Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)


Centuria Vindicta is a European based, heavy roleplaying guild based around the concept of roleplaying former Imperial Legion soldiers who, following the corruption of the Empress-Regent Clivia Tharn and the increasing Daedric grip upon the Cyrodiil, have defected to the Daggerfall Covenant.

Given their nature as deserters, these former Legionnaires and other refugees from the heart of the former Empire are scattered and disorganised. Centuria Vindicta represents an effort to regroup those who would remain loyal to the true Empire and not to the true traitor who now sits upon the Ruby Throne. To this end they bring their unique training, organisation and brand of warfare to bare upon the Daedra and those who would oppose the Daggerfall Covenant in its goal to reform the Second Empire.

Essentially, we're an Imperial Legion guild.

Centuria Vindicta has been structured in such a way to not only give the feeling of being in an organised military unit, but to help members - both new and old - integrate and provide an environment that encourages closer in-character bonds and interaction. The guild consists of a number of Contubernia, essentially 'squads' each of which has their own unique identity and members. The structure is flexible enough to provide a place for a variety of different character types (such as mages and scouts), but organised enough that all members can easily come together for both larger scale events and minor assignments organised on the fly by the leadership.

With our focus on the Imperial Legion we aim to deliver a highly disciplined military atmosphere, worthy of the organisation we want to base ourselves on. To this end we are adapting ranks, titles and structure from both the game, its real life inspiration and a few personal touches here and there to fill in the blank spaces

Though they come from a variety of backgrounds and even races, one unifying factor behind the Centuria is their former allegiance to the Ruby Throne and the Imperial Legion. However, the guild and its background is designed in such a way that characters may find themselves a part of the Centuria even if they have never met the other Legionnaires or even if they never served at all. In most cases, its soldiers - whether veterans or not - are united in their common desire to see the Empire restored and with it Cyrodiil. Most characters will have served with the Legion in Cyrodiil sometime prior to the Daedric grip taking greater hold of their homeland. For whatever reason, these natives and Legionnaires defected to the lands of the Daggerfall Covenant and have since regrouped and banded together under one united Centuria.

The Centuria actively recruit from the native population of the Covenant and currently accept characters from all races and cultures. Please contact an Officer of the Centuria if you're uncertain on how your character would fit in/make first contact with the guild.

In addition to the obvious roleplay focus of Centuria Vindicta, we also intend to extend our focus to the other activities The Elder Scrolls Online has to offer, namely PvE and PvP. Though active participation is by no means a requirement of the guild, we intend to be active participants in these other aspects rather than solely focused on roleplay, whether these be more casual dungeons run in-character, or taking a serious, active, effort to fight in the Alliance War to ensure the Covenant's domination of Cyrodiil.


At this time, all races are being accepted into guild, although this may or may not change in the future.
Potential members should be aware that this is a military themed guild and thus should expect that type of environment IC. Strict discipline, following orders and a very organised chain of command. In-character actions will be met with in-character consequences, whether that be for ill or otherwise. This isn't to everybody's cup of tea so keep this in mind prior to applying for the guild.

With regards to classes, we feel they are a necessary OOC evil and thus there is little restricting a Templar (with its restoration inclined abilities) from joining as a Battlemage, nor a Sorcerer or Nightblade as a Legionnaire, though mechanically they may wish to consider how this class aligns with best representing their character we aren't going to be vain about it.

Currently we are recruiting via the Enlistment/Recruitment page on our website. This can be found HERE.
Also feel free to contact @Tyrrean, @MalteseWolf, @Exempler117, @Alekarr, and @Tacitus.Vorenus in-game with any questions.
  • Taruha

    A little snippet from one of our IC events in Cyrodiil, join the Legion ladies and gents!
    -=Edelina EP EU Sorc=-
    -=Nelaren Mosswind DC EU Stamina Nightblade=-
    -=Laura Desario DC EU Dragonknight=-
    -=Marni Bleakwood AD EU Stamina Templar=-
    -=Jealine Murow DC EU Magica Nightblade=-
    http://www.op-cast.com (Give us a listen if you're into RP and ESO lore!)
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