I'm itreboiz. Master Crafter (still need Buoyant), all provisioning recipes, 1000+ furnishing recipes, and motif book collector. I am also GM of Trinity Merchants, Payday II and IV.
Every week alot of people/traders in my guilds can't hit the 10k/week minimum sales. So, I'm here to explain how the game economy works and how make gold. The game economy is basically a game inside a game (TESO). It consists in a dynamic system that usually reflects the real life economy (trading, inflation, speculative bubble,...). This is why a lot of people like it and play it.
Years ago it was difficult make a million, now it's easy. We have more ways to make gold. New stuff (like cipher and dust) and new events have helped a lot. Making money is only a matter of time. Not luck. Time.
Sure you can find the Cipher or other expensive stuff but that is not luck, it is probability. The more time you spend farming or trading, the more gold you make. Usually playing 3-4h/day means making something like 100k.
ADD ON(s):
You need to install Master Merchant and Awesome Guild Store. You can even use TTC instead of MM.
There are a lot of way to make gold:
Right now it's easy for everyone do Daily Quests (Ashlander+Justice) in Vvardenfell. The quests are sharable so you can do every quest with all your characters. Right now the Ashlander page is worth around 9-10k and Morag Tong 10-15k each. Drop rate I think is something like 30-40%. It's easly make 50k/day or more.
If you have a lot of time, the best way is farming Buoyant Arminger Motif pages. Run around all Vvardenfell, open ALL chests and pick up your page. You can find it even in simple chest. It's not easy to farm it. The drop rate is really low. Usually you can find 1 page in 3-4h of farming, but is not for sure. We're talking about a drop rate of 0,0001% or something like that, I guess.
To be prepared you need: Savior of Morrowind achievement for better drop rate and the Harvest Map addon too see all the chest in Vvardenfell. When you are ready, run in circles around all Vvardenfell and open the chests. A page worth 150-300k (from mace to chest one). During your farming route you could find some War Maiden stuff, like divine gear (10-20k) or sharpened weapon (inferno staff worth right now 200k). If you decide to farm it, my advice is to run for 3-4h, and if you can twice a day. If you find 1 page/day + gear, you can make 200k/day, or something like 1.5m/week (net income).
Check always the pve/pvp builds from Alcast and other big players and farm their sets. Right now Necropotence is still a good and useful set. You can always farm War Maiden, Sun, Red Mountain, Spriggan,...Go to the specific zone and farm public dungeons or world bosses.
Look in google for the bait guide and start fishing. Fish a lot, then, start filleting. You have the probability to find the Perfect Roe that worth 10-13k/each. It's a good way to make gold when you're low level. I dont know the drop rate right now. Year ago was 1,5%, now is probably changed.
Craglorn is still my favorite zone. Farming around every raw mats + flowers + furnishing mats + nirn. Then you can resell raw mat's stacks or refine and sell Temper Alloy (5,8k/ea), Wax (4,5k/ea), Rosin (3,2k/ea), nirn fortified (2,4k/ea), nirn potent (10k/ea).
Corn flowers (310g/ea), lady smock (250g/ea), columbine (180g/ea), bugloss (120g/ea), nirn root (200g/ea). Cold Harbour is probably one of the best farming place in the game. You can resell flowers or craft potion yourself. Right now a lot of ppl need Spell Dmg pots.
You can steal from noble or other npc and find expensive stuff (check on reddit, the guides for wood elf, orc, breton throne and skooma bubbler) or farm the Nchulefting Public Dungeon, so you can find dwemer pet part (7-8k/ea) + dwarven recipe (50-400k, depend which). Steal npc or safebox inside homes.
Farm the public dungeons so you can find Dwemer pet parts (7-8k each) or the Six House Costume (12-15k each). You can sell the pieces or farm/buy all and sell the complete pet (60/70k) or complete robe (120-130k).
Buy perfect roe and dust at good price and resell Mythical Ambrosia (19-20k/ea) or the normal ambrosia (2,7-3k/ea). If you are a crafter and you "farm" vouchers, you can always buy diminished dust and craft the medium xp pot and sell it for 10-12k/ea.
Do all daily writs, especially blacksmith, clothing and wood for alloy, wax, rosin + harvest raw mat maps + master wirt. If you do every day with 10-12 pg's you can easily make 100-150k for free basically (as a master crafter i have alot of mats so i don't give value to the mats that i spend for the writs).
Do yours or buy Master Writs at a good price. Make alot of vouchers buy stuff from vendor and sell it in guild store.
Go around all Tamriel and spam your crafter's message. I usually ask to customer mats+1-2k gold for each piece. A full 5 pieces set is something like 5-10k (depend number of trait and style).
This is the BEST way to make gold. Use multi monitors, open TTC in your browser's pages, refresh and monitor TTC so you'll be the first to buy the good deals. Go around ALL trade guilds in Tamriel (if you can 3 time day, morning/afternoon/night). Check all guilds using filter and buy good deal to resell. Sometime u can find really good deals like spriggan or other expensive weapon sharpened at ridiculous price like 10-20k and resell at 150-300k gold. Reselling every day it's easy make 2-5m/week. Obviously is not net income, maybe you can have a 25-30% clean income. Depend how much good you are and how many good deal u find.
- PVP:
I'm not a pvp player (I hate pvp). But you can farm AP and rersell Akaviri motif pages or sets. Or going farming Tel Var and resell flowers or sets.
- Who is a good/veteran trader?
Someone that can make 1k gold/min or can resell 3-5m/week
- Why if I'm a low level?
I'm my opinion one of the best way for low lvl is fishing for perfect roe or right now even farming daily in Vvardenfell.
- Why sell in a guild store and not in zone chat?
In a guild store you can have visibility 24/7, so you dont need to go crazy around Tamriel spamming in zone chat. Some times is more the time you spend spamming, then the value of gold that you can make in the same amount of time.
Edited by itreboiz on 12 July 2017 01:00