nexxus_ESO wrote: »The given reason for the Crown store only motif last time was that they had a problem getting two separate style materials to drop.
I love the mounts and pet. This wolf mount seems better than previous wolves. Hope they'll not be overpriced, especially the Elk. And so there will be a New Life Festvial. I hope there will some collectibles in that festival too like the masks in Witches Festival. Events gives life to game and purpose to players.
There is an addon where you can keybind mounts, costumes etc., or even sets of costumes and mounts etc. together, called Pimp my Ride.spiffy_jim wrote: »I need some sort of mount randomizer or even quick change feature - it's becoming a pain RPing specific mounts for different parts of Tamriel when you have to manually change them in the settings.
*Tamriel Problems*
Nice to see the Elk associated with Skyrim, rather than just making it a Bosmeri mount per standard fantasy tropes.
Yes, I am really happy for this too.
I remember when the description was datamined and I said the same. I didn't want them to make the Elk an elven mount because I didn't want it to be associated too closely to Thranduil.
I still imagine I will see many elves riding Elks, but hey, the description counts, right? I bought my Turquoise Nixad mostly for its description (It likes magic and poetry, and my main character is a mage who is also a bard, so... Yeah).
nexxus_ESO wrote: »The given reason for the Crown store only motif last time was that they had a problem getting two separate style materials to drop.
Wait, when did they say that? I kept up with the several threads about Grim Harlequin being crown-only, but I never saw this explanation given. And I'm not sure I buy it. They introduced new style stones for Hollowjack, so why couldn't they do the same with the grinstones? The fact that they're following the same pattern for each event (one new in-game motif and one crown-only motif) indicates that this was something they planned out and not just a work-around because of uncooperative code.
Unless I can see where someone from ZOS actually gave that reason, I have to believe that this is just an expansion of the crown store offerings, just like when they first started putting motifs in the crown store as an alternative to obtaining them in-game.
Greifenherz wrote: »There is an addon where you can keybind mounts, costumes etc., or even sets of costumes and mounts etc. together, called Pimp my Ride.spiffy_jim wrote: »I need some sort of mount randomizer or even quick change feature - it's becoming a pain RPing specific mounts for different parts of Tamriel when you have to manually change them in the settings.
*Tamriel Problems*
Edit: You can also let it randomize toggled mounts, costumes etc. for you.
Nice to see the Elk associated with Skyrim, rather than just making it a Bosmeri mount per standard fantasy tropes.
Yes, I am really happy for this too.
I remember when the description was datamined and I said the same. I didn't want them to make the Elk an elven mount because I didn't want it to be associated too closely to Thranduil.
I still imagine I will see many elves riding Elks, but hey, the description counts, right? I bought my Turquoise Nixad mostly for its description (It likes magic and poetry, and my main character is a mage who is also a bard, so... Yeah).
Well, it makes more sense for Bosmer than horses... therefore I shall name my elk "Thranduil" and use it as a mount for my Bosmer.
I'm hoping the Witches Festival gets retooled for next year to add some real content to it. A fetch quest and then non-stop grinding is... not... so great. It needs more things to spawn, more random events. In fact, adding actual random events to the random event nodes (e.g. the places where you find merchants under attack, sorcs fighting, hostages) with event-themed occasions would be really, REALLY awesome.
And after the disappointment of yesterday, i'm genuinely happy for youI'm so glad my Ice Wolf Mount, Elk Mount and Ice Wolf Pup escaped the crates!
It is not that it wouldn't make sense, it is just that it is nice to see ESO not following this trope. I like when TES has their own thing, you know? Like the Dwarves that were actually Elves or the Orcs that were actually Elves and the Elves that are actually Elves and those Humans that are half-Elves and the Cats that might have been Elves but that's debatable, this kind of thing.
Oh by the way, I'm getting it for my Redguard. She is a performer, and a exotic looking mount such as the Elk is just the kind of thing she would like.
It is not that it wouldn't make sense, it is just that it is nice to see ESO not following this trope. I like when TES has their own thing, you know? Like the Dwarves that were actually Elves or the Orcs that were actually Elves and the Elves that are actually Elves and those Humans that are half-Elves and the Cats that might have been Elves but that's debatable, this kind of thing.
Oh by the way, I'm getting it for my Redguard. She is a performer, and a exotic looking mount such as the Elk is just the kind of thing she would like.
I don't disagree with youThough apart from the awful Hobbit movies I'm unaware of any fantasy setting that has wood elves riding elk or deer.
Also: The first Orcs were tortured and corrupted Elves in Middle-Earth, so the Orc/Elf thing is not original
I'm just glad the elk escaped the scam crates...