pauld1_ESO wrote: »Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »We decided to hold Faregyl to distract AD, it worked a little too well and the faction ended up there, a very fun fight ensued
Sorry for the PTSD AD ♥
SreenshotIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »pauld1_ESO wrote: »THe most satisfying thing in Ravenwatch is running down and destroying a fleeing Drac member as they run away helplessly without their ball group cheese.
I'm sorry that you're not satisfied very often
You could pretend that all the people you are Xv1ing down are Drac members without their tabard on if you want
Often enough. But yea, this little ego trip is exactly why I enjoy it. You're near invincible due to screwed up mechanics that you take advantage of, you are organized and disciplined which I commend....and I think you know how annoying your group can be to us. So yea....excuse me if I take pleasure in killing Drac tabard wearers when they are separated from your ball group.
I'm sure you can understand.
Dracarys is the single strongest fighting force I've ever fought in Cyrodiil. What they can do is amazing for such a small group. If you think their videos are boring, then maybe you don't understand what you're watching.
Also, if you look closely, that's an organized guild called Ayrenn's Army they are fighting not just PUGs.
If you think their videos are boring, then maybe you don't understand what you're watching.
If you think their videos are boring, then maybe you don't understand what you're watching.
Very true. I feel that people who watch such videos and say things like 'how boring' or 'no skill, just press two buttons' indeed don't seem to understand what they are seeing. They seem like people watching a classical ballet group performance and saying 'boring, easy, all they do is stand on the tip of their toes'
ZoS: We dont know why the server lags
Dracarys is the single strongest fighting force I've ever fought in Cyrodiil. What they can do is amazing for such a small group. If you think their videos are boring, then maybe you don't understand what you're watching.
Also, if you look closely, that's an organized guild called Ayrenn's Army they are fighting not just PUGs.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
yeah, that was the point of my comment...
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
It's a spammable AoE ability, if it isn't being affected by the AoE cooldown then that's a bug and should be reported as such. There's no way you aren't aware that it should be affected by the test. In point of fact even a casual examination should reveal that this should be the worse morph as far as performance goes since it hits three targets.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Anyone who has ever taken a computer science class can probably understand that is very likely one of the issues that produces the server lag. If you have a 24man group, each one with 5-6 rapid regens, you are adding 120 calculations per second, per group, just with HoTs ticking, and the battle havent even started. And i'm not counting the calculation to determine which players get the rapid regen in each case (iterate the full list of player in range, perform checks in each one of them, etc, etc), the so called "smart healing" which is a terrible idea in the first place.
Even withouth having the code of the server, is quite easy to assume that the execution time of these algoritms will be extremely bad on the server.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Anyone who has ever taken a computer science class can probably understand that is very likely one of the issues that produces the server lag. If you have a 24man group, each one with 5-6 rapid regens, you are adding 120 calculations per second, per group, just with HoTs ticking, and the battle havent even started. And i'm not counting the calculation to determine which players get the rapid regen in each case (iterate the full list of player in range, perform checks in each one of them, etc, etc), the so called "smart healing" which is a terrible idea in the first place.
Even withouth having the code of the server, is quite easy to assume that the execution time of these algoritms will be extremely bad on the server.
Ah, of course. Its the 10 person Drac raid lagging the server, not the 80 people crammed into Sej.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Anyone who has ever taken a computer science class can probably understand that is very likely one of the issues that produces the server lag. If you have a 24man group, each one with 5-6 rapid regens, you are adding 120 calculations per second, per group, just with HoTs ticking, and the battle havent even started. And i'm not counting the calculation to determine which players get the rapid regen in each case (iterate the full list of player in range, perform checks in each one of them, etc, etc), the so called "smart healing" which is a terrible idea in the first place.
Even withouth having the code of the server, is quite easy to assume that the execution time of these algoritms will be extremely bad on the server.
Ah, of course. Its the 10 person Drac raid lagging the server, not the 80 people crammed into Sej.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Anyone who has ever taken a computer science class can probably understand that is very likely one of the issues that produces the server lag. If you have a 24man group, each one with 5-6 rapid regens, you are adding 120 calculations per second, per group, just with HoTs ticking, and the battle havent even started. And i'm not counting the calculation to determine which players get the rapid regen in each case (iterate the full list of player in range, perform checks in each one of them, etc, etc), the so called "smart healing" which is a terrible idea in the first place.
Even withouth having the code of the server, is quite easy to assume that the execution time of these algoritms will be extremely bad on the server.
Ah, of course. Its the 10 person Drac raid lagging the server, not the 80 people crammed into Sej.
Game mechanics like this one are responsible for the server lag, this is not just the 10 people in Dracarys doing it, every single organized group in Cyrodrill is doing it, because that is how the game is designed to work, sadly.
I wasnt blaming anyone in particular. I was just watching one of the videos, saw that, and took and screen. That's it. I'm not attacking nor defending dracarys or any other pvp group.
IAmIcehouse wrote: »Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Anyone who has ever taken a computer science class can probably understand that is very likely one of the issues that produces the server lag. If you have a 24man group, each one with 5-6 rapid regens, you are adding 120 calculations per second, per group, just with HoTs ticking, and the battle havent even started. And i'm not counting the calculation to determine which players get the rapid regen in each case (iterate the full list of player in range, perform checks in each one of them, etc, etc), the so called "smart healing" which is a terrible idea in the first place.
Even withouth having the code of the server, is quite easy to assume that the execution time of these algoritms will be extremely bad on the server.
Ah, of course. Its the 10 person Drac raid lagging the server, not the 80 people crammed into Sej.
Game mechanics like this one are responsible for the server lag, this is not just the 10 people in Dracarys doing it, every single organized group in Cyrodrill is doing it, because that is how the game is designed to work, sadly.
I wasnt blaming anyone in particular. I was just watching one of the videos, saw that, and took and screen. That's it. I'm not attacking nor defending dracarys or any other pvp group.
People get defensive because a common request to nerf ballgroups is preventing the same healing buff from stacking with itself from alternate sources.
montiferus wrote: »Ball groups are one of the bigger reasons Cryo is a hot mess (certainly not the only reason to be sure). These groups will never change nor will they ever admit their culpability in this perverse crime of terrible game performance. You are wasting their time engaging with them. They are convinced they aren't part of the problem and that their style of play is the highest expression of skill in this game.
biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »I must admit I see my latency go up I think what ball group is running, then Nikel turns Red.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »I must admit I see my latency go up I think what ball group is running, then Nikel turns Red.
The thing with actual ball groups (not those surfing faction frontlines) is that we are trying to spread out fights away from the main corridors to lessen the lag on the server.
When there are no groups like ours running and the fights are basically just at bleakers and Sej and players are crashing approaching them because there are so many ppl there it's also really laggy. Quite often we'll be forced to go break up these stalemate zerg fights because the map is completely unplayable with the lag they are creating. Sure when the whole faction then comes back to Fare or Glade etc to try and get us out of it, it can also then contribute to the server lag but I would argue that this would have happened regardless.
The groups that are fighting on the frontlines in these faction stacks spamming skills and still failing to get into breaches etc are more of an issue imo.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »I must admit I see my latency go up I think what ball group is running, then Nikel turns Red.
The thing with actual ball groups (not those surfing faction frontlines) is that we are trying to spread out fights away from the main corridors to lessen the lag on the server.
When there are no groups like ours running and the fights are basically just at bleakers and Sej and players are crashing approaching them because there are so many ppl there it's also really laggy. Quite often we'll be forced to go break up these stalemate zerg fights because the map is completely unplayable with the lag they are creating. Sure when the whole faction then comes back to Fare or Glade etc to try and get us out of it, it can also then contribute to the server lag but I would argue that this would have happened regardless.
The groups that are fighting on the frontlines in these faction stacks spamming skills and still failing to get into breaches etc are more of an issue imo.
Except it doesn't lessen the lag. Anyone on an opposite alliance can literally know the moment you and other ball groups like you get close, no matter where it is you're going - the ping goes up, the fps goes down. Other factions have scouts sitting in their keeps, and we've seen the call-outs in zone of ping jumps as you arrive somewhere. So if you truly are thinking you're helping as opposed to posting this trying to shift blame away from ball groups - this is to let you know that you're most definitely not helping in any way, shape, or form.