I am completely unable to play during the night time hours. After trying to login for 10 minutes with only being kicked, I finally was able to get on. I went into Shor to run the sewers with friends. My screen went black and I was kicked for connection errors and to make sure that I have a valid internet connection. This. Happens. Every. Single. Night. Since. Morrowind.
My laptop never gets kicked offline. My desktop never gets kicked offline. Our tablets never get kicked offline.
I don't get kicked offline while playing DCUO. I don't get kicked offline while playing Marvel Heroes Omega. I don't get kicked offline while playing Black Ops3. Nor do I get kicked while using Netflix or Hulu.
But every night I spend 30 - 45 minutes getting told by damn screen that I can't play ESO because it's on my end.
It's absolutely pathetic that a game as big as this can't support the player base.