Should ESO have weapons & Armor furnishings?

    Yes. 1,000 times, yes. I've got a design aesthetic I'm particularly happy with in Old Mistveil but its got a more or less "fort" vibe. I want archery targets and dummy scarecrows and shields and swords and axes and ballistae and ... ok I'll stop there. Please Zenimax, help me finish Old Mistveil.
  • shadowwraith666
    Skyrim had both weapon and armour display furniture, i'm surprised ZOS didn't use those assets in ESO for housing.
    • Vicktor Bloodtail - L42 Argonian Magblade, Werewolf - EP
    • Xarxes - L31 Dunmer Sorc, Vampire - EP
    • Lichtspear - L21 Argonian Temp - EP
    • Rajka Fireclaw - L21 Khajit DK - AD

    PS4 EU
    Spill some blood for me dear brother
    Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, Oblivion
  • ghastley
    Skyrim had both weapon and armour display furniture, i'm surprised ZOS didn't use those assets in ESO for housing.

    And that reminds me why it's a bad idea. In Skyrim, the only player who could visit your home was you, because there were no other players. In ESO, you add a display facility for your favourite weapon, and anyone with access to your home can now come and take it. It's not a furniture item itself, so it's removable. If they add weapon/armour displays, they'd have to be single-unit display and content together. And then everyone would complain about the dull choice of items.

    And how come there's no way to choose poll options, but every reply becomes a "yes"?
    Edited by ghastley on 5 June 2018 13:32
  • Shadow_Akula
    ghastley wrote: »

    And that reminds me why it's a bad idea. In Skyrim, the only player who could visit your home was you, because there were no other players. In ESO, you add a display facility for your favourite weapon, and anyone with access to your home can now come and take it. It's not a furniture item itself, so it's removable. If they add weapon/armour displays, they'd have to be single-unit display and content together. And then everyone would complain about the dull choice of items.

    And how come there's no way to choose poll options, but every reply becomes a "yes"?
    Every reply becomes a yes because people vote yes. You already voted in the poll and so can’t go back to poll options to revote.

    And on to your point - Decorator permissions exist, the storage chests exist, so there are clearly ways of avoiding having people mess around with/take your stuff. Only people who can move stuff from your home are those with decorator permissions, even then pretty sure they can’t take anything. Storage chests are only accessible by the owner - could make weapon racks and Armor mannequins work in the same as storage chests only add in a visual change element.

    Another solution - create weapon racks but have no interaction feature, introduce weapon furnishings, then the player can craft both then place the weapon on said rack if they choose to do so. Armor mannequin again no interaction feature, Armor furnishings, player can then make use of the no drag feature and place Armor onto a mannequin or Armor stand.
    Edited by Shadow_Akula on 5 June 2018 13:53
  • Asha_11_ESO
    Absolutely, yes!

    One of my favourite things to do in the original Morrowind, was to kill people for their house and use it as a place to lay out my hauls. I'd have armor and weapons laid out all over the place. Was cool to just come back and look at it all.

    Collecting stuff and organising it how I wanted, was a fun element of the 'gameplay' for me. Haha. What a nerd hoarder.
    Edited by Asha_11_ESO on 6 June 2018 10:37
  • shadowwraith666
    ghastley wrote: »

    And that reminds me why it's a bad idea. In Skyrim, the only player who could visit your home was you, because there were no other players. In ESO, you add a display facility for your favourite weapon, and anyone with access to your home can now come and take it. It's not a furniture item itself, so it's removable. If they add weapon/armour displays, they'd have to be single-unit display and content together. And then everyone would complain about the dull choice of items.

    And how come there's no way to choose poll options, but every reply becomes a "yes"?

    you can restrict you home(s) so that only you can visit it, if your worried about people taking stuff from the mannequins or weapon plaques then put you most valuable stuff into chests in another house and only display crafted white tier equipment.
    • Vicktor Bloodtail - L42 Argonian Magblade, Werewolf - EP
    • Xarxes - L31 Dunmer Sorc, Vampire - EP
    • Lichtspear - L21 Argonian Temp - EP
    • Rajka Fireclaw - L21 Khajit DK - AD

    PS4 EU
    Spill some blood for me dear brother
    Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, Oblivion
  • Vanthras79
    Omg this! Should there be craft-able replica weapons as well?
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • Shadow_Akula
    Vanthras79 wrote: »
    Omg this! Should there be craft-able replica weapons as well?

    Of course :smile:
    Yes, while I’ve not mentioned much about craftable weapons/haven’t worded anything well in the original post, my intentions are to try and get zenimax to allow us to craft the same weapons and Armor that the player can craft for use, only instead of crafting for use - we could craft it for furnishing.
  • shadowwraith666
    Vanthras79 wrote: »
    Omg this! Should there be craft-able replica weapons as well?

    iirc oblivion had replica weapons in some display cases, primarily fighters guild houses
    • Vicktor Bloodtail - L42 Argonian Magblade, Werewolf - EP
    • Xarxes - L31 Dunmer Sorc, Vampire - EP
    • Lichtspear - L21 Argonian Temp - EP
    • Rajka Fireclaw - L21 Khajit DK - AD

    PS4 EU
    Spill some blood for me dear brother
    Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, Oblivion
  • Shadow_Akula
    July showcase, they’re showing a new outfit weapon styles using skyrim style display cases!

    Foreshadowing weapon furnishings? or just showing off and never actually planning on giving us weapon/gear and rack/case furnishings?
  • Shadow_Akula
    Resurrecting this thread because I’ve noticed a few new threads pop up asking for these furnishings.

    Oh zenimax. Listen to your customers. A lot of us would like some form of weapons and gear furnishings (with storage racks and mannequins)
  • Breelyn
    The lack of weapon & armor, or really any combat-related decorations AT ALL, remains the weirdest thing about housing to me.

    The entire game is about combat but our houses can't have swords or armor???

    The NPC houses out in the world have armor and weapons sitting out on surfaces and hanging on walls...
    There are armor stands out in the world...
    There are archery targets and weapon racks...

    So how come our homes look like war doesn't exist?!

    This! I agree totally!
  • Breelyn
    Ugg, ok I voted YES but it says I voted no!!

    But yes yes yes!!
  • FrancisCrawford
    Armor dummies would be great, if they could be populated with actual armor.

    I felt more strongly about this when I didn't think ZoS would ever give us other housing storage. But it's still a good idea for multiple reasons.
  • Grayfax
    This is one of the things I miss about Skyrim. It was always fun to have a few weapons on display in the house.

    I will admit, not having to constantly reorganize my bookshelves is kinda nice, cause I was always updating where I had them and how they were ordered. I kinda miss that too... but I would end up with mostly books and no decorations in my houses and that's not very fun.
  • Nerdrage9000
    Totally agree here 100% yes. In fact, I am really surprised that this does not exist.

    It would also be potentially profitable for ZOS, as they could tie it to the outfit system. Extra storage boxes for housing are already a thing in the crown store.

    Maybe any gear you store in the housing storage is available for display.

    Or you need to build the outfit before displaying it on a mannequin. Of course, I'd rather be able to piecemeal out certain items as opposed to being locked into an outfit.

    It would be cool to have different display mannequins tied into the master writ tickets as well.
  • Shadow_Akula
    170 votes
    9 Maybe
    161 Yes (since that no was supposed to be a yes)
    0 No (again discounting Breelyn’s accidental no vote)

    And still silence from zenimax.
    Why? Why the silence, is it too much to ask for simple swords, shields, and stave furnishings? Too much to ask for simple Armor displays? Not like we’re asking for a body impaled on a spear furnishing just simple weapons/Armor and matching display racks/mannequins.
    They already exist in game, shouldn’t be that hard to code up a few furnishing plans for them.
  • Jamdarius
    YES, omg why it isn't possible as of yet I have no idea... Also would love to have blacksmithing forge (like in rivenspire/Narsis Tow - with many different styles) to make finally true BLACKSMITH home.
  • Shadow_Akula
    Thank you to everyone voting but I’m convinced ZoS don’t care and so I think I’m about to give up and just leave my houses looking unfinished. We tried with 175 votes (the only no vote was a misclick and only 10 maybe votes which perhaps just want these things but done a certain way) and a couple of posts tagging zos staff to get their attention.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Prove me wrong Zos, prove to me that your staff actually venture out of general discussion and news sections sometimes. All we want is some sort of response - “Great idea we’ll send it to the dev team” “Not happening because....” etc.

    Update: 10 days later, still no ZoS response, looks like I was right ZoS staff don’t venture outside of the news and general discussion sub-forums.
    Further update: a full 30 days later. Nothing. ZoS staying safely within the news and discussion sections.
    Edited by Shadow_Akula on 4 October 2018 15:38
  • Mix
    The Armor Mannequins in the Scarlet Judge's House would be perfect for displaying our armor (of chosen motif/style) and I would love the see the Mannequins in Hew's Bane (Diamond Thimble I think is the name of the shop) for displaying costumes.

    Weapon Racks I would love but not sure about any currently in game as they seem to not always have enough contrast between the rack and the weapons on it making them less than feature pieces.

    I would also love armor/weapon furniture that was by itself. I often see "shoes" by npc beds and think how nice having some of these pieces would be, but these wouldn't need to be fancy really as I would prefer a 1 piece mannequin (item slots!) with my chosen armor style on it (or crafted with?).

    Picture Mazzatun heavy armor mannequin on a simple base (be good to have both genders and all races available) crafted by integrating outfit creation into furniture crafting. Basic "wood" coloured mannequin (Woodworking) or expensive "white marble" mannequin (Enchanting) and then you take your "naked" mannequin to the outfit station where a new furniture tab would be present and "equip" your mannequin (would cost gold similar to making the outfit for yourself BUT would allow fully customized mannequins). Hopefully this system could work with weapons too where you craft a desired weapon rack and then "equip" the weapon via the Outfit station :smiley:

    The Costume Mannequins would be a little different in that you'd have to place the Mannequin and then activate it to choose a costume from your collections menu for it to wear. (and to change the costume perhaps have it so you must pick up the mannequin and place it again so that you don't have the Activate trigger constantly popping up near your mannequin)

    and now I am really too excited to see a feature like this...
  • Foxpaw93_ESO
    Yeeees. Why is this still not a thing x_x
  • Carbonised
    Mannequins where you could display any created outfit or costume from your selection would be awesome.

    We have so many outfits and costumes by now, it would be nice to be able to display them at our homes instead of being limited to wearing 1 at any given time.
  • Shadow_Akula
    10 months since I started this thread,
    50+ days since my last post in this thread,
    20 or so days since my last edit to a post in this thread,
    still nothing but silence from ZoS.....

    Nearly 200 people have voted, the only no was a misclick (confirmed in these pages by the user themselves),
    10 maybes who probably want the idea, but they want it done the right way,
    the rest all say yes.
    Tagged ZoS staff a couple of times,
    but nope. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Not a word from ZoS. Can’t even give a simple “sounds cool” or “can’t happen because...” response.

    So dead bodies are ok? Yes
    Torture equipment is ok? Yes
    Execution equipment is ok? Yes
    Siege weapons are ok? Yes
    Armor and armor storage? Nah way over the line there pal,
    Weapons and weapon racks? Nope. Uh-uh, again waaaaaayyyy over the line there buddy.

    Think it’s time to give up on this and just accept some of us will never be able to finish our houses if we stick to our current decoration plans and ideas. May as well ditch any military theme unless your army fights with nothing but woodcutting axes and siege weapons.

    Thanks to all took part in the poll, sorry to have wasted your time by creating this thread, but what can I say ZoS won’t even acknowledge this thread in any way, shape or form from the looks of it.

  • Mavor
    It should be an absolute no-brainer. The fact that we don't have weapon and armor decor, whatsoever, is completely baffling to me.

    Here's an idea - when you hit 50 in a given skill line, you earn a quick little achievement that rewards an associated item for decor purposes.
    Edited by Mavor on 3 November 2018 11:44
  • TheNightflame
    there should be interactable dummies that you swap armor jewlery weapon inventories with
  • Ermiq
    Though I would be glad to see this feature in the game, I think I understand why there no response from ZOS and this isn't implemented yet.
    The answer is: it's not that easy for ZOS to do this.

    Some people in this thread said they don't understand why we have corpses and ballistas but don't have weapon/armor racks/mannequins. Well, I am not a professional, but programming is my hobbie, so I aknowledged a bit how this things are working. See, it's quite easy to make the asset, and it's very easy to add the asset into already completed and compatible system such as Homestead. This system is designed to work with simple assets, and some not that simple (interactable furnishings, target skeletons). Even such 'advanced' things as interactable furnishings and skeletons are still quite simple. They are just animated, and skeleton has a basic AI entity behaviour, which allows us to interact with it as we do with other AI entities.

    But weapon/armor needs a lot more workarounds. The entirely new sub-system has to be implemented into Homestead system for those.

    Let's look at the housing storage. Yes, it looks like ZOS really has done something new to their Homestead system, but the truth is they didn't. Housing storage is a sub-system of the Bank system actually. Those chests are just additional cells in your bank. The bank and chests look separated, but they are just different 'tabs', devided with some tags in the game code, so you only can see bank tagged stuff in bank and chests tagged stuff in chests. The evidence for this theory is bank management addons. Particularly, BankManagerRevived addon (which allows you to store/withdraw stuff in/from your bank automatically) does store the stuff into your bank when you interact with the chests.

    'Offtop: It was made with 'the easier and faster the better' buisness mindset. I don't like it, but this is how IT industry works these days.'

    So, they did this with bank system, why they don't do the same with inventory system so we could use our weapon/armor as furnishing?
    Because they have to do a lot more in this case. They need to somehow connect your bank and inventory info with the housing (not that hard part though, but still), and they have to visualize items (a lot of work here). They can't just somehow turn your armor assets into the furnishing assets with the click on a magic button. They have to determine how exactly these furnishings will be instanced, how to set access modifiers for them, how to transfer character appearance system into the housing system so we could put our armor on the armor mannequin, and a lot of other things. Really, it's a lot of work. A lot.

    And don't forget their managers, headquarters, investors have to be sure that this work will bring some earnings back, otherwise they would better do something easier and faster: new houses, new simple furnishings... Hell, even new DLCs are not that hard to make, compared to new systems, modified systems in the project which wasn't designed to have such systems.

    They know we want this feature. You can be sure. They do.
    They just can't say 'hey guys, we know, and we are going to do this, we're working on it'. They might be thinking about it, they might be trying to do something right now, but they just can't promise anything right now.

    As I said, it's a lot of work. And a lot of money/hours.
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Shadow_Akula
    Eremith wrote: »
    Though I would be glad to see this feature in the game, I think I understand why there no response from ZOS and this isn't implemented yet.
    The answer is: it's not that easy for ZOS to do this.

    Some people in this thread said they don't understand why we have corpses and ballistas but don't have weapon/armor racks/mannequins. Well, I am not a professional, but programming is my hobbie, so I aknowledged a bit how this things are working. See, it's quite easy to make the asset, and it's very easy to add the asset into already completed and compatible system such as Homestead. This system is designed to work with simple assets, and some not that simple (interactable furnishings, target skeletons). Even such 'advanced' things as interactable furnishings and skeletons are still quite simple. They are just animated, and skeleton has a basic AI entity behaviour, which allows us to interact with it as we do with other AI entities.

    But weapon/armor needs a lot more workarounds. The entirely new sub-system has to be implemented into Homestead system for those.

    Let's look at the housing storage. Yes, it looks like ZOS really has done something new to their Homestead system, but the truth is they didn't. Housing storage is a sub-system of the Bank system actually. Those chests are just additional cells in your bank. The bank and chests look separated, but they are just different 'tabs', devided with some tags in the game code, so you only can see bank tagged stuff in bank and chests tagged stuff in chests. The evidence for this theory is bank management addons. Particularly, BankManagerRevived addon (which allows you to store/withdraw stuff in/from your bank automatically) does store the stuff into your bank when you interact with the chests.

    'Offtop: It was made with 'the easier and faster the better' buisness mindset. I don't like it, but this is how IT industry works these days.'

    So, they did this with bank system, why they don't do the same with inventory system so we could use our weapon/armor as furnishing?
    Because they have to do a lot more in this case. They need to somehow connect your bank and inventory info with the housing (not that hard part though, but still), and they have to visualize items (a lot of work here). They can't just somehow turn your armor assets into the furnishing assets with the click on a magic button. They have to determine how exactly these furnishings will be instanced, how to set access modifiers for them, how to transfer character appearance system into the housing system so we could put our armor on the armor mannequin, and a lot of other things. Really, it's a lot of work. A lot.

    And don't forget their managers, headquarters, investors have to be sure that this work will bring some earnings back, otherwise they would better do something easier and faster: new houses, new simple furnishings... Hell, even new DLCs are not that hard to make, compared to new systems, modified systems in the project which wasn't designed to have such systems.

    They know we want this feature. You can be sure. They do.
    They just can't say 'hey guys, we know, and we are going to do this, we're working on it'. They might be thinking about it, they might be trying to do something right now, but they just can't promise anything right now.

    As I said, it's a lot of work. And a lot of money/hours.

    You say it isn’t easy, yet I have factual evidence that it is quite the contrary: they already have them in game holding weapons and armor, go to daggerfall or stormhold look to the weapon vendors
    As for workarounds again, these things already exist! They only need to check a box to allow them as furnishings.

    Either way why are people still commenting? I’ve given up since zos wont even give us a simple “cool idea” or a “will never happen because...” doesn’t have to be a “look we’re working on it” comment. But I the OP of this thread have officially given up on this and will just not do anymore militarised themes on houses
    Edited by Shadow_Akula on 3 November 2018 23:23
  • Ermiq

    You say it isn’t easy, yet I have factual evidence that it is quite the contrary: they already have them in game holding weapons and armor, go to daggerfall or stormhold look to the weapon vendors
    As for workarounds again, these things already exist! They only need to check a box to allow them as furnishings.

    Those are not functional. As I said, it's quite easy to make an asset, a 3D model. The thing is it's not enough, unless you just want to have a simple mannequin asset with premade armor set attached to it.
    Or maybe you want your armor to be housing assets and you want to place them on the mannequin manually as you do with dishes and candles placing them on a table. In this case they would simply make furniture clones of actual armor items. Because they won't make your actual armor to be droppable items. It seems that the game has not such a feature, our gear items are not actual objects, so they need to make new objects (furniture objects) for every armor item.

    However, me personally won't be satisfied with this kind of solution.
    I see the armor mannequin as a functional interactable object which has an intetface similar to bank/chest, but has limited and separated slots for every peace of the gear set. You 'open' the mannequin, put some armor items into it, so you can put one chest, legs, hands, head, etc. and voila - the mannequin is wearing these armor pieces. Not just their furniture clones, but actual armor items, which are getting transfered from your inventory to the mannequin inventory.
    Edited by Ermiq on 4 November 2018 05:46
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • KudnaBeefhooked
    yes yes yes yes
  • bellatrixed
    While it would be neat to have a super elaborate system where you could display custom outfits on mannequins, I think most people would just be happy with generic armor and weapons like you find around the world. Like I can walk in any NPC house and see a sword hanging on the wall, a pair of boots sitting on the floor, a shield laying on a counter... but they don't exist as decorations in our houses. It's mindboggling.
    Edited by bellatrixed on 5 November 2018 08:43
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