58
    Alp wrote: »
    Well, I made a full set of armour and bought about 100k worth of motifs for specific pieces before finding out Denmark is excluded from the contest. But here is what I would have entered with.


    Maybe someone else can get inspired by it. Who knows.

    That's pretty awesome! I should've been more creative with my background.
    PC - NA
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    Rur'san-ra - Khajiit WW Stamsorc AD
    Ilianos Solinar - Altmer Stamplar AD
    Iscah Silver-Heart - Reachman Magden DC
  • Mix
    When we enter as Duo or Group - do we each submit a screenshot?

    There isn't a way to enter multiple character IDs.

    Also would love to be able to say which Princes are shown in an entry with more than one player...
  • Hetaira
    Mix wrote: »
    When we enter as Duo or Group - do we each submit a screenshot?

    There isn't a way to enter multiple character IDs.

    Also would love to be able to say which Princes are shown in an entry with more than one player...

    I'm really hoping someone official shows up soon and answers our questions. They all feel pretty valid and important info before the entry window closes.
  • Mix
    Well, since haven't heard both of us are submitting an entry for Duo lol.
  • Glaiceana
    Mix wrote: »
    Well, since haven't heard both of us are submitting an entry for Duo lol.

    Hope that's ok! :) I'm gonna wait a couple more days for a response to my questions. If none comes, I will submit a normal un-cropped single single screenshot. But I will be a little annoyed if I see that the winning entries were all highly edited ones :D
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  • ShadowHvo

    Sorry for the pestering question!

    Though, I'm wondering how we're to submit a duo and group picture with multiple entrants, since everyone in it is eligible for the reward (As per the official rules, of course)

    Is it...
    1. Each person involved must individually upload the screenshot and sign up to the contest themselves.
    2. One person who is involved with the screenshot uploads it....
    a: The person writes the name of everyone involved in the entry field.
    b: The person is later contacted to provide the names of the involved individuals in the screenshot.

    I hope you can answer this one, as we're a little confused.
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  • jypcy
    @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_Chris @ZOS_Holden @ZOS_Edward Gina’s great and all but seems like you guys are more active on the forums. Could we maybe get some answers to the questions piling up in this official thread? It’s a cool contest for which time is running out— would be unfortunate if people got DQed or didn’t submit their best work because submission/entry guidelines aren’t clear :)
  • ZOS_Holden
    Community Rep
    Hi guys,
    If my friends and I submit a group pic and win, do we all get the prizes or just the person submitting it?

    Great question! Every player in the group pic would get the prizes. We hope this clears things up a bit.
    Staff Post
  • Hetaira
    ZOS_Holden wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    If my friends and I submit a group pic and win, do we all get the prizes or just the person submitting it?

    Great question! Every player in the group pic would get the prizes. We hope this clears things up a bit.

    Do we each submit individually the exact same pic?
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    VDoom1 wrote: »

    I have a question, not sure if it has already been answered. The screenshot you submit, is it supposed to be taken at the outfit station? Or can it be from anywhere in ESO? As long as there is good lighting so you can actually see the outfit.
    The screenshot can be taken anywhere, it doesn't have to be at an Outfit Station. Be creative and have it help tell your story!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno If my friends and I submit a group pic and win, do we all get the prizes or just the person submitting it?
    Everyone in the screenshot will get the prize as long as they meet the eligibility requirements in the contest rules.

    Voxicity wrote: »
    Not sure if this has been answered or not, but I live in the UK and my partner lives in Romania. We wish to submit as a duo, but her country isn't eligble. Can she still take part and be with me in my picture, and only I get the prizes? Or can I only submit with other people from eligble countries?

    She can still take part, but will not be eligible for prizing.

    trowlk wrote: »
    Hey @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom I came to this thread, hoping you can help me with a problem we came with this event.

    My Guild and I are participating in the Daedric Dressing Up Contest and we created a great idea and setting for the photo. There is only two problems, being my nationality the first one and the amount of players on the screenshot (16) the second one.

    I hope you are willing to listen to our idea as we've put lot of effort in our outfits, ideas and setting!
    What you could do is have someone from an eligible country submit the screenshot, and maybe you break it out into 2 submissions (8 players each).

    Tasear wrote: »

    Can we submit more then one photo per category?
    One entry per category, per the rules.

    Olessan wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno hi! I hope this isn't too inane of a question, but for the Duo and Group categories, are we allowed to enter a composite screenshot (several cropped and pasted together) of several of our characters?

    That is, if I wanted to make a Duo entry, may I make an outfit for two of my characters and then combine the screenshots into one image to enter as the Duo? I imagine one character with two outfits (e.g. Sheo and Jygg) would not be allowed.

    Or for Duo and Group must it be one character per player?

    Which leads to my second question: someone already asked above if we may edit our screenshots, but would it be alright if we slightly adjusted the brightness and contrast (e.g. no more than 30%) for visibility and presentation purposes?
    Similarly, are we permitted to include multiple angles (front and back view) by editing in the second view?
    Is there a preferred format?

    I already have a few ideas, I'm just wondering because if we can use multiple of our own characters, that's more room for creativity and less painful decisions of which one to enter!

    Edit: and if we can include a mount, would that include past crown crate mounts (e.g. Dwarven)?
    Screenshots shouldn't be modified beyond some basic color correction (brightness, contrast, etc).

    Mix wrote: »
    When we enter as Duo or Group - do we each submit a screenshot?

    There isn't a way to enter multiple character IDs.

    Also would love to be able to say which Princes are shown in an entry with more than one player...
    Just one entry is fine. If you're chosen as a winner, we'll collect the UserIDs when we reach out to you.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on 13 March 2018 17:55
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • jypcy
    Thanks a ton, both! Clears up a lot!
  • Olessan
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Holden thank you for the clarification!

    I submitted my entry a few days ago, a screenshot with some mild contrast, brightness, etc, correction, but it's cropped (I used the open menu to get a better shot showing legs and feet). Should I resubmit it uncropped? I don’t want to get disqualified for having 'two' entries that are the same image.
  • NeKryXe
    Alp wrote: »
    Well, I made a full set of armour and bought about 100k worth of motifs for specific pieces before finding out Denmark is excluded from the contest. But here is what I would have entered with.

    why is Denmark excluded? do ZOS have any problem with some countries? it seems very xenophobic to me.

    after i send my entry and read this i noticed that they also banned Portuguese players from the contest, and the weird thing is that ZOS have been enjoying my money without any problem. so why are we getting excluded?

    they can't use the same dumb arguments as the other contests. this is an image contest and i've seen Portugal and Denmark being able to enter in all other image and photo contests anywhere in the world, but both countries are excluded from enter in a basic contest from ESO. what's going on here? what's the scheme?

    did they forget some countries by mistake? i'm pretty sure that there are a huge community of players from my country putting a lot of money into this game. why are we all banned from the contest?
  • Recette
    Dracane wrote: »
    We would like to know, when we apply as a duo, if one of us is allowed to use a polymorph rather than an outfit.
    This would serve to better represent the other character, who embodies the daedric princes idea. Is this legit or shall we be forever doomed and forgotten ?


    This question has not been answered yet. We would really like to know if that is a possibility, since wheter or not this is allowed will have a significant impact on our entry. :smile:

    I also have another question for you: If we take screenshots as a duo, can we submit only one entry into the contest, or could we take two different screenshots featuring both of us and submit them as seperate entries as by the "One entry per account" rule.
  • FoolishHuman
    The screenshot can be taken anywhere, it doesn't have to be at an Outfit Station. Be creative and have it help tell your story!

    So it's a screenshot contest now after all? I wish you would have said that in the contest post, instead of calling it a "dress up contest". I bet some people already submitted their entry without knowing the background and location would be part of the contest as well.
  • Lord_Ninka
    It's amazing that I fall for it every time there's a competition, but once again I got really excited until I read the small print and realised that I don't live in any of the countries on that very short list and I'm not allowed to participate.
    Edited by Lord_Ninka on 14 March 2018 11:16
  • Catsmoke14
    Question: Is the entire screenshot judged, or is it the clipped version displayed in the confirmation screen?

    This matters. I may or may not have to resubmit to the contest.
  • Mix
    Sadly, it isn't ZoS that really decides on the eligible countries. Different countries have different rules governing contests, sweepstakes, gambling, etc. If these rules are too strict or require a LOT of extra work for a legal team then the country is going to get excluded:(
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Olessan wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Holden thank you for the clarification!

    I submitted my entry a few days ago, a screenshot with some mild contrast, brightness, etc, correction, but it's cropped (I used the open menu to get a better shot showing legs and feet). Should I resubmit it uncropped? I don’t want to get disqualified for having 'two' entries that are the same image.

    Cropped is fine. :) Good luck!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • NeKryXe
    Mix wrote: »
    Sadly, it isn't ZoS that really decides on the eligible countries. Different countries have different rules governing contests, sweepstakes, gambling, etc. If these rules are too strict or require a LOT of extra work for a legal team then the country is going to get excluded:(

    i'm not sure about all countries, but at least where i'm from i'm sure that it's not true.
    i already entered in international photo contests where i received prize money and i didn't had any problem with it. i also know portuguese photographers who even won on some categories of WPP and they didn't have any trouble with it. i never knew any other international contest that i wasn't able to enter due to my nationality. this is strictly a problem with zenimax.

    i'd prefer to see them assuming that they don't want people from some countries to enter their contests than to continue to read all those lies about legal stuff.

    WTF!!??? i just remembered how many virtual stuff i already won, traded, bought and sold over steam, and now zenimax is going to tell me that the laws from my country doesn't allow me to send a damn jpg for a chance to get some virtual items? this is just stupid!
    Edited by NeKryXe on 14 March 2018 16:27
  • driosketch
    The screenshot can be taken anywhere, it doesn't have to be at an Outfit Station. Be creative and have it help tell your story!

    So it's a screenshot contest now after all? I wish you would have said that in the contest post, instead of calling it a "dress up contest". I bet some people already submitted their entry without knowing the background and location would be part of the contest as well.

    I don't know if background actually counts, but you can resubmit.
    ZOS_Holden wrote: »
    Hi there!

    Great questions, guys! Hopefully we can shed some light on these.
    Anyway I was wondering if there was anyway to change my submisstion?

    Yes. Submitting a second time will count as a resubmission.
    Saucy_Jack wrote: »
    Does the outfit have to be created through some combination of craftable gear at the actual outfit station, or can it be created from costume pieces as well?

    No. The outfit does not have to be solely made from craftable gear, costume pieces can also be used.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • FoolishHuman
    driosketch wrote: »

    I don't know if background actually counts, but you can resubmit.

    I wouldn't have entered a screenshot contest, I was happy about a dress up contest. I thought the point was to go somewhere with lots of light and a neutral background because it's about the outfit. And I don't have a fitting daedric statue in my home or anything anyway. I just wish I would have known in advance.

    I read from people elsewhere that just made a screenshot at the outfit station since they couldn't afford all motifs, I guess they don't have a chance at all?

    I'm glad at least photoshop is not allowed.
  • Acrolas
    NeKryXe wrote: »
    why is Denmark excluded? do ZOS have any problem with some countries? it seems very xenophobic to me.

    after i send my entry and read this i noticed that they also banned Portuguese players from the contest, and the weird thing is that ZOS have been enjoying my money without any problem. so why are we getting excluded?

    Denmark is about liability reduction. The Danish Marketing Act is a bit challenging to navigate and interpret without a local expert, and if ZOS accidentally violated it, they would receive an injunction by the court of Danish Consumer Ombudsman and be fined equal to the marketing costs of the promotion.

    Portugal is really interesting. The prize has to have actual economic value and be guaranteed by a bank or by insurance. Also, ZOS has to guarantee that the promotion will not lead to participants incurring higher costs than the prize itself. With fines ranging up to EUR 25,000 for non-compliance, Portugal's omission is also a move toward liability reduction.

    Xenophobia has absolutely nothing to do with the exclusions. Some promotions would be costlier and take more time to set up if they included more countries. Some promotions are just not possible to shift into compliance.
    signing off
  • NeKryXe
    Acrolas wrote: »
    ZOS has to guarantee that the promotion will not lead to participants incurring higher costs than the prize itself.

    so... how this applies to this free contest where we can get virtual items?
  • Acrolas
    NeKryXe wrote: »
    Acrolas wrote: »
    ZOS has to guarantee that the promotion will not lead to participants incurring higher costs than the prize itself.

    so... how this applies to this free contest where we can get virtual items?

    The economic value of all the items in the prize bundle is functionally zero as you never truly gain ownership of any of it. Crowns are a lease. Digital items are leased ZOS assets.

    So aside from being a non-compliant prize, if you were to spend even a fraction of a euro on any resource indirectly related to the game - this includes Internet service and power utilities - that second, quoted part would also be violated.

    This is the type of compliance walkthrough anyone wanting to run a promotion has to do. And if there's even some doubt, that is usually enough to choose exclusion over inclusion so a misinterpreted provision doesn't come back to bite you in the ***.

    It's not their intention to arbitrarily eliminate countries. If a country is excluded, there was enough evidence to support its exclusion.
    signing off
  • NeKryXe
    Acrolas wrote: »
    So aside from being a non-compliant prize, if you were to spend even a fraction of a euro on any resource indirectly related to the game - this includes Internet service and power utilities - that second, quoted part would also be violated.

    it doesn't make any sense. if that could be possible no one from Portugal would be able to enter in any international contest, and the fact is that the zos contests are the only contests i know that Portuguese people are banned from. there must be another reason.

    as i said before: i never had any problem to enter in any contest on steam or receiving their prizes. and i've been using steam for 14 years.
    Edited by NeKryXe on 14 March 2018 21:52
  • Rosveen
    NeKryXe wrote: »
    Acrolas wrote: »
    So aside from being a non-compliant prize, if you were to spend even a fraction of a euro on any resource indirectly related to the game - this includes Internet service and power utilities - that second, quoted part would also be violated.

    it doesn't make any sense. if that could be possible no one from Portugal would be able to enter in any international contest, and the fact is that the zos contests are the only contests i know that Portuguese people are banned from. there must be another reason.

    as i said before: i never had any problem to enter in any contest on steam or receiving their prizes. and i've been using steam for 14 years.
    Out of curiosity, what kind of contests did Steam organize?
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