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Things that are wrong with questing

they way u do missions should have consequences, actions should have consequences, i have seen a lot of missions with no consequences after making moral choice, tried other options with other char & my choice made no difference, it was totally pointless, becoming vampire or werewolf should also have some consequences, ppl trust u less, but u earn their trust eventually (first its harder to convince ppl, u know like in skyrim u had speech skill, lower the skill harder it was, it feel like u have speech skill & its low, earning trust makes it easier, ppl will hear what u did & trust u more, but its not trust u will have positive & negative rep, & becoming ww or vamp lower ur rep), & also missions involving vampire & werewolf where it makes the difference if u are one, add more depth to it

one example, mission in dominion with the ghost (or shade or what ever it was with a voice of a boy) & hes father who wanted to bind him inside that flesh golem, can't remember the mission name, at the end there were no real consequences that makes u feel u did the right choice & if i went to darker path that u did something bad, in the end it feels like neither was bad cause none of the 2 choices had no consequences, it makes ppl not care about the choices, even if some missions don't have bad consequences they will have some consequences

i had to make new topic, & make my large Thread in to pieces & talk about issues one by one (From Suggestions for fixes & changes, new ideas, vote which ideas u like Thread), cause ppl didn't want to read so much TXT at once, i'm not bashing the game, i want to get the attention to a problem so it would get fixed :)

Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 11:55
  • Mettaricana
    All quests are boring either npc won't shut up or everything is solved smashing this watering that gathering this or soul gem soul gem soul gem glowy hands or npc has a spell for just this exact occasion voiding the entire reason you started helping them. and ghosts all of it sucks...

    Only quest I seen with a consequence that no matyer wat make me have a morel feeling was that trial crime in ad where you had to persecute the one who cut the flower amd feed them to a carnivore plant no matyer the out come you feel guilty..
  • Sugram22
    All quests are boring either npc won't shut up or everything is solved smashing this watering that gathering this or soul gem soul gem soul gem glowy hands or npc has a spell for just this exact occasion voiding the entire reason you started helping them. and ghosts all of it sucks...

    Only quest I seen with a consequence that no matyer wat make me have a morel feeling was that trial crime in ad where you had to persecute the one who cut the flower amd feed them to a carnivore plant no matyer the out come you feel guilty..

    to me it seems Dev's tried to make missions with consequences, but failed, they added moral choices, but seems they lack experience with games where actions have consequences, if u add moral choices u also must add consequences, with out consequences its like half work, half done

    i know 1 mission more that has little consequence, with tree looking spirit, i think it was in Daggerfall, in the end u either bind the nature to the girl or not, if not to Forrest was natural where some animals may attack humans, if u do bind all animals on the map become like neutral, won't attack u unless u attack first, i think it was in the map with ww altar
    Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 12:30
  • Enslaved
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.
  • Dracindo
    Oh there is a quest where you have to make a choice, where behind door 1 is a girl that needs to be saved. Or do you choose the second door, which will give you /drum /drum /drum 2 skill points! To prevent spoilers, I'm not saying which quest or related to what (maybe this reward is gone by now), but some people will know which quest I'm talking about.

    But I agree with certain reality in quests.
    I just finished a quest where you need to kill werewolves and using the Amulet of Hircine call out a werewolves true nature. As a werewolf myself, this amulet doesn't work on me, and the quest giver has no problem with me being a werewolf. Killing myself also doesn't count towards completing that quest.
    Or when a Dunmer family didn't trust those damn Argonians with their strange medicines, yet they saw no problem with an Argonian helping them with a strange medicine.

    But yeah, when it comes to logic in this game, nobody bats an eye, but when someone asks for a dragon mount/pet/enemy everybody loses their fricking mind!
  • Zaldan
    Dracindo wrote: »
    Oh there is a quest where you have to make a choice, where behind door 1 is a girl that needs to be saved. Or do you choose the second door, which will give you /drum /drum /drum 2 skill points! To prevent spoilers, I'm not saying which quest or related to what (maybe this reward is gone by now), but some people will know which quest I'm talking about.

    But I agree with certain reality in quests.
    I just finished a quest where you need to kill werewolves and using the Amulet of Hircine call out a werewolves true nature. As a werewolf myself, this amulet doesn't work on me, and the quest giver has no problem with me being a werewolf. Killing myself also doesn't count towards completing that quest.
    Or when a Dunmer family didn't trust those damn Argonians with their strange medicines, yet they saw no problem with an Argonian helping them with a strange medicine.

    But yeah, when it comes to logic in this game, nobody bats an eye, but when someone asks for a dragon mount/pet/enemy everybody loses their fricking mind!

    nope quest still there and is the only one in the entire game with any consequence, asking ZO$ for anything more is pointless as it's beyond them :(
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Sugram22
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.

    i don't get the shorten words, EP, AD & DC, what do they mean???
    Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 13:22
  • Darkonflare15
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.

    Intesresting, I enjoyed the DC quests more than EP. EP was my least favorite. My favorite is the Rivenspire zone questline. Wh I looked at quest in the way. If they tell an interesting story about the zone or the world then it good to me. I could care less about concequences. Concequences in games are just another way to either limit the story your going to get or to produce some hindrance that is just plain unecessary down the line.
  • DMuehlhausen
    That's the problem with quests in games like this. You can't really have the decisions have consequences. If I decided to destroy a village should it then be taken out of the game?

    Other companies have tried to do things like this and it just doesn't work. There was even one game that was in development where Devs would actively write and design quests. Once that quest was done it wasn't doable by anybody else. I don't think that game ever got out of Alpha.

    The only real way to do it would be to have quests that keep "score" over a point of time. Then based on how many times the quest was done (have a couple choices for different outcomes) something in the world changes. The best example of this was an idea I had back when WoW first launched.

    It dealt with that stupid bridge in Redridge. How many bolts, pikes, and rivets did you collect for the building of the bridge yet it never changed. What should have happened is say 100k items were collected in a month then the bridge gets built up a little bit, then more and more over time if people keep doing the quest. Once the bridge got built up enough maybe the Blackrock Orcs attack again. There would be a zone, or maybe 2-3 zone warning go out. People could come and try to defend the bridge. If we fought them off then maybe we start rebuilding the castle and the Red Rocks leave. If they win the bridge is destroyed and we start over.

    Another one I had was Westfall. If we did enough of the kill X of the mobs, and finish the Deadmines then there would be less of the Defias in the zone. If we keep doing those quests then other NPC quest givers come back to the zone. If we stop doing it then they move back in.
  • SolarCat02
    Sugram22 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.

    i don't get the shorten words, EP, AD & DC, what do they mean???

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ebonhart Pact
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Why be normal when you can be better?

    Elissandra Ravenwing, Magicka Dragonknight Healer
    Lady Kalila, Stamina Templar DPS
    Stands-in-Danger, Nightblade Saptank
    Zalarah, Stamina Dragonknight DPS
  • ZOS_JohanaB
    This Thread has been moved to Quests and Exploration
    Staff Post
  • Jimbullbee85
    This is Bethesda! Not Bioware! It wouldn't work for group questing. You can't share a quest and complete it as a group with alternative routes and endings with each one. There is already some choices albeit limited to things like, who to kill/save, forgive/execute but these options are at the debrief of a quest so wouldn't effect quest sharing. As to your point of questing being boring, well... that's down to opinion. I loved my starting zone quests. Although im getting a tad bored of the other two I've been doing them slowly in between other things like dungeons, trials and PvP.
    Jimbullbee, Templar healer battlemage
  • JKorr
    Sugram22 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.

    i don't get the shorten words, EP, AD & DC, what do they mean???

    Ebonheart Pact = EP The Red banner people with all the dragon images.

    Aldmeri Dominion = AD The Yellow banner people with all the eagle/bird images.

    Daggerfall Covenant = DC The Blue banner people with all the lion images.

    You might have skipped a little too much information along the way.

    That quest with the boy's spirit? You can rescue his mother in another quest. She's rather surprised, upset, and astonished that his spirit was really him, and will go off to find him. I rather liked that one; he tells you how painful it is to be bound to that golem/atronach, so I felt just fine setting him free. Finding his mother and telling her about it later was a bonus.

    That quest to bind the forest or not? The consequences of that one will take time to play out, but the nature spirits plan to do a lot more than just kill random people in the forest. The castle, the roads, everything that was built up by men is subject to being taken back by nature if the forest isn't bound. So, it won't happen immediately, but it will happen eventually its just a slow war.

    The werewolf amulet quest....The werewolves the amulet affected were controlled by the undead werewolf that was controlled by the necromancer. You, as a werewolf, were not under the control of the undead pack leader that was under the control of the necromancer. You as a werewolf were not rampaging through the countryside killing people, either. I kind of liked how that one played out, too. When you do what you have to in order to find out how to kill the undead werewolf, you have a choice to make. Make it one way and history plays out the way it was when you left. Make the other choice, and things are a little different when you come back....

    All the faction zones are "civil wars", really. DC has Emeric screwing things up by not making decisions, so one guy decides he should be king. Ayrenn is queen, except her brother's wife believes she's betraying the altmer superiority by making alliances and decides she would be a much better queen and starts the Veiled Heritance to get rid of her. Jorunn defeated his brother in combat to take the crown, decided to be merciful and not kill him, and his brother isn't happy about that, so starts a rebellion to take the crown back.
    Edited by JKorr on 22 December 2016 13:47
  • Sugram22
    This is Bethesda! Not Bioware! It wouldn't work for group questing. You can't share a quest and complete it as a group with alternative routes and endings with each one. There is already some choices albeit limited to things like, who to kill/save, forgive/execute but these options are at the debrief of a quest so wouldn't effect quest sharing. As to your point of questing being boring, well... that's down to opinion. I loved my starting zone quests. Although im getting a tad bored of the other two I've been doing them slowly in between other things like dungeons, trials and PvP.

    its possible same way after completing some mission u see farmland burn & i don't cause i chose other option, there are missions that u see effect world a bit few missions like that, if they were able to do that then they can do this as well
    Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 14:14
  • Sugram22
    That's the problem with quests in games like this. You can't really have the decisions have consequences. If I decided to destroy a village should it then be taken out of the game?

    Other companies have tried to do things like this and it just doesn't work. There was even one game that was in development where Devs would actively write and design quests. Once that quest was done it wasn't doable by anybody else. I don't think that game ever got out of Alpha.

    The only real way to do it would be to have quests that keep "score" over a point of time. Then based on how many times the quest was done (have a couple choices for different outcomes) something in the world changes. The best example of this was an idea I had back when WoW first launched.

    It dealt with that stupid bridge in Redridge. How many bolts, pikes, and rivets did you collect for the building of the bridge yet it never changed. What should have happened is say 100k items were collected in a month then the bridge gets built up a little bit, then more and more over time if people keep doing the quest. Once the bridge got built up enough maybe the Blackrock Orcs attack again. There would be a zone, or maybe 2-3 zone warning go out. People could come and try to defend the bridge. If we fought them off then maybe we start rebuilding the castle and the Red Rocks leave. If they win the bridge is destroyed and we start over.

    Another one I had was Westfall. If we did enough of the kill X of the mobs, and finish the Deadmines then there would be less of the Defias in the zone. If we keep doing those quests then other NPC quest givers come back to the zone. If we stop doing it then they move back in.

    Star Wars the old Republic team was able to do it then so can they
    Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 14:14
  • Sugram22
    SolarCat02 wrote: »
    Sugram22 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Quests are of random quality.

    I am under impression that EP quests are done much better than other alliance quests. Even on starter island, you get an idea that there is this huge war and if there were a slightly less boring boss fights I would be satisfied with EP quests.

    AD quests are not that bad, but there is no real war but civil war there, and conflict with Maomer, if you ask me. Since it was my golden area, I was feeling kinda bad after I completed it. I think Zos could have done a better job there.

    DC quests made me rage. After EP zones, it felt like it was done by some completely different team, half baked product wth just a few quests that ain't complete bs. I felt truly disappointed, expected so much more from DC zones.

    And no matter how you look at it, all boss fights are complete letdown. Any group dungeon boss fight is more epic that any quest boss fight, including Molag Bal one.

    i don't get the shorten words, EP, AD & DC, what do they mean???

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ebonhart Pact
    Daggerfall Covenant


    makes sense, thx for clearing that up
    Edited by Sugram22 on 22 December 2016 14:16
  • JinmeiRobeitsu
    I'm a noob and just started playing, I see ppl running aroung the world of course, but like, I went to a cave and had to wait for a beast to respawn 3 times, like I was waiting in line... I just wanna solo and for my quests to actually feel solo, unless I specifically join a group. Like when I go to a dungeon to kill a boss and see a group running out, I can't help but to think, "sooo, I'm gonna go in to kill this thing that those dudes JUST killed?" 100% Immersion breaking, this needs fixed some how.
    Edited by JinmeiRobeitsu on 5 January 2017 00:45
  • Enodoc
    I'm a noob and just started playing, I see ppl running aroung the world of course, but like, I went to a cave and had to wait for a beast to respawn 3 times, like I was waiting in line... I just wanna solo and for my quests to actually feel solo, unless I specifically join a group. Like when I go to a dungeon to kill a boss and see a group running out, I can't help but to think, "sooo, I'm gonna go in to kill this thing that those dudes JUST killed?" 100% Immersion breaking, this needs fixed some how.
    Not much that can be done about that, unfortunately. Such is the way of a multiplayer game.
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  • tunepunk
    Enodoc wrote: »
    I'm a noob and just started playing, I see ppl running aroung the world of course, but like, I went to a cave and had to wait for a beast to respawn 3 times, like I was waiting in line... I just wanna solo and for my quests to actually feel solo, unless I specifically join a group. Like when I go to a dungeon to kill a boss and see a group running out, I can't help but to think, "sooo, I'm gonna go in to kill this thing that those dudes JUST killed?" 100% Immersion breaking, this needs fixed some how.
    Not much that can be done about that, unfortunately. Such is the way of a multiplayer game.

    I kind of liked the way Guild Wars I handeled it. Towns and outposts where where you formed a group, and once you exited the town the whole area outside was instanced. You would never run in to anyone out in the world though, which in some ways was a good thing, and sometimes a bad thing.

    Maybe they could fragment a bit more, to have less players on each fragment, because some places seem VERY VERY crowded. But that's a bit off topic.

    I don't mind that some quest are a bit boring, there should just be more. Especially end game, when you're stuck with just a few dailies you can do over and over.
  • Catnight
    I saw an interview, in which they presented the Mega-Server-System like you would be always in your own sequence of the story, changing the world with your decisions and only meet players following the same route.
    Well... what use has a feature when it is poorly implemented? If this system was so great, it would be no problem to put you at last in your own version of a solo-delve and make more changes to your world. Especially in delves it kills the immersion left and right when other players run around, which are not in your group.
    Edited by Catnight on 16 January 2017 22:20
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