Official Discussion Thread for "Earn Bonus Rewards With the #10MillionStories Dungeon Event"

  • j3crow
    *note - This was my response in another thread, but I thought I should include it in the official feedback thread

    This event has been pretty much nothing but frustrating. I'm tired of being shown something that I want, cosmetic or otherwise, and than through RNG being denied it, as opposed to a common-sense approach such as event currency where I have the choice to see something that I desire, and than actively work to achieve it.

    Even price-gougy, ultra-exploitative Neverwinter has the common sense to use event currency so that even if RNG does not favor you, you can still work toward getting what you wanted to begin with, and not participate in what ultimately just becomes an un-fun grind, only to be disappointed at the end. In fact, just about every title I can think of, uses some kind of event currency. More often than not, they make the currency universal so that you can use it in later events, if there is noting appealing in a current event.

    The fact that ESO relies so much on RNG is off-putting. It really makes me want to place my emotional investment in my gaming time, elsewhere where I know I can work toward achieving what I want to achieve, even if its just simple cosmetics.

    Teasing me with something I want, than ultimately denying it to me due to nothing more than a Random Number Generator, regardless of my own efforts really makes me want to play something else...

    To add insult to injury, I've gotten a ton of dye stamps, that I can't actually use because I am a subscriber... wow. Maybe I should go ahead and unsubscribe so I can use the dye stamps...Smart move ZoS.

    It would be one thing if ZoS was doing something entirely new. But they're not. All they have to do is pay just a small amount of attention to their competitors to come to the conclusion that RNG with no recourse (not sell-able, buy-able, or obtainable through some other means) is a bad idea. It baffles my mind that they have not figured this out
  • ravendies
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Why does the pop-up when loading into character says "Earn Bonus Rewards Until 12/5"??? I thought the dungeon event is until 12/6?


    It's until 10am EST on 12/6.

    Actually, at 6am EST on 12/6 as that is when maintenance happens.

    It was over at 10am EST today. I thought it would at least continue until maintenance so I checked group finder at 1pm today and saw I was eligible to get another Mysterious Rewards box so I ran a random dungeon but did not get a box. Then I opened a ticket with customer service only to be told it ended at 10am est today. I still feel I should have at least gotten that box because I would not have bothered to even run the dungeon had it not said that I had a mysterious rewards box available in group finder.

    Oh well I guess...
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