Should ESO have weapons & Armor furnishings?

Weapons, Shields and Armor furnishings yes or no? Created this poll after someone said a poll should be made in my thread about weapons and Armor furnishings. My point behind this is what’s the point in owning a place like daggerfall overlook if you can’t have the illusion of an army or a suit of Armor silently guarding the hallways?
2nd Edit (replaced original edit with a clearer explanation): Also these weapons should have a place to store them so how bout weapon racks for weapons and dummies to hold the Armor? (forgot to add these in the poll)
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 13 February 2024 17:55

Should ESO have weapons & Armor furnishings? 270 votes

mlstevens42_ESOwayfarerxBKTHNDRGilvothFoxpaw93_ESOkrisor67_ESOkarlholderb14a_ESOBelegnoleCatsmoke14AnelliumLeighlaaVezDoctor_DementoAikoIruil_ESOLadyAstrumSantieClawsfreespiritBlackEarSoupDragon 255 votes
BreelynGimpyPorcupine 2 votes
CaffeinatedMayhemEasily_LostAkrasjelnotimetocareDracan_FontomRANKK7ebtesamMighTyxSeperatistBretonMageZulera301ZacuelDrFuzzyFish 13 votes
  • Krainor1974
    I’ve so been wanting to hang weapons and shields in my homes along with dummies for my armor. We should of had this in CS already along with bps to craft them as well.
  • Seperatist
    Well why not? But can’t really imagine dummy holding your weapons, maybe just armor. Actually just don’t want to give my ma and etc weapons to dummy.
    Immoltal ledeemel, (un)chained, Gryphon Fat, Thicc Tocc Tolmenter, Grand overbruhlord, Kekslayer. "You know you don't have to be here right"
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Yes I want to display weapons, but would prefer to display my OWN weapons.

    But at least let us put some form of "white" weapon up! Some of the homes in Vvardenfell have awesome weapons displays on the wall, and I want one too!

    For those asking how to display weapons - racks or hooks on the wall. Or like the Armor Manqequins from Skyrim, holds the full set plus 1-2 weapons/shield. I have a full 7 tanking sets sitting in my bank. I'd rather display the ones I'm not using at the moment.Would be nice to display with both sets of 1h/s.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on 17 January 2018 18:38
  • Shadow_Akula
    Seperatist wrote: »
    Well why not? But can’t really imagine dummy holding your weapons, maybe just armor. Actually just don’t want to give my ma and etc weapons to dummy.
    Should probably clear up my original edit, what I meant was weapon racks would hold your swords, bows, staves, etc. And Dummies for the Armor, not sure on shields maybe they could be held by both racks and dummies?
  • Calderon06

    It should be a basic furnishing if you are blacksmith for example.
    Ans if you are at the maximum skill, you could create it with the racial style you have learned
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    Absolutely, considering 95% of our time is the use or pursuit of gear and weapons some type of armor or weapon displays should be available. Especially considering every crafting, gear, weapon vendor has the displays, the assets already exist.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • MajesticHaruki
    We have already seen armor mannequins in hews bane and morrowind (the house where you get the armor costume reward). It would be nice to have these features. Also zos could add a special mannequin category where we display the outfits we designed on the outfit station. One mannequin for every account and if someone buys additional outfit tokens, they receive more mannequins. They could be interactable in homes for those who find it more immersive than just opening the stats window and change outfit like titles.
    Edited by MajesticHaruki on 18 January 2018 18:17
    PC/EU @MajThorax Sorcerer and Housing Decorator prodigy
    In my spare time I collect materials and run away from mudcrabs
  • kargen27
    I'm turning one of the houses into an outdoor bazaar. Weapons and armor rank right up there near the top of what you should expect to see for sale at the bazaar. Overall there is a severe lack of goods I am going to be able to place. Add to that a lack of people and my bazaar looks like a picked over flea market that is closed for the day.

    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • notimetocare
    All it would do is intensify item cap people to complain more, but it would be cool to have
  • RGvolterra
    I think the idea is just essential since the game has provided us with the ability to craft a huge number of stuff so why not displaying what we can craft ... it’d definitely make the in game experience more immersive and should also encourage other players towards levelling up their crafting skills. I really love this game and have been playing it constantly since day one so let’s have a few more crafting features added and make the whole crafting experience even deeper.
  • kamimark
    AkulA1996 wrote: »
    Weapons, Shields and Armor furnishings yes or no? Created this poll after someone said a poll should be made in my thread about weapons and Armor furnishings. My point behind this is what’s the point in owning a place like daggerfall overlook if you can’t have the illusion of an army or a suit of Armor silently guarding the hallways?
    2nd Edit (replaced original edit with a clearer explanation): Also these weapons should have a place to store them so how bout weapon racks for weapons and dummies to hold the Armor? (forgot to add these in the poll)

    I was decorating one of my houses yesterday (new rule: I have to do something with all houses before I can buy any more), and wanted to discard some boots and clothes around, but there are none.

    They don't have to be functional, just some way to convert gear into a furnishing.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • Shadow_Akula
    kamimark wrote: »

    I was decorating one of my houses yesterday (new rule: I have to do something with all houses before I can buy any more), and wanted to discard some boots and clothes around, but there are none.

    They don't have to be functional, just some way to convert gear into a furnishing.

    Exactly what I’m talking about - gear that doesn’t need to be functional yet would look nice inside a house.
    Also the other day I found a furnishing recipe for a covered witches body (think I might have the name of this recipe wrong but it’s close enough), bought it and decided to check it out in preview and there it is an actual covered witches body, how can we have the ability to place dead bodies in our houses - covered or no, before weapons and gear?

    So far the poll stands at:
    40 for Yes (including myself)
    4 for Maybe
    0 for No
  • AardvarkChips
    AkulA1996 wrote: »
    Weapons, Shields and Armor furnishings yes or no? Created this poll after someone said a poll should be made in my thread about weapons and Armor furnishings. My point behind this is what’s the point in owning a place like daggerfall overlook if you can’t have the illusion of an army or a suit of Armor silently guarding the hallways?
    2nd Edit (replaced original edit with a clearer explanation): Also these weapons should have a place to store them so how bout weapon racks for weapons and dummies to hold the Armor? (forgot to add these in the poll)

  • Shadow_Akula
    48 yes
    5 maybe
    0 no
    So far - awesome just need Zenimax/Bethesda to take notice of this topic.

    P.s. Insert a WWE YES movement Gif here
  • AardvarkChips
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Please? At least a few of the more common styles, a couple shields, maybe some swords and a cuirass or helmet, or two. World models already exist for them.
  • AardvarkChips
    @ZOS_GinaBruno , I don't know what your creation software looks like, but if it's as simple as Skyrim's creation kit, assigning a static mesh to a creation kit form and filling in the detail info, I'll happily do that for you in my spare time. Just tell me what to download and how you want it done.
  • Shadow_Akula
    58 yes
    5 maybe
    0 no
    Still nothing from a ZOS representative :(

    I don’t get why weapons/gear can’t be added to furnishings considering weapon racks exist in game (which can actually have weapons stored on them), Armor posts exist in game (which can also have Armor stored on them), can’t use any excuse about violence since 99.99% of the game is attacking and killing things using swords/bows/magical staves, etc.

    And it wouldn’t be that difficult/not that much work to allow us to have weapon/gear furnishings since ZOS took all that time furnishing market stalls, weapon/gear shops with weapons sitting on racks etc. (Ok so it’d take some time & energy from the devs to create different styles of rack based on the races (e.g. Argonian style rack, Altmer style, imperial etc.) if the devs choose a racial style furnishing route - but a basic style already exists, requiring only a tiny amount of time & energy from the devs to make them into furnishings)

    Same for weapons and gear really, not much work to allow us to be able to store them on racks, in open crates, on walls, etc. Allow us to craft the weapons and gear as normal but add a furnishing option within the craft menu or simply allow us to place weapons/gear we craft within our houses (Still requires a furnishing option to be added in but this time under the furnishing options(the menu we see when furnishing our houses) I personally think allowing us to craft the weapons/gear would be a better option than releasing new diagrams/recipes or crown packs as the player would then be able to choose the style of gear they like (as long as they’ve learned it) or if going for the placing crafted normal gear - allows the player to store gear they want to keep but currently aren’t using.

    Also why can we get siege weapon furnishings and witches bodies but can’t get normal weapons and Armor furnishings?
  • Shadow_Akula
    Update: interesting find in house Ules in Vvardenfell, just outside the town of Suran, there’s 4 mannequins as you walk into this house equipped with Armor. Foreshadowing that some kind of gear furnishings will become available soon? Either way we know that it is possible for ZOS to add in weapon & gear furnishings.
  • Chaos2088
    Yep, could create a weapons room/area complete with training dummies etc etc, also would be cool if could put a few siege weapons as furnishings.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Shadow_Akula
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    Yep, could create a weapons room/area complete with training dummies etc etc, also would be cool if could put a few siege weapons as furnishings.

    You can do siege weapons, they’re PVP rank locked though and only purchasable in cyrodiil, slowly grinding (very very slowly as I tend not to jump into PvP often) towards the rank of LT to unlock the ballista siege furnishing
    Edited by Shadow_Akula on 5 February 2018 17:16
  • AardvarkChips
    Same. I do not like PvP, but it appears I'm just not allowed to decorate the way I want, if I don't.

    "This game allows you to play any way you like...except that way, or that way. Nope, not that way, either."

    Chaos, I did build a dojo in Moonmirth, to go along with the Khajiit Fu class they're having, up on the temple nearby.

    It has flour sack and post training dummies, and a jong made of a sign post and hammers, but I would love to get my hands on some of those straw-stuffed dummies we see around the delves.
  • TicklesWithTalons
    Soul Shriven
    I think a Mannequin, would be well suited, both a wooden one, and one that looks real (can be have its race, body, face, etc. edited).

    The mannequin should come with several poses, that it can be set to, and should be capable of holding weapons as well as wearing armor.
    ♠Ebonheart Imperial Guard♠
  • Shadow_Akula
    Still no ZoS responses?
    Poll results so far:
    79 say yes
    5 say maybe
    0 say no
  • ebtesam
    maybe a good idea
  • Shadow_Akula
    89 Yes
    7 Maybe
    0 No
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    ZoS please allow us to have weapons, gear and storage racks & mannequins as furnishings, seriously why allow us to have mummified witches corpses, hanging skeletons (can find these at achievement furnisher in one of the AD zones), siege weapons and yet not allow normal standard weapons or Armor as furnishings.
  • Minyassa
    YES, absolutely, please!!! I want the forge in my home to actually have some things in it that look like they are in progress, finished on racks, etc. I want armor stands in my bedrooms. I want shields to put up on my walls!
  • TelvanniWizard
    Seems a very nice idea to me, easy to implement.
  • Doctor_Demento
    I've been wondering not should it be here, but why it is not here already. Why are weapons and armor NOT in the game ALREADY? That is a much better question really.
  • Shadow_Akula
    106 votes for yes
    7 for maybe
    0 for no

    Come on ZoS please give us something. As I’ve pointed out already we can have siege weapon furnishings (albeit locked behind PvP ranks) and we have dead bodies as furnishings (Skeletons from whitestrake event, hanging skeletons from I think an AD zone achieve furnisher? Witches corpses - craftable by obtaining the recipe for it)

    Ok we do have some things that could be used as weapons - woodcutter axes, blade of woe achievement furnishing, Ansei sword (which appears to be more ceremonial), and a few small kitchen knives. But these just don’t cut it. How can we have corpses and siege weapons yet not be able to have weapon furnishings?
    There’s nothing for Armor furnishing-wise too. Not like there’s that much time to design these things given that the weapons and Armor can already be crafted just add a furnishing ability to them. Armor stalls, dummies, and weapon racks already exist in the game too, just need to make them craftable and add in blueprints for them or sell them from an achievement merchant or something.

    why ZoS why? I can have a ballista and hanging skeletons but not a daedric sword or a Nord shield or a High-elf helmet. Are those things over the line ZoS?

    Look at the results of this poll ZoS, clearly people want weapon and Armor furnishings, please give the people what they want.
  • bellatrixed
    The lack of weapon & armor, or really any combat-related decorations AT ALL, remains the weirdest thing about housing to me.

    The entire game is about combat but our houses can't have swords or armor???

    The NPC houses out in the world have armor and weapons sitting out on surfaces and hanging on walls...
    There are armor stands out in the world...
    There are archery targets and weapon racks...

    So how come our homes look like war doesn't exist?!
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
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