Hello, I am trying to find a solution or a work around that has been plaguing me and 4 other friends trying to communicate while we play. We all randomly lose the ability to hear each other in party chat even though you can see activity on the users microphone. This has become a major annoyance and is ruining the game for us, as we rather just stop playing and go play a game that we can all communicate on like Smite.
This is the only game causing this issue, we can spend hours on Smite chatting and playing just fine but 5 or 10 minutes into ESO and all communication is dropped and multiple XBOX restarts (closing the game, quitting the party does not work, you have to actually power down your xbox to be able to get the mic working in party chat). It seems to happen when we are loading into zones or someone joins the party and then logs into the character.
Things we have tried:
Starting party, logging into game, loading into character (works for 5minutes - 1hour+ but always has an issue eventually)
Logging into game, loading into character joining party (unsuccessful)
We've found that unplugging and plugging in the microphone cable from the controller a few times fixes the issue for some time but that is unacceptable. We are all subscribed, but if this issue continues to happen we will be canceling our subscription and possibly moving onto other games. I'd really hate to do that because when the party chat is working we all have a blast, but all of us are fed up and this is such a simple thing that all games should be capable of.
Also before anyone mentions ports and what not, NAT types are open on all of our systems, XBOX is setup in DMZ mode and we have 0 issues on any other game. 2 of us are System Administrators at a billion-dollar company so we are very fluent with networking and know this issue is not on our end or Microsoft's.
I really hope this gets fixed