Battlegrounds - wow

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I have to admit I used some Overload LAs to kill some people when oom or just too low. I felt like a cheese monger, but its sort of a cheese market in BGs so why not? "All is fair"... and so forth.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • grim_tactics
    I have to admit I used some Overload LAs to kill some people when oom or just too low. I felt like a cheese monger, but its sort of a cheese market in BGs so why not? "All is fair"... and so forth.

    I've started only using Overload. The first night - I saw my death recap- and saw 1 hit me for 13.

    Overload is definitely the best cheese play for Sorcs in BGs.
  • Rickter
    oh come on @Irylia youre just being humble now. . . I wailed on you 1v1 in BGs last night and you just would not die. health bar didnt even move. you were more squishy than your DK pal, Ragnaroc (idk the name) but you were still flip floppin hard to kill.

    I have sorc buddies that want your secrets.
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • grim_tactics
    Rickter wrote: »
    oh come on @Irylia youre just being humble now. . . I wailed on you 1v1 in BGs last night and you just would not die. health bar didnt even move. you were more squishy than your DK pal, Ragnaroc (idk the name) but you were still flip floppin hard to kill.

    I have sorc buddies that want your secrets.

    What are you using? 1v1 Youre still going to have some issues with good players cause alone you still have to burst well cause they can refresh shields easier even in NonCP - but in a 1vX those shields get negated much much faster than in CP where a shield can stack for a ton of resistance.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Isn't there another thread just over there whining about how magsorc are too OP in BG?
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • grim_tactics
    Isn't there another thread just over there whining about how magsorc are too OP in BG?

    That's more about MagSorcs spamming execute at range and stealing kills.

    That's a legitimate issue but that's not in the same light as survivability/counter play in NonCP.

    If I saw people just getting kills from hanging behind their team only spam executing everyone I'd be mad too.
  • Rickter

    What are you using? 1v1 Youre still going to have some issues with good players cause alone you still have to burst well cause they can refresh shields easier even in NonCP - but in a 1vX those shields get negated much much faster than in CP where a shield can stack for a ton of resistance.

    This was not a controlled environment whatsoever. it was capture the flag and he had my teams flag so i pursued him and waled on his @ss with what would have killed anyone lesser.

    3973 weapon dmg and dragon leaping all over him. He wasnt unkillable, just incredibly hard to kill. he could survive 3 players bombarding him until his healer showed up. it was discouraging for us to say the least. 2 games we were at 400 score and just couldnt get the last cap in because they held our flag and we couldnt kill them to take it back :(
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Irylia
    Rickter wrote: »
    oh come on @Irylia youre just being humble now. . . I wailed on you 1v1 in BGs last night and you just would not die. health bar didnt even move. you were more squishy than your DK pal, Ragnaroc (idk the name) but you were still flip floppin hard to kill.

    I have sorc buddies that want your secrets.

    A will to live
    And tons of practice.

    Blocking key attacks
    Resto ult
    Boundless/defending resto
    Full impen

    Are a few things that can help mitigate outside of wards.

    I guess my best analogy would be walking barefoot outside will eventually toughen the skin so it is less painful to walk on rocks or what have you. Remove the shoe (zerg) and it forces you to adapt and overcome that pain (mitigating in 1vx)

    Constantly making myself fight outnumbered since I started playing March 2016 has overtime allowed me to improve my reaction time, awareness, and get a comfortable grasp of my class to the point where I can mitigate vs the x long enough to get away or start killing them off one by one.

    IMO dueling and small scaling benefit each other. You learn to mitigate damage and increase your awareness of targets buffs/debuffs/weak points when you small scale or 1vx and then dueling forces you to time your burst incredibly close to each skill going off. Making it easier to prioritize and knock people out later when you 1vx

    I am running
    5x shackle breaker
    5x amberplasm
    1x vma sharp inferno
    1x defending resto w/ beserk enchant
    2x prismatic glyphs on large pieces
    Shadow mundus

    Frag. Cshock. Curse. Innerlight. Fury. Db
    Heal ward. Hard ward. Dark deal. Degen. Streak. Resto ult

    1800 mag gen
    1200 Stam gen
    3.1-3.3 spell damage
    35% crit

    33 and 31k max mag
    7.3k hard ward

  • grim_tactics
    Irylia wrote: »

    A will to live
    And tons of practice.

    Blocking key attacks
    Resto ult
    Boundless/defending resto
    Full impen

    Are a few things that can help mitigate outside of wards.

    I guess my best analogy would be walking barefoot outside will eventually toughen the skin so it is less painful to walk on rocks or what have you. Remove the shoe (zerg) and it forces you to adapt and overcome that pain (mitigating in 1vx)

    Constantly making myself fight outnumbered since I started playing March 2016 has overtime allowed me to improve my reaction time, awareness, and get a comfortable grasp of my class to the point where I can mitigate vs the x long enough to get away or start killing them off one by one.

    IMO dueling and small scaling benefit each other. You learn to mitigate damage and increase your awareness of targets buffs/debuffs/weak points when you small scale or 1vx and then dueling forces you to time your burst incredibly close to each skill going off. Making it easier to prioritize and knock people out later when you 1vx

    I am running
    5x shackle breaker
    5x amberplasm
    1x vma sharp inferno
    1x defending resto w/ beserk enchant
    2x prismatic glyphs on large pieces
    Shadow mundus

    Frag. Cshock. Curse. Innerlight. Fury. Db
    Heal ward. Hard ward. Dark deal. Degen. Streak. Resto ult

    1800 mag gen
    1200 Stam gen
    3.1-3.3 spell damage
    35% crit

    33 and 31k max mag
    7.3k hard ward

    How are you hitting that spell damage with that regen?

    I run almost the idtentical build and if I'm at that regen - max spell damage is 2800 buffed. Where are you getting the other 300?

    Or is your regen you listed also with buffs?
    Edited by grim_tactics on 10 June 2017 03:47
  • Juhasow

    Shields aren't strong in NonCP and that scenario will not happen. If you're whole team is attacking two Sorcs, meaning 4v2, someone on your team is doing something wrong if you can't kill them cause their shields aren't doing anything except burning resources.

    If you don't believe me - just make a MagSorc and go try it.

    You're going to lose a shield and health from any attack that does decent damage. A full shield with 33% health = death by incap. They are stupidly weak in NonCP. Even stacked it's hard to get Healing Ward to last long enough for the heal - and even the heal is lower.

    Sorcs are also the easiest to kill in BGs. Watch the better MagSorcs that stream. They play support and try and pick 1v1s they can win. 1vX they're toast. They spend their time in the back using execute and kiting around. That's not aggressive - that's passive and defensive only using their bursts when a situation allows. That's why I currently prefer CP. I want to get in and get involved - not play a support role that has to run any time more than 1 person targets you.

    Now, in duels and in CP campaigns - shields are still crazy good.

    But to call shield stacking "brainless" shows me you obviously don't play a Sorc as shields are the only thing that keeps a Sorc alive. Besides - even if you stack, you have only 3 secs left on the first one as they only last 5 seconds once cast.

    Every class has a "brainless" skill that everyone uses/exploits if we are going to call using shields brainless. I could even say that a NBs whole rotation is brainless.

    I have magsorc I played it and I know what I'm talking about. Shields are strong but if used properly. LoS , streak etc. Not spamming them but using when needed especially healing ward. Resto ulti to heal up under the shields. Also sorc choosing to have higher hp now because healing ward is strong shield atm and it scales of missing hp.

    The point You mentioned that sorcs are toasted in 1vX well...isnt that normal that 1 player should fall if fighting multiple players ? Magsorcs cheese mode lasted too long and looks like some of them have forgotted that 1vX isnt just brainless shieldstacking and surviving anything plus bursting enemie from 100% to 0 in 2 second when crystal procs thx for shieldstacking. You're light armor user You shouldnt be able to stand in front line taking everything on Yourself and also killing everything. Sorc burst is still decent and curse+frag+endless fury combo is still deadly. Class that have such high burst and can finish enemies instantly before they have time to react cant be also the class that is the toughest one to kill and fight in front line. Magsorc is at right place atm he can kill but his defense have it limitations which doesnt mean it's too weak.
    Edited by Juhasow on 10 June 2017 16:37
  • Stigant
    Battlegrounds in nutshell ...

    queuing -> broken - we all know what I m talking about here

    matchup -> broken - 9/10 games its 2v2v4 or 4v4v2, even happened to me 1v2v4, battleleveling is BS, we all know it so why do we have lvls 49- figting alongside lvls 50? shouldn't those 2 groups be separated?

    combat -> broken - no counterplay meta in its worst incarnation, proctard stamNB everywhere (3/4 of the team usually) if not, its a soulassault beam from the longest possible range, or permahealers/"permablockers"

    overall experience -> dissapointing

    note: more than once happened to me
    a) resspawned into loading screen into another loading screen into battleground desserter penalty ... WHY?
    b) people ragequit after getting oneshot-proctarded one too many times
    c) several times happened to me that the whole loosing team quit the battleground just a second before the winning one scored the winning point (points), which resulted in end of the battleground without a winner (suckerpunch move in its finest)

    Thank you ZOS for bringing us this awesomelly broken new "PvP" feature to the game after almost 2 years waiting since IC, which was also supposed to be PvP DLC and also failed to deliver.

    edit: it was once said by Brian Wheeler on ESO live that the original battlegrounds they presented couple years ago were held together by ducktape and chewing gum .. well .. I have to admit they added some nails since then
    Edited by Stigant on 10 June 2017 18:01
  • Johnnny
    You shouldn't be able to frontline 2 people as damage dealer, thats all. If they come for you you can shieldstack/restoult/streak/darkdeal/mine/boundless storm untill your team kill the players in you. But you should always count on your team. Their role should be keeping you alive while people dive you.

    Of course some people can 1vX, but that should be just because they are much better. If a mSorc fights 2 people with the same "skill" he has, he should die fast.

    Wanting a magSorc to tank 2 stams inside you for a long time is like wanting an ADC frontlining in LoL.

    And by the way, I like Dampen Magic, if you can DD enough to keep it up.

    BUT, yes, nerfing Viper wouldn't hurt.
    Edited by Johnnny on 12 June 2017 10:22
    Johnnyzz - mSorc - NA Sotha/BGs
  • Rickter
    Stigant wrote: »
    Battlegrounds in nutshell ...

    queuing -> broken - we all know what I m talking about here

    matchup -> broken - 9/10 games its 2v2v4 or 4v4v2, even happened to me 1v2v4, battleleveling is BS, we all know it so why do we have lvls 49- figting alongside lvls 50? shouldn't those 2 groups be separated?

    combat -> broken - no counterplay meta in its worst incarnation, proctard stamNB everywhere (3/4 of the team usually) if not, its a soulassault beam from the longest possible range, or permahealers/"permablockers"

    overall experience -> dissapointing

    note: more than once happened to me
    a) resspawned into loading screen into another loading screen into battleground desserter penalty ... WHY?
    b) people ragequit after getting oneshot-proctarded one too many times
    c) several times happened to me that the whole loosing team quit the battleground just a second before the winning one scored the winning point (points), which resulted in end of the battleground without a winner (suckerpunch move in its finest)

    Thank you ZOS for bringing us this awesomelly broken new "PvP" feature to the game after almost 2 years waiting since IC, which was also supposed to be PvP DLC and also failed to deliver.

    edit: it was once said by Brian Wheeler on ESO live that the original battlegrounds they presented couple years ago were held together by ducktape and chewing gum .. well .. I have to admit they added some nails since then

    Im glad you could finally come to this conclusion because according to this pre patch poll, BGs are awesome: BGs: Dead on Arrival?
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Irylia

    How are you hitting that spell damage with that regen?

    I run almost the idtentical build and if I'm at that regen - max spell damage is 2800 buffed. Where are you getting the other 300?

    Or is your regen you listed also with buffs?

    Do you proc beserk enchant on resto?
    3x spell dmg glyphs
    Vma destro
    2x of spell dmg from sets
    Juhasow wrote: »

    I have magsorc I played it and I know what I'm talking about. Shields are strong but if used properly. LoS , streak etc. Not spamming them but using when needed especially healing ward. Resto ulti to heal up under the shields. Also sorc choosing to have higher hp now because healing ward is strong shield atm and it scales of missing hp.

    The point You mentioned that sorcs are toasted in 1vX well...isnt that normal that 1 player should fall if fighting multiple players ? Magsorcs cheese mode lasted too long and looks like some of them have forgotted that 1vX isnt just brainless shieldstacking and surviving anything plus bursting enemie from 100% to 0 in 2 second when crystal procs thx for shieldstacking. You're light armor user You shouldnt be able to stand in front line taking everything on Yourself and also killing everything. Sorc burst is still decent and curse+frag+endless fury combo is still deadly. Class that have such high burst and can finish enemies instantly before they have time to react cant be also the class that is the toughest one to kill and fight in front line. Magsorc is at right place atm he can kill but his defense have it limitations which doesnt mean it's too weak.

    "Class that have such high burst and can finish enemies instantly before they have time to react can't be also the class that is the toughest one to kill and fight in front line"
    Procblade with cloak/clone/fear (you pick)
    And shuffle + tk + roll dodge
    Johnnny wrote: »
    You shouldn't be able to frontline 2 people as damage dealer, thats all. If they come for you you can shieldstack/restoult/streak/darkdeal/mine/boundless storm untill your team kill the players in you. But you should always count on your team. Their role should be keeping you alive while people dive you.

    Of course some people can 1vX, but that should be just because they are much better. If a mSorc fights 2 people with the same "skill" he has, he should die fast.

    Wanting a magSorc to tank 2 stams inside you for a long time is like wanting an ADC frontlining in LoL.

    And by the way, I like Dampen Magic, if you can DD enough to keep it up.

    BUT, yes, nerfing Viper wouldn't hurt.

    But it's alright for a Stam dps to be able to tank multiple enemies and 1vx them down. Even if equal or similar skill. Mainly due to hots, shuffle, and rolling tied in with how strong their 1 shot combo is
  • Flaminir
    To the OP, I've noticed this too... but have played a bit of no-CP PvP before so kinda used to it.

    I run a similar (ish) build to Irylia using stuff like ShackleBreaker & vMA staff etc... but I've bene playing with one specific set which has really helped with the shields...

    I was finding shields squishy, so I thought about why that was having an effect.... shields dropped too quick, so I had to then spam shields to stay alive, eventually as you are on the defensive they will either just overwhelm you with damage or you run out of resources...

    They key is being able to flip from being defensive to going on the offense...

    Give Infernal guardian set a try! ;)

    May not work against the very best players, but those mortars hit pretty hard, and in the contained space of BG's they often end up hitting quite a few people.

    When somebody has 3 fiery mortars hitting them in quick succesion you will often get a window where they will go defensive, and thats the chance for you to flip the fight and go after them... if the are playing defensive they aren't then burning your shields so quick ;)
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • kadar
    I thought VMA made me mad.

    The community got the Sorc nerf they wanted.

    Shields literally drop to 1 heavy attack or 1 decent damage ability.

    There is nothing for me to do to mitigate the bursts from NBs and StamSorcs

    Seems like I'm going to run StamSorc because NonCP BGs is made for stamina builds - period.

    Looks like I'll wait for CP BGs for me to be able to actually run counter to these other builds with a MagSorc.

    Back to the drawing board for you sir. Mag Sorc is crushing it atm in BG.
    It took a few days but I absolutely love Battle Grounds. I'm playing nothing but pick up games on my Magplar and having a blast.

    The first day or two was a bit rough. It's a lot of fun now that I got the hang of the maps.

    Side note: I have one piece of impen and it doesn't really matter. Being a Magplar is great. Also, I'd like to note that I can steal your kills with Radiant Oppression just as well as ever.
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    My buddy averages about 1 death per BG on his mag sorc. I have seen plenty more do the same. You complain about your survivability while saying you go 21-3 regularly. ¬_¬ You should be able to be killed, 3 deaths indicates you are not dying much.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Prince_of_all_Pugs
    Ashamray wrote: »
    Nothing has been done to shields directly. Magicka sorcs are in the top of PvP.

    only if your bad.
  • grim_tactics

    Back to the drawing board for you sir. Mag Sorc is crushing it atm in BG.

    I know you probably didn't read the whole thread - which is fine cause I usually don't either after so many replies.

    The point of this is the survivability in solo queue with randoms. NonCP offers no counter play and no viability for a MagSorc outside of a support role. If I'm running with my group and hitting from range without being pressured - I'm good and can help with the other players bursts while also setting up an execute.

    When you are facing pressure as a MagSorc then your only option is to Streak, drop mines, and hope you can kite until your teammates drop back in.

    I've mained a MagSorc since day 1 and I hold my own against anyone that challenges me 1v1. In CP campaigns I'll take 1vX challenges too.

    In BGs though - shields are garbage - and the amount of damage you can negate is nonexistent.

    Everyone that is saying MagSorcs are OP are the ones seeing the recap where they died by fury or wrath. If I stand back and just spam an execute I'll get kills - but I didn't earn them. You got so many people running shuffle and so on that frags miss, so you are essentially running with curse, hoping to hit with a proc'd frag, pulse, and execute. The rest of the set up is for survivability purposes but they don't do enough in NonCP to help negate while escaping. Healing Ward, if you're not careful, will not last long enough for the heal, and the stacked shields MAY get you to 11-12k resistance, but that will drop to pressure instantly, or if you're caught with only 1 shield up a full NB combo and you're dead or 1 shot.

    This isn't some new MagSorc complaining cause I can't find my set up - this is someone who has been doing this a long time and can run all rotations with their eyes closed.

    When you take counterplay away from a PvP mode - you're left with a gameplay that forces a playstyle for everyone who uses that class.

    You even have the top players also agreeing that MagSorcs are extremely squishy in BGs compared to the other classes that either have higher burst or better resistances.

    Im just running my StamBlade now in BGs because it's easy mode there.
    Edited by grim_tactics on 13 June 2017 14:41
  • grim_tactics
    My buddy averages about 1 death per BG on his mag sorc. I have seen plenty more do the same. You complain about your survivability while saying you go 21-3 regularly. ¬_¬ You should be able to be killed, 3 deaths indicates you are not dying much.

    Those are in the good games - not all the time obviously. I'm not going to act like I jump in every game and wreck. If my team communicates - I'll support and get in and out fine and usually have a good game. Other times - I'll have garbage games where I'm the main guy having to try to get kills or defend a flag and such.

    With randoms - it's more like 5-3, 6-4, several 3-5, 4-4 and so on. Just average ratios. Then of course the assists are hilarious - 21,17,19.

    I am just not a fan of having to constantly stay on the outside and then run like hell when I see more than 1 person pressuring me.

    I've never been one who wants nerfs. I'm the biggest proponent of adapting and learning how to counter - which I do, but the countering in BGs doesn't exist. So I've switched to my other class just for BGs.
    Edited by grim_tactics on 13 June 2017 14:43
    Maybe I'm just weird ... ok I'm definitely weird but that's besides the point ... am I the only person who has no issues with Magsorcs? Seriously, I just don't.

    StamSorcs though. SMH ... Selenes, Viper, Hurricane, SMASH!

    Mag sorcs though ... what's the issue? If you streak, I'll catch you with rapids or mist form. If you cast shields I'll just pokey stick you to death. If you do the curse/frag combo ... block? I honestly just don't get it.

    My advice ... if you're having issues with MagSorcs, roll a Magplar. All issues are gone assuming you know how to craft a potion or two.
    Edited by THEDKEXPERIENCE on 13 June 2017 15:49
  • Beardimus
    People think MagSorc are BG strong cos of scoring / kills via Wrath.

    Survivability in non CP is hardest for Msorc, OP is right.

    Active defence burns resources fast.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
    Beardimus wrote: »
    People think MagSorc are BG strong cos of scoring / kills via Wrath.

    Survivability in non CP is hardest for Msorc, OP is right.

    Active defence burns resources fast.

    Yeah ... as someone who rotates breath of life and Harness Magicka, I get that.

    I keep up my resources by heavy attacking like a madman at the start of all fights until I'm forced to use an ability. If I get pressured I still have enough Magic at that point to do 4 or 5 BoL + HM rotations before firing off a Soul Assault as a last resort.

    Otherwise I just stay on the outside and spam Radiant into crowds looking to poach kills. Seems to work well enough!
  • Skinzz
    Maybe I'm just weird ... ok I'm definitely weird but that's besides the point ... am I the only person who has no issues with Magsorcs? Seriously, I just don't.

    StamSorcs though. SMH ... Selenes, Viper, Hurricane, SMASH!

    Mag sorcs though ... what's the issue? If you streak, I'll catch you with rapids or mist form. If you cast shields I'll just pokey stick you to death. If you do the curse/frag combo ... block? I honestly just don't get it.

    My advice ... if you're having issues with MagSorcs, roll a Magplar. All issues are gone assuming you know how to craft a potion or two.

    Pretty sure I fought you yesterday a couple times in bgs. You just listed what i was using lmao
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
    xskinzcity wrote: »

    Pretty sure I fought you yesterday a couple times in bgs. You just listed what i was using lmao

    That's pretty awesome. You must have seen me waving my hand in the air and clapping a ton!
  • Skinzz

    That's pretty awesome. You must have seen me waving my hand in the air and clapping a ton!

    Yea I killed u several times with cheese. Not proud of it tbh lol.
    Anybody got a group? LFG, anybody? Hello?
    xskinzcity wrote: »

    Yea I killed u several times with cheese. Not proud of it tbh lol.

    Haha, it's all fair man. Unless you were the one guy who literally killed me without hitting me. That was quite amazing!
  • Zander98
    Sorcs are fine in non cp.
    The update changes took a week or so to fully get used to, but keep boundless up and use your mobility.
    I've always felt if you're a msorc and you die it's kind of your own fault. You have bolt and shields to get through enough burst. If you end up on the ground usually it the fault of a laps in situational awareness.
    And I die a lot. Lol. Far from the best sorc. But seriously...we're the only class that never really had an excuse if we got zerged down.
    Keep boundless up also. Most Sorcs who've been living in CP are used to chilling out under shields. Boundless helps a lot.
    Also, I would argue the biggest survivability change I've had to deal with this update didn't come from patch changes. It was the gold vended dropping those selene shoulders 3 Fridays ago.
    That has killed me as much as anything.
    Zane Altise- The Drunken Sorc

    "The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head"-Pratchett
  • grim_tactics
    Zander98 wrote: »
    Sorcs are fine in non cp.
    The update changes took a week or so to fully get used to, but keep boundless up and use your mobility.
    I've always felt if you're a msorc and you die it's kind of your own fault. You have bolt and shields to get through enough burst. If you end up on the ground usually it the fault of a laps in situational awareness.
    And I die a lot. Lol. Far from the best sorc. But seriously...we're the only class that never really had an excuse if we got zerged down.
    Keep boundless up also. Most Sorcs who've been living in CP are used to chilling out under shields. Boundless helps a lot.
    Also, I would argue the biggest survivability change I've had to deal with this update didn't come from patch changes. It was the gold vended dropping those selene shoulders 3 Fridays ago.
    That has killed me as much as anything.

    I found Boundless not to be that much of a help - but that's just me - and I've started using it even though I don't find the extra resistance that great. (Or should I say - it doesn't make a noticeable difference.)

    And yes, huge difference for someone like me with shields being the saving grace in CP and not worth a damn in NonCP.

    I still say Sorcs have it the worst in NonCP for survivability and as such requires more kiting and less jumping into the fray.

    It all falls on teamwork. In CP I can jump into and take the pressure off my teammates while they buff up and rotate back in - in BGs I have to rely on them to keep pressure the whole time while I stack my bursts with them and use execute spam to finish off low targets.

    I've dropped 1 shield in favor of offering another flex spot.

    I just don't like how I can run with randoms in CP campaign and make up for their lack of experience. In BGs - if it comes down to me on my MagSorc to do most of the work, it's not going to happen. I get tired of streaking around and shielding, wasting resources, while I am trying to get them to get to me to take pressure. Most of the time it's pointless, though I refuse to quit out.
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