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Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase: November 30th, 2016"

  • Kendaric
    Abeille wrote: »
    Kendaric wrote: »
    Abeille wrote: »
    It is not that it wouldn't make sense, it is just that it is nice to see ESO not following this trope. I like when TES has their own thing, you know? Like the Dwarves that were actually Elves or the Orcs that were actually Elves and the Elves that are actually Elves and those Humans that are half-Elves and the Cats that might have been Elves but that's debatable, this kind of thing.

    Oh by the way, I'm getting it for my Redguard. She is a performer, and a exotic looking mount such as the Elk is just the kind of thing she would like.

    I don't disagree with you :) Though apart from the awful Hobbit movies I'm unaware of any fantasy setting that has wood elves riding elk or deer.
    Also: The first Orcs were tortured and corrupted Elves in Middle-Earth, so the Orc/Elf thing is not original ;)

    I'm just glad the elk escaped the scam crates...

    Well yes, I was just pointing out that most of the playable race plus some was an elf at some point, which is a pretty interesting aspect TES have :P

    I imagine that we will see other colors of the Elk in the crates, in the future. But I like this one, this one is nice.

    Oh and other than Thranduil, I thought about the elves of Dragon Age when I thought of elves and animals with antlers. Please don't ask me to look up pics of it because just thinking of Dragon Age gives me the feels (why must my loved ones always want to destroy the world as we know it).

    Right, I forgot about Dragon Age... which is understandable after the horrible DA2 and only slightly less horrible DA3 :)
    Though if I recall correctly, they only get used as draft and pack animals not for riding.

    Edit: And I sincerely hope that we don't see the recolored elks in crates...
    Edited by Kendaric on 30 November 2016 20:33
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Slylok
      Elebeth wrote: »
      Exactly as above.
      So much BiS items are drop sets and they are offering crown store exclusive motif. I think Stalhrim motif would have much more merit being a costume pack, atm.

      @Alucardo I'm afraid that implementing Transmog system would require too much tweaking with the current costume/polymorph system to be implemented any time soon. :(

      EDIT: what I mean, if they just add Transmog on top of it all it would feel weird, imo. It would be much better for a full conversion of the system and that is not very likely to happen any time soon.

      We can already convert to imperial style ... Don't think it would be that difficult to add more conversion options.
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    • nexxus_ESO
      Ilsabet wrote: »
      nexxus_ESO wrote: »
      The given reason for the Crown store only motif last time was that they had a problem getting two separate style materials to drop.

      Wait, when did they say that? I kept up with the several threads about Grim Harlequin being crown-only, but I never saw this explanation given. And I'm not sure I buy it. They introduced new style stones for Hollowjack, so why couldn't they do the same with the grinstones? The fact that they're following the same pattern for each event (one new in-game motif and one crown-only motif) indicates that this was something they planned out and not just a work-around because of uncooperative code.

      Unless I can see where someone from ZOS actually gave that reason, I have to believe that this is just an expansion of the crown store offerings, just like when they first started putting motifs in the crown store as an alternative to obtaining them in-game.

      Given that it's been a while, my brain is being packed full of new data due to school, and the sheer number of threads and various places this kind of muck gets hashed and rehashed, I couldn't even begin to guess where I saw it discussed. It basically boiled down to they had issues with the motif pieces dropping from the start (not unlikely if their code is spaghetti and they're trying to get two separate motifs to drop from a single event with equal-ish odds, and a high enough drop rate that the average player can complete both in the two week time-span - let's face it, they can't do a simple update without breaking 500 new things) No idea if that was ever resolved, but it ended up being an issue with trying to get both style mats to drop when there was only one delivery method, more or less. They probably could have rectified this, given enough time. The motif itself was available on the PTS, as separate chapters, it just never dropped correctly.

      Regardless, I don't and never did advocate for the whole "mimic stones required" aspect. They should have just made the darn things purchasable at a holiday-only, once a year vendor... or let us trade in those excess hollowjack motifs and recipes for style mats, or pieces we were missing... or even just changed the need for a separate style mat and let the marbles craft both.

    • bottleofsyrup
      I'd been hoping for the Ice Wolf mount and pup to make a winter release. Glad I was right. :) The Elk mount was a pleasant surprise though as I'd only seen it in datamining. Can't wait!
    • Curragraigue
      Where do we get the racial stones for the motif? Is this another mimic stone only motif?
      PUG Life - the true test of your skill

      18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

      Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
    • Toorlokviing
      ice wolf pup, ice wolf mount, stahlrim motif, and elk...will be getting all of those...coudnt care less about the appearance stuff lol.
    • OlafdieWaldfee
      Kendaric wrote: »
      Abeille wrote: »
      It is not that it wouldn't make sense, it is just that it is nice to see ESO not following this trope. I like when TES has their own thing, you know? Like the Dwarves that were actually Elves or the Orcs that were actually Elves and the Elves that are actually Elves and those Humans that are half-Elves and the Cats that might have been Elves but that's debatable, this kind of thing.

      Oh by the way, I'm getting it for my Redguard. She is a performer, and a exotic looking mount such as the Elk is just the kind of thing she would like.

      I don't disagree with you :) Though apart from the awful Hobbit movies I'm unaware of any fantasy setting that has wood elves riding elk or deer.
      Also: The first Orcs were tortured and corrupted Elves in Middle-Earth, so the Orc/Elf thing is not original ;)

      I'm just glad the elk escaped the scam crates...

      Elfquest had snow elves riding reindeer/elk-things for decades now. And since the ESO-elk is associated with Nords this may have been the inspiration. :D

      OT: I´m sad the red wolf and the masked bear dog will get stuffed into these awful RNG-crates, but at least some lucky other mounts and pets have escaped!

    • Drayven_Indoril
      Soul Shriven
      I'm getting to many mounts but I'll still buy the elk. Looks awesome, thank you.
    • hamburgerler76
      elk and stalhrim will be mine!
    • WuffyCerulei
      @ZOS_GinaBruno I'm gonna safely assume that the ice wolf mount will be 2500 crowns, as usual with limited time mounts. However, I'd like to know how much the ice wolf pup would be. 500 or 700 crowns?
      For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
    • Tyrion87
      @ZOS_GinaBruno I'm gonna safely assume that the ice wolf mount will be 2500 crowns, as usual with limited time mounts. However, I'd like to know how much the ice wolf pup would be. 500 or 700 crowns?

      You won't get any official response to that until these items hit the crown store later in December.

      But I'm almost sure that the little wolf pet will cost 700 - 1000 crowns (limited time vanity pets have always costed more).
    • Abeille
      @ZOS_GinaBruno I'm gonna safely assume that the ice wolf mount will be 2500 crowns, as usual with limited time mounts. However, I'd like to know how much the ice wolf pup would be. 500 or 700 crowns?

      Expect 1000 Crows.

      That's how much limited pets have costed in the past. We had a similar offer last year with the Snow Bear Mount and Cub, which costed 2500 and 1000 Crowns respectively.
      Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

      Meet my characters:
      Command: Do the thing.

      Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
      Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
      Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
      Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
      Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
      Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
      Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
      Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
      Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
      Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
    • Mike0987
      At least make the style materials easily available and dropped in game so I can craft it for many without having to pay cash (mimic stones) to craft it. That's assuming you don't over price the motif...
    • Coolio_Wolfus
      Crown Crates:
    • Knootewoot
      I love the new Stahlrim craft style. Sadly it's a no buy because dropped sets are better then crafted. Especially it's a waste not to use monster helm and shoulders so. I wish crafted armor was on par (or better) with dropped sets or maybe restyle an owned armor piece should be an option.
      "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
    • Katahdin
      Happy to see the white wolf and elk in the crown store and not exclusive to the crates.

      Someone said the red wolf is going to be crown crate exclusive? Where did ZoS say that?
      Beta tester November 2013
    • spiffy_jim
      Katahdin wrote: »
      Someone said the red wolf is going to be crown crate exclusive? Where did ZoS say that?

      I'm not sure if it's been said specifically, but it's implied that all unique items in the current Crown Crates will be exclusive to the Crown Crates themselves. The Red Pit Wolf being one.

    • FLambda
      Enodoc wrote: »
      Nice to see the Elk associated with Skyrim, rather than just making it a Bosmeri mount per standard fantasy tropes.
      Nord/Reachmen right? B)
      Abeille wrote: »
      Enodoc wrote: »
      Nice to see the Elk associated with Skyrim, rather than just making it a Bosmeri mount per standard fantasy tropes.

      Yes, I am really happy for this too.

      I remember when the description was datamined and I said the same. I didn't want them to make the Elk an elven mount because I didn't want it to be associated too closely to Thranduil.

      I still imagine I will see many elves riding Elks, but hey, the description counts, right? I bought my Turquoise Nixad mostly for its description (It likes magic and poetry, and my main character is a mage who is also a bard, so... Yeah).
      I think any elk would hate living in the Summerset Isles... considering it's a warm/tropical climate. They'd be sweating in their coats!
      Abeille wrote: »
      It is not that it wouldn't make sense, it is just that it is nice to see ESO not following this trope. I like when TES has their own thing, you know? Like the Dwarves that were actually Elves or the Orcs that were actually Elves and the Elves that are actually Elves and those Humans that are half-Elves and the Cats that might have been Elves but that's debatable, this kind of thing.
      I think this is the bestest funniest way I've seen this phrased! :D
      Edited by FLambda on 2 December 2016 06:33
      Remember: there's no such thing as the Universal Standard of Descriptional Qualifications and Metrics.

      The Wisdom of M'aiq the Liar:
      • You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
      • M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
    • FLambda
      Double post.
      Edited by FLambda on 2 December 2016 06:32
      Remember: there's no such thing as the Universal Standard of Descriptional Qualifications and Metrics.

      The Wisdom of M'aiq the Liar:
      • You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
      • M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
    • FLambda
      Triple post. There needs to be a delete button!
      Edited by FLambda on 2 December 2016 06:32
      Remember: there's no such thing as the Universal Standard of Descriptional Qualifications and Metrics.

      The Wisdom of M'aiq the Liar:
      • You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
      • M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
    • MarrazzMist
      Furry hoods, yay! I'll propably buy sun's dusk winter hood and elk, though it might be too expensive. And stalhrim motif, as well, because of furry hoods...
    • Suisyo
      Altmer toons be like


      This is exactly what I dreamed of! So excited to have this mount for my Altmer!!
      Altmer Templar & Bosmer Sorcerer
      Ebonheart Pact
      Xbox One - NA
    • Suisyo
      Seeing as the only two mounts I've been dreaming of, the white wolf and elk, are both arriving in December...I say this is going to be a very Merry Christmas to me indeed lol
      Altmer Templar & Bosmer Sorcerer
      Ebonheart Pact
      Xbox One - NA
    • Suisyo
      Does anyone know what time the crown store resets to bring the items dropping on (today) the 8th?
      Altmer Templar & Bosmer Sorcerer
      Ebonheart Pact
      Xbox One - NA
    • MehmetCan
      Suisyo wrote: »
      Does anyone know what time the crown store resets to bring the items dropping on (today) the 8th?

      I'm eager to adopt white wolves.
    • KingDuzu
      Soul Shriven
      I think they will come when the current dyes gets removed/replaced which is about 40mins or so.
      Edited by KingDuzu on 8 December 2016 14:20
      Arwen Whitemane - Altmer - Vampire Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact.
    • Enodoc
      KingDuzu wrote: »
      I think they will come when the current dyes gets removed/replaced which is about 40mins or so.
      Yeah, 10am EST (1500 GMT) is the standard Crown Store changeover time.
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    • Kadota94
      I have an all white Siberian Husky that looked almost exactly like the Ice Wolf pup when she was a pup, got to have it (both actually.
    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      We'll begin adding the Ice Wolf pack to the Crown Store in about 15 minutes!
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
    • Elsonso
      The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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