Official Discussion Thread for "Introducing Homestead"

  • Ralen
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    Well that's great, really !

    But now you'll allow us to craft and put chairs in our home, PLEASE ZoS, allow us to use it too !!!

    What's the point of having a chair if you still can not sit on it ? Have you planned to make it possible ?
    Gaharikhan de l'Arador Dayn
  • Caroloces
    Maybe we could use emptied crown crates for storage! ;)
  • Eshelmen
    Caroloces wrote: »
    Maybe we could use emptied crown crates for storage! ;)

    Sorry, due to budget reasons, they've had to recycle said crates and sent them back to the store to be refilled and resold. .
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • Thrasher91604
    Nothing about storage?

    Well, I just lost interest. Looks like just a gold and crown sink with no real value.
    Edited by Thrasher91604 on 7 December 2016 03:06
  • ShadowHvo
    Chests are just decorative; you won't be able to use them as an extension to your bank. You will be able to place a personal assistant in your home, though.

    Just to expand on this some. Extra storage in your home is something we know a number of you would love. It's something we'd love as well, but when we looked at all of the things had to get in for the base system, we had to draw the line somewhere. Additional storage didn't make the cut.

    That being said, we are looking at ways to add in additional storage space in the future.

    If I may be so bold as to come with a suggestion.

    What if the chests / cabins / wardrobes and all those fancy containers was given an option to open one specific section of our account-wide bank upon initial placement? Aka, if I set my wardrobe to clothing, whenever I interact with that wardrobe it opens up the clothing/armor section of my bank. The same could be done with weapon ranks and weapons, material crates and materials and ofcourse ingredients in food baskets ect ect.

    While I know it sounds redundant, and quite frankly pointless considering that we have access to all items in our bank regardless of the characters. But there is something very immersive about opening your food basket to pick out an apple, go to your Wardrobe to lay out that pretty Dress, and then proceed onwards to the cabin to grab that bottle of Sujamma you hid in there for that one special ocassion.

    Its a feature that would be overlooked by many, yet one I believe a great deal of roleplayers would dearly enjoy, myself included.

    It doesn't nessecarily have to add more inventory / bank space per say (Even though that certainly would be nice too!) it just has to give the immersive illusion of depth to the home.

    Otherwise I would like to say that housing in its current preview seems really utterly amazing, thank you for it.
    But please, give me a cave home similar to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Gold Coast!
    Edited by ShadowHvo on 7 December 2016 03:50
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
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  • The_Protagonist
    Big shout out to ZOS, very excited about this, ESO rocks again. :)
  • kkeskib14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    Chests are just decorative; you won't be able to use them as an extension to your bank. You will be able to place a personal assistant in your home, though.

    Just to expand on this some. Extra storage in your home is something we know a number of you would love. It's something we'd love as well, but when we looked at all of the things had to get in for the base system, we had to draw the line somewhere. Additional storage didn't make the cut.

    That being said, we are looking at ways to add in additional storage space in the future.

    If I may be so bold as to come with a suggestion.

    What if the chests / cabins / wardrobes and all those fancy containers was given an option to open one specific section of our account-wide bank upon initial placement? Aka, if I set my wardrobe to clothing, whenever I interact with that wardrobe it opens up the clothing/armor section of my bank. The same could be done with weapon ranks and weapons, material crates and materials and of course ingredients in food baskets ect ect.

    While I know it sounds redundant, and quite frankly pointless considering that we have access to all items in our bank regardless of the characters. But there is something very immersive about opening your food basket to pick out an apple, go to your Wardrobe to lay out that pretty Dress, and then proceed onwards to the cabin to grab that bottle of Sujamma you hid in there for that one special occasion.

    Its a feature that would be overlooked by many, yet one I believe a great deal of roleplayers would dearly enjoy, myself included.

    It doesn't necessarily have to add more inventory / bank space per say (Even though that certainly would be nice too!) it just has to give the immersive illusion of depth to the home.

    Otherwise I would like to say that housing in its current preview seems really utterly amazing, thank you for it.
    But please, give me a cave home similar to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Gold Coast!

    Absolutely love this idea! Well thought out.
  • 16BitForestCat
    So much excitement for this! I'm afraid my friends will never see me again unless they drop by my house--despite playing near-daily, I've literally not completed even half of the quests since early access because I spend most of my time crafting and exploring for harvest spots.

    I would LOVE a house that is basically a mini-Elden Root. I want to live in a tree that's not a bulbous graht-oak! (I won't say what my husband and I call graht-oaks, but it rhymes with "coat" and refers to a portion of male anatomy the grahts resemble.... XD)

    As to being able to decorate with stolen/laundered items....If we CAN do that, I am totally making one of my houses a brothel (okay, that one would HAVE to be a graht-oak) and littering it with every "Petrified Bull Charm" I can pilfer.

    "What at first glance appears to be a short, withered cane is actually an ossified bull member…perhaps a lucky charm?"

    Not very lucky for the BULL, of course....

    Ah, the possibilities...for debauchery. (There's a reason my guild is called TROUBLEMAKERS Of Tamriel, y'all.)
    Edited by 16BitForestCat on 7 December 2016 05:29
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  • AboKor
    Do you plan to have special housing for the guilds - the GuildHalls?
    It would be just great!!!
    Furniture crafting PC EU
  • Iselin
    So is this small island, connected to the SE part of Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai by a bridge. THE crown store only island house mentioned in a couple of articles today? I walked up to the door and it does say "house" and it IS on an island.



  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Noone seems to mention this but... I am extremely surprised that housing is a free update. Technically, it could have been a pay/sub feature. It isn't. Nice ! Although I don't understand why :) Being a somewhat pessimistic pragmatic kind, I assume there will be bunches of housing items in the crown store and crates. Why not, as long as plenty of them are also available in the game with gold.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on 7 December 2016 06:45
  • helediron
    The storage should be in housing. All the dungeon drops are bound. And the drops come from crap RNG system which makes me have a big pile partial sets, which might one day get complete.

    If ZOS fails to deliver the top feature of housing (for me storage is #1 reason for it), then max bank space should be increased to 500. They said that assistants are part of housing. So, there you have it - storage available. I can live without mannequins, but the raw storage space for bound gear must be increased.

    Max banks space is nothing but a parameter and a price list for pack merchant. Somebody can do this in one day.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Rosveen
    Are there any plans to add guildhalls (purchased and owned by the guild, not any individual player)?
  • Betheny
    We will also need free range chickens.
  • Runs
    Iselin wrote: »
    So is this small island, connected to the SE part of Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai by a bridge. THE crown store only island house mentioned in a couple of articles today? I walked up to the door and it does say "house" and it IS on an island.


    I really hope that is just one of the large houses.

    When I read island retreat... I envisioned and now hope for something like Silatar from the quest in Greenshade.

    I would pay crowns for that. Even with me not being happy about the lack of storage. This I want.
    Edited by Runs on 7 December 2016 07:37
    Runs| Orc NightbladeChim-el Adabal| Dunmer TemplarM'air the Honest| Khajiit Templar
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    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
    Bleak Mystique| Nord WardenPolychronopolous| Imperial SorcerorBullcrit| Khajiit Nightblade
    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
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  • Grileenor
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Are there any plans to add guildhalls (purchased and owned by the guild, not any individual player)?
    No. They have guildhalls not totally dismissed, but there are no actual plans for it. Read the mmorpg interview for it.
    Edited by Grileenor on 7 December 2016 07:44
  • Grileenor
    Runs wrote: »
    When I read island retreat... I envisioned and now hope for something like Silatar from the quest in Greenshade.
    This is too big to be useful. Remember how long you are running from one corner to the other. You will do this once or twice. After that, you will stick to some places and ignore the rest.

    I wonder, if the island to be bought is already visible on the map though :wink:

  • Agalloch
    Why not add a separate housing/furniture tab like the quest tab in inventory?

    Problem with space for housing items solved!
  • Iluvrien
    helediron wrote: »
    Max banks space is nothing but a parameter and a price list for pack merchant. Somebody can do this in one day.

    Which suggests that there is a reason that they haven't chosen to do so.

    Dear Azura, I can't believe I am defending ZOS at this point, but what it may well boil down to is:

    1) This is a free update.
    2) They make money (ESO+ subs) out of people needing extra storage on top of that which is available in banks.
    3) Logically, if they increase bank sizes then it will decrease the attractiveness of the crafting bag.

    Given that reasoning, why attach extra storage, especially immediately on release, to housing when it may actually cost them money in dropped subs?

    The hold-up may well be technical, but retaining as many subs as possible (even just for a couple of extra months) is not something that I could blame them for doing.

    Personally, I would prefer no crafting stations and no storage in houses, but I can certainly understand and accept their existence based on the stated needs of other players.
  • f047ys3v3n

    1. "achievement Furnishers stock special items that you can purchase after completing the associated achievements."

    This sounds a little like armor dying. Oh please do tell me that right after finishing the armor dying system that dev team started on this. Oh they did such a very good job on that system. It was not only functionally well done but also compellingly integrated with the rest of the game. They even made the best colors correspond well to the hardest achievements. Oh I do hope they did this because I know it will be just smashing if they did.

    2. DPS test dummies. Yay!!!!! Let us set health or give us enough for at least a full 5 min. Remember, you gotts to accommodate all those players that you all let back in running cheat engine. They get lots of DPS don't you know and you all validated how they get it by letting them back and keeping your anti-cheat-engine measures so rudimentary.

    3. No storage......
    we had to draw the line somewhere. Additional storage didn't make the cut.
    How do I say this.... I think you are feeding me a fallacious argument that worse than being untrue is so implausible that it is either insulting to my intelligence, to yours, or to the both of ours. You expect me to buy that you had this whole constellation of possible features in mind like trials trophies, baubles from past achievements, special rocking chairs for every race, stackable bar stools, dps dummies, non-functional chests, or storage chests and it was storage that didn't make the cut. You cannot possibly be that ignorant of the desires of the user base.

    This is the kind of behavior that gets you in trouble. This is why everybody says ZOS doesn't meaningfully or honestly communicate with the player base. Storage did not fail to make some cut line you chose not to do it at least at this time despite knowing full well that it was in the top 2 desired features. Now my thought is that you may think that with more storage space the craft bag will be less of a hit. That maybe part true but the craft bag is convenient as hell in it's automation. Not having it really makes this game pretty unplayable. Perhaps you think people will stop buying as much bank space and your gold sink will be gone. Presumably housing will be pretty costly in itself so I'm not sure that argument holds water. I just don't buy that you think that storage is of so low a priority to not make any cut. There would have been folks quite happy if the whole housing update was literally just houses that already existed in game already furnished with a dps dummy and storage added. In fact, it is likely that more would have preferred those features first rather than the robust crafting system.

    4. "All unfurnished homes that you can purchase for in-game gold will also be available for purchase with crowns"
    "there will also be a few special properties that are exclusive to the Crown Store, including a luxurious island retreat."

    So, we have gone from homes will be purchasable with gold and probably a few crown homes down the road to all homes can be bought with crowns and a few peasant ones with gold as well. I also can't help but notice that nice little island in Malabal Tor that I had my eye on seems to be one I cannot buy with gold.

    Bravo for getting me going thinking this was not just a crown thing. What next, dps dummies only come in crown crates. I shouldn't have said that, your licking your mandibles just thinking about it.

    I know, gotts to have that income to make me some new content. It is just, it seems that most of that new content is just new crown store items. Maybe we could have some specific crown items like the judges robes of cheat engine smiting, clipity clop the hoarse of exploring new zones, or the acrobats outfit of gear balance, that I could buy to support specific development goals. The development goal of developing new crown store items is not my favorite one to support with my crown store purchases. I find myself very unsatisfied with the rate of development of non-crown related content. I had thought that housing would be mostly non crown related but with a few separate crown houses for those who wanted to spend the money not the time. It now seems to me that housing is basically crown content that, technically might also be playable without utilizing crowns with great difficulty in terms of farming mats and gold.

    4. The friend invite options seem very robust and useful.

    All in all I am really looking forward to messing around with the system even if it doesn't include a quick way for me to switch full gear sets from toon to toon like a quick change mannequin so that I don't have to: unequip, find in inventory to place in bank, find in bank inventory, find in inventory of new toon and equip. It really shouldn't take 15 min to move my 1st tier gear from one toon to another to run a trial but it does, even with my very clean bank and inventories.
    Edited by f047ys3v3n on 7 December 2016 08:54
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • altemriel
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »

    3. No storage......

    ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »
    we had to draw the line somewhere. Additional storage didn't make the cut.

    How do I say this.... I think you are feeding me a fallacious argument that worse than being untrue is so implausible that it is either insulting to my intelligence, to yours, or to the both of ours. You expect me to buy that you had this whole constellation of possible features in mind like trials trophies, baubles from past achievements, special rocking chairs for every race, stackable bar stools, dps dummies, non-functional chests, or storage chests and it was storage that didn't make the cut. You cannot possibly be that ignorant of the desires of the user base.

    This is the kind of behavior that gets you in trouble. This is why everybody says ZOS doesn't meaningfully or honestly communicate with the player base. Storage did not fail to make some cut line you chose not to do it at least at this time despite knowing full well that it was in the top 2 desired features. Now my thought is that you may think that with more storage space the craft bag will be less of a hit. That maybe part true but the craft bag is convenient as hell in it's automation. Not having it really makes this game pretty unplayable. Perhaps you think people will stop buying as much bank space and your gold sink will be gone. Presumably housing will be pretty costly in itself so I'm not sure that argument holds water. I just don't buy that you think that storage is of so low a priority to not make any cut. There would have been folks quite happy if the whole housing update was literally just houses that already existed in game already furnished with a dps dummy and storage added. In fact, it is likely that more would have preferred those features first rather than the robust crafting system.


    Edited by altemriel on 7 December 2016 09:11
  • Franieck
    Is that all that will be coming next update? No new motifs or sets? :(
  • Docmandu
    Kind of find it a pity it's all instanced. Would have been way cooler to have a separate city with buyable houses. What's the point in decorating your house when nobody will ever see it.
  • altemriel
    Franieck wrote: »
    Is that all that will be coming next update? No new motifs or sets? :(

    the update is free, so mainly yes

    but I assume some bugfixes and maybe some other new stuff will come too
  • altemriel
    Docmandu wrote: »
    Kind of find it a pity it's all instanced. Would have been way cooler to have a separate city with buyable houses. What's the point in decorating your house when nobody will ever see it.

    well it has to be instanced, otherwise you would have a place, with 3 million houses :smiley:

  • Enodoc
    Runs wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    So is this small island, connected to the SE part of Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai by a bridge. THE crown store only island house mentioned in a couple of articles today? I walked up to the door and it does say "house" and it IS on an island.

    I really hope that is just one of the large houses.
    I think it is one of the large houses. I'm pretty sure it was "Redguard Large House" in the first teaser video. As you said, I expect the Crown Store island to be its own instance like Silatar, not somewhere that exists on the map already.
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  • Tyrion87
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Runs wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    So is this small island, connected to the SE part of Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai by a bridge. THE crown store only island house mentioned in a couple of articles today? I walked up to the door and it does say "house" and it IS on an island.

    I really hope that is just one of the large houses.
    I think it is one of the large houses. I'm pretty sure it was "Redguard Large House" in the first teaser video. As you said, I expect the Crown Store island to be its own instance like Silatar, not somewhere that exists on the map already.

    Indeed, ZOS has already confirmed in an interview that the Crown Store exclusive house/island is considered as a "mansion", i.e. the same size as the largest regular houses. As a result the Crown Store house will provide the same items' and players' cap as regular mansions. The only difference is the size and its uniqueness. But all the features and functionality stay the same though.
    Edited by Tyrion87 on 7 December 2016 12:10
  • P3ZZL3
    **Soon to be announced**

    Good news fellow citizens of Tamriel. We have listed to your voices on the forums and in the community and understand the urgency of Storage Space.

    Unfortunately, the mechanics behind this feature will take a lot of development time and investment from our side, so we will look at it, but it won't be until April/May time 2017.

    However, as we have listened, you'll all be pleased to know we have now included a "Bank Space Token" in to the Crown Crates. Each Token will give you one additional Bank Space.

    See how awesome we are at listening to you all :)

    Disclaimer: This has never been, nor will will be announced. We would never do this.
    Disclaimer on the Disclaimer: We might.
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  • sebban
    Housing looks great and all that, but when will we get more Trials?
    PC EU
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  • Iselin
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Runs wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    So is this small island, connected to the SE part of Port Hunding in Stros M'Kai by a bridge. THE crown store only island house mentioned in a couple of articles today? I walked up to the door and it does say "house" and it IS on an island.

    I really hope that is just one of the large houses.
    I think it is one of the large houses. I'm pretty sure it was "Redguard Large House" in the first teaser video. As you said, I expect the Crown Store island to be its own instance like Silatar, not somewhere that exists on the map already.

    You're right. I went back and watched the old video and that one is indeed the Redguard Large House.
    Edited by Iselin on 7 December 2016 12:39
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