PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
Giving better burst??? Please, most builds in PvP are focusing on burst/ganking. We need longer fights not shorter. People cry when they can´t kill a player within 3 sec with their burstbuild and then complain how broken that pericular setcombo is...
But to the point of OP´s thread. First of all, reconsider changing your build (something more people should reconsider while playing PvP), 1 build can´t be good at everything, deal with it. For magplars with malubeth/reactive combo dry to drain their stamina (most of those players haven´t got a lot of stamina to deal with (one of the reasons ractive is being used). Also using poisons that causes major defile is usefull. But overall the best way is to burst them down asap or a maluplar might/will get the upper hand. Should a beam proc from malubeht,, just break the beam (they nerfed the range of the beam so it shouldn´t be a problem) And atm Malubeht has been nerfed to the ground so it´s working as intended IMO.
And shouldn´t this work reconsider the facts:
* Your build isn´t good enough to kill this player
* Your PvP skills need to improve
* The player you tried to kill is better than you (even if he/she wears malubeth/reactive combo, not only pugs use this you know)
* Is there anything else in that perticular fight that I could change/do different in order to kill the malubeth/reactive build?
And once and for all (need to say this) Reactive and Malubeth works as intended and aren´t broken (unless they didn´t fix the reactive set procing from templar extended ritual skill).
PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
Giving better burst??? Please, most builds in PvP are focusing on burst/ganking. We need longer fights not shorter. People cry when they can´t kill a player within 3 sec with their burstbuild and then complain how broken that pericular setcombo is...
But to the point of OP´s thread. First of all, reconsider changing your build (something more people should reconsider while playing PvP), 1 build can´t be good at everything, deal with it. For magplars with malubeth/reactive combo dry to drain their stamina (most of those players haven´t got a lot of stamina to deal with (one of the reasons ractive is being used). Also using poisons that causes major defile is usefull. But overall the best way is to burst them down asap or a maluplar might/will get the upper hand. Should a beam proc from malubeht,, just break the beam (they nerfed the range of the beam so it shouldn´t be a problem) And atm Malubeht has been nerfed to the ground so it´s working as intended IMO.
And shouldn´t this work reconsider the facts:
* Your build isn´t good enough to kill this player
* Your PvP skills need to improve
* The player you tried to kill is better than you (even if he/she wears malubeth/reactive combo, not only pugs use this you know)
* Is there anything else in that perticular fight that I could change/do different in order to kill the malubeth/reactive build?
And once and for all (need to say this) Reactive and Malubeth works as intended and aren´t broken (unless they didn´t fix the reactive set procing from templar extended ritual skill).
Funny how all those issues you mention suddenly vanish as soon as i change class to something else than a mDK, eh?
PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
And once and for all (need to say this) Reactive and Malubeth works as intended and aren´t broken (unless they didn´t fix the reactive set procing from templar extended ritual skill).
PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
And once and for all (need to say this) Reactive and Malubeth works as intended and aren´t broken (unless they didn´t fix the reactive set procing from templar extended ritual skill).
I lol'd.
Nope Malubeth still gives some stupidly high procs, just like Leeching, Reactive is still bugged as well.
I went on a health DK with Malu + Leeching on a dungeon, pulled all of it, and killed it all just by standing there, keeping buffs up and blocking from time to time. FTC & CombatMetrics were showing 17k+ max Leeching ticks and something similar for Malubeth, even tho the average was much smaller, the difference is well over 500%.
PeggymoeXD wrote: »Yeah... Pretty much walk away and submit feedback to ZOS about giving us better burst or a legit execute or something.
And once and for all (need to say this) Reactive and Malubeth works as intended and aren´t broken (unless they didn´t fix the reactive set procing from templar extended ritual skill).
I lol'd.
Nope Malubeth still gives some stupidly high procs, just like Leeching, Reactive is still bugged as well.
I went on a health DK with Malu + Leeching on a dungeon, pulled all of it, and killed it all just by standing there, keeping buffs up and blocking from time to time. FTC & CombatMetrics were showing 17k+ max Leeching ticks and something similar for Malubeth, even tho the average was much smaller, the difference is well over 500%.
Was this PvE or PvP (since you mention you were doing a dungeon)? The healing received is greater in outside Cyrodil so that might explain those numbers....And never trust addon numbers XD
(5 items) 8% chance when damaged to summon a cloud of leeching poison under the attacker that deals 1204 Poison Damage every second for 5.5 seconds and heals you for the damage caused.
How many veiled strikes can a NB cast for each lava whip... 2, 3?
How many searing strikes?
Searing strikes is the best DK DoT in the game. It is fast and cheap, but its burst dmg is qute low... because is a DoT
On the other hand, lava whip is expensive, does little dmg, and is slower than any other spammable in the game. Or you keep its cost, its speed but make it hit harder, or you make it cheaper, faster and with the same (or less) dmg.
Guess what skill is more reliable in the current meta...
Anyway, does it works with templars and their heals? with sorcs and their shields? with NBs and their cloaks? with any stam build slotting vigor?
mDK is in a bad position because all the other classes have evolved into burst dmg dealers in one way or another... and the only solution ZoS offers is to change to stam and slot 2H to get a reliable gap closer, a strong CC and a execute... and poisons.
ZoS, do you want to keep the DoT playing stye in mDKs? The solution is quite simple: Major Defile in one of these 3 skills: Burning embers, lava whip or engulfing flames.