If SotH was <=1000 crowns, I'd be more likely to spend additional crowns on these new features. At the least, I would have expected to find appearance change tokens in the bundle with SotH, but nope. Just EXP scrolls again.
And again with the console delay. Why not release on all platforms the same time, it makes us console players seem under valued.
dimensional wrote: »
Except you're still paying for it, so it's not free.
dimensional wrote: »
Because at the end of the PTS testing phase, the latest changes and updates from the test build are submitted to Microsoft and Sony who has to perform their own authenticating and from that point it's out of ZOS' hands. It's not a "delay" like you think, just a necessary but unfortunate hitch in the process of migrating a new build to consoles.
Well, they clearly want you/us to be ESO+ members.That way every dlc is free to use as long as you are subscribed.
Mmm... what part wasn't clear to you? As an ESO+ member you have a free access to all DLCs ever released.
dimensional wrote: »DLCs aren't free because you're paying to access them, regardless of how you choose to look at it. This is an objective fact. It's like saying the crafting bags, the increased experience gain and the 1500 crowns you get every month are free if you just subscribe... no that's what you get for "paying" for a subscription, ergo they are not free.
nimander99 wrote: »"You can't fix stupid" said some guy in some movie once.
But you can keep tryin if'n ya want bro
Looking forward to this! And its released on my birthday tooGoing to change a few things on my main character with appearance change. Looking forward to the changes in the base game patch, especially changes to the clothing surveys, CP cap increase and BOP trading!
They're not really game features, they're services. Things that are entirely unneeded that exist only for QoL. You had full opportunity to create your character as you wanted during Character Creation. If you decide you want to change something at a later date, you shouldn't have done it wrong in the first place*.game features only available through cash shop,nasty
I agree that 1,000 Crowns would probably be enough, but I don't think any DLC will be less than 1,500. That's the amount you get for one month of ESO Plus, so it would make sense for that to be a lower limit. Consider: you decide to get a month of ESO Plus to test out the DLC. If you like it, you use that month's Crowns to buy it. Similarly, I wouldn't expect any DLC to be more than 4,500 Crowns, since that's the amount you get for ESO Plus in one quarter, and we get a new DLC every quarter.
They're not really game features, they're services. Things that are entirely unneeded that exist only for QoL. You had full opportunity to create your character as you wanted during Character Creation. If you decide you want to change something at a later date, you shouldn't have done it wrong in the first place*.
* Not allowing for the camera rotation/zoom bug that was present at launch, as that was ZOS at fault; a free appearance token would be a nice gesture to fix early-adopter characters created incorrectly due to this bug.
* Also not allowing for the fact that ZOS are changing the racial passives. A free race change token would be a nice gesture to combat characters crated based on racial benefits that no longer exist.
They're not really game features, they're services. Things that are entirely unneeded that exist only for QoL. You had full opportunity to create your character as you wanted during Character Creation. If you decide you want to change something at a later date, you shouldn't have done it wrong in the first place*.
* Not allowing for the camera rotation/zoom bug that was present at launch, as that was ZOS at fault; a free appearance token would be a nice gesture to fix early-adopter characters created incorrectly due to this bug.
* Also not allowing for the fact that ZOS are changing the racial passives. A free race change token would be a nice gesture to combat characters crated based on racial benefits that no longer exist.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
@Enodoc , please allow me to completely disagree with you on this. Calling it "game feature" or "quality of life services" is pure rethorics.
The crafting bag is something game-changing for whoever is into farming/crafting/trading. That's 90% of players. Dyes and beauty parlor are game-changing features for whoever is sensitive to the appearance of their characters : again 90% of players. As to "do your char right in the first place", sorry but that's truly invalid. Everyone likes to change haircut or hair color, be it ingame or IRL, that's perfectly normal. And role players are entitled to make their character look older, sicker, healthier, fatter, thinner, whatever, depending on the story they're building for them.
Sure, you don't need crafting bags nor dyes nor new haircuts to reach top rankings in PvE or PvP. But you know just as well as I do that only a small percentage of players care about those things, and the vast majority enjoys the many, many aspects that ESO offers besides combat. And those are deeply modified by the presence or absence of such features.
The fact that these "features" (crafting bags, dyes, appearance changes) are behind a paywall separate from the DLC itself, or completely locked behind ESO+ changes the terms of the choices that was given to us by ZOS in March 2015 when TU launched. It was ONE GAME with TWO different payment methods. What we have now is TWO different game experiences, at two different prices. Playing without subbing now provides a clearly downgraded game experience.
I'm not angry (I simply resubbed... ), but I'm worried. Why do you think ZOS wants us to sub so badly and so massively ? For money, sure, but they always needed money, so why this drastic change now ? My theory is that they don't have enough content ready. They can't keep up the pace of 4 big DLCs a year, as promised. They can't deliver something big like Orsinium every three months. Therefore they'll have to deliver small, tiny bits of content, that cannot be priced highly in crowns (such as : these two dungeons for 1.5K crowns).
My sad guess is that we will be forced to sub and content-starved, just like we were from novembre 2014 until august 2015. Sad perspective.
Knuckels1987 wrote: »Whens the update 11 coming to the console?
dimensional wrote: »
Because at the end of the PTS testing phase, the latest changes and updates from the test build are submitted to Microsoft and Sony who has to perform their own authenticating and from that point it's out of ZOS' hands. It's not a "delay" like you think, just a necessary but unfortunate hitch in the process of migrating a new build to consoles.
Fair dos, thanks for providing a detailed opposition post!anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »@Enodoc , please allow me to completely disagree with you on this. Calling it "game feature" or "quality of life services" is pure rethorics.
The crafting bag is something game-changing for whoever is into farming/crafting/trading. That's 90% of players. Dyes and beauty parlor are game-changing features for whoever is sensitive to the appearance of their characters : again 90% of players. As to "do your char right in the first place", sorry but that's truly invalid. Everyone likes to change haircut or hair color, be it ingame or IRL, that's perfectly normal. And role players are entitled to make their character look older, sicker, healthier, fatter, thinner, whatever, depending on the story they're building for them.
Sure, you don't need crafting bags nor dyes nor new haircuts to reach top rankings in PvE or PvP. But you know just as well as I do that only a small percentage of players care about those things, and the vast majority enjoys the many, many aspects that ESO offers besides combat. And those are deeply modified by the presence or absence of such features.
The fact that these "features" (crafting bags, dyes, appearance changes) are behind a paywall separate from the DLC itself, or completely locked behind ESO+ changes the terms of the choices that was given to us by ZOS in March 2015 when TU launched. It was ONE GAME with TWO different payment methods. What we have now is TWO different game experiences, at two different prices. Playing without subbing now provides a clearly downgraded game experience.
I'm not angry (I simply resubbed... ), but I'm worried. Why do you think ZOS wants us to sub so badly and so massively ? For money, sure, but they always needed money, so why this drastic change now ? My theory is that they don't have enough content ready. They can't keep up the pace of 4 big DLCs a year, as promised. They can't deliver something big like Orsinium every three months. Therefore they'll have to deliver small, tiny bits of content, that cannot be priced highly in crowns (such as : these two dungeons for 1.5K crowns).
My sad guess is that we will be forced to sub and content-starved, just like we were from novembre 2014 until august 2015. Sad perspective.
* Not allowing for the camera rotation/zoom bug that was present at launch, as that was ZOS at fault; a free appearance token would be a nice gesture to fix early-adopter characters created incorrectly due to this bug.
* Also not allowing for the fact that ZOS are changing the racial passives. A free race change token would be a nice gesture to combat characters crated based on racial benefits that no longer exist.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »I'm not angry (I simply resubbed... ), but I'm worried. Why do you think ZOS wants us to sub so badly and so massively ? For money, sure, but they always needed money, so why this drastic change now ? My theory is that they don't have enough content ready. They can't keep up the pace of 4 big DLCs a year, as promised. They can't deliver something big like Orsinium every three months. Therefore they'll have to deliver small, tiny bits of content, that cannot be priced highly in crowns (such as : these two dungeons for 1.5K crowns).
My sad guess is that we will be forced to sub and content-starved, just like we were from novembre 2014 until august 2015. Sad perspective.