Approx how much gold?
There are a few PvE places that can level you even faster than 2.5 hours... but if I'm going to have to level alchemy and enchanting up anyway... 30 min sounds very attractive!
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »If it took you 150 glyphs, it would have taken a lot less had someone else did those glyphs for you. Unless they've changed it, decon your own glyphs yields next to no xp compared to glyphs others have crafted. Like i said, it may have changed, so feel free to correct me.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »If it took you 150 glyphs, it would have taken a lot less had someone else did those glyphs for you. Unless they've changed it, decon your own glyphs yields next to no xp compared to glyphs others have crafted. Like i said, it may have changed, so feel free to correct me.
They are character based, not account based. Glyphs created on a different character from the same account will give just as much decon exp as glyphs created by a different account. It has been this way the entire time I've played, despite people saying otherwise the entire time I have played.
Interesting, good thinking
That's really original.
cjhhickman39 wrote: »This is great craftmatic leveling very good outside the box thinking
Kyle1983b14_ESO wrote: »Couldn't you easily just pay 3-5k per run in Skyreach and that would probably cost 1/2 the cost of this?
Okay, I just gave this a whirl, and it works. I gained 5 levels in 30 minutes, and it could have been 25 if I hadn't screwed up so much. Learn from my mistakes:
1) I did it all with alchemy. AFAIK, there's no need to do enchanting too.
2) "Pre-crafting" writs means look at the writ and see what it requires, craft the writ, DO NOT OPEN THE WRIT.
3) You can save a helluva lot of time and perhaps even gold if you stick to the same writ/crafted item. For example, buy all the writs asking you to craft a cowardice potion IX, then craft a buttload of cowardice potion IXs. Repeat for another writ with a different result, and so on, until you run out of money or patience. This will also minimize the bag space required.
4) Avoid, as much as possible, running between Rolis Hlaalu and the crafting station. Have your poisons already crafted and in your bag, writs in your bag, and just stand there turning in each writ as you open them.
5) Holy Mara, you're going to drain your bank account.
Total spent by me: 100k. If I really applied myself, I could get that down to 80k.
I had a friend try this out as well.
If you already have all the writs, materials, and crafting levels.
Its about 45 minutes for level 10-50.
Can skyreach do that?
I had a friend try this out as well.
If you already have all the writs, materials, and crafting levels.
Its about 45 minutes for level 10-50.
Can skyreach do that?
With ESO+, 150% Scroll/Potion and Mara (you can't use Mara in your writs XP option), probably yes. Because the first levels you gained them really fast, many per run.
Besides, saying "if you already have all the writs...". How many players can "already have all those amounts of wrtis"? 1 out of 1.000.000. So, 99% of the players surely DON'T have "all the writs, materials and crafting levels".
Skyreach, imho, is still the fastest and cheapest "already ready for everyone" way to level up XP.
Good runs take about 3 minutes and will cost you 3k+ a run?
Also... out of curiosity are you a buyer or seller of skyreach runs?
That sounds like an interesting way to level, have you tested it with this add on yet to make it even faster?
This could help
That sounds like an interesting way to level, have you tested it with this add on yet to make it even faster?
This could help
Lazy Writ Crafter doesn't do alchemy, though it will do enchanting. I used Potion Maker to quickly craft the potions I needed, though it's useless for telling you what mats you just ran out of. Remember, the best way to do this is to already have your writs "pre-crafted" and sitting in your inventory before you open the writ.
Skyreach is great if you have plenty of money and friends. This is just another option for folks who, like me, aren't inclined to beg and already have gobs of money. Plus, you can do it in the middle of the night when no one is around to carry your scrub alts through Skyreach.
That sounds like an interesting way to level, have you tested it with this add on yet to make it even faster?
This could help
Waffennacht wrote: »You know, for an accurate account of time passed, you must account for the time it took to acquire the gold as well
25 levels in 2 hours after 100 hours worth of gold farming doesn't sound so good know what I mean?