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What are your characters' views on magic?

Does your character love magic, hate it, distrust it, judge it, etc.? Is it a hobby or a life purpose? How did they come to their opinions about it?

Lonan, my Breton sorcerer, loves magic. His parents were both Breton, but his mother had natural magical ability while his father didn't. She passed it down to him, but Lonan tried to limit it. He grew up in the outskirts of Skyrim and northern Cyrodiil with the Gods-Forsaken numbskulls who hated everything to do with magic if it didn't give them gold. After being near killed and hunted for it, he decided to develop his power fully. Now, it's his greatest love. It's his drug. It's his weapon. It's a part of him he'd rather die than suppress.

He tends to get very irritated when people underestimate magic as well. Growing up in the wild places, he saw just how wild magic was. Nature may be pretty, but it's dangerous, and the same goes for magic. Those who harness the power fully are deadly. Sorcerers have longer claws than most.
Lonan of Dubh, Breton Hedge-Sorcerer-
"Monsters all, aren't we? The only difference being some of us are proud of our claws."
"Love only has one other name- Betrayal."
"Power. The prize that takes everything. Such a price we pay..."
  • Totalitarian
    Sola Auroron, being an Altmer, has a substantial amount of magicka in her blood. She's skilled at magic and furthers to improve her knowledge.

    She practices magic from normal and hedge schools, and the type it is does not bother her at all.
    PC NA CP 531+
    Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing
    Sola Auroron Magicka Templar
    Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight
    The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer
    Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade
    Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar
    Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer
    Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight
    The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade
    Magna-Sola Magicka Templar
    The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
    Read their adventures!
    The Celestial Lady
  • Vorcil
    My grandfather, told me stories of the Ayleid forerunners. He told me their ancient stories, one of which described a time, where Mundus, godhead of all, once created our Universe then escaped by piercing the veil of Aetherius; and that by doing so allowed the power of Aetherius to shine through the veil Mundus encapsulated our Universe in.

    I never believed any of the old stories, until one night, on my seventeenth birthday, I was sitting out under the stars thinking about the Ayleids and their star stories. I was in a trance, I felt a sort of power trickling into me; (the best way I could describe it was that I was a cup, that could hold but a few drops). Concentrating on my cup I thought of fire, the thought of emptying that cup and low and behold a single flame flickered at the end of my fingertips.

    Since then I was obsessed with my cup, and over the years it grew from a few drops capacity, to a bucket ready to be poured out.

    Each time I empty my bucket, I feel it growing in capacity, if only by a few drops.

    Upon my grandfather's passing, he bequeathed a small silver ring to me, set with a Sapphire; I swear to the Eight, that each time I remove the ring I feel my bucket shrinking, and when I put it back on, it grows.

    I am quarter of a century old now, and though still young, I find myself thinking of my bucket and all the things I could do with it rather than what all the others my age think of (the soft bosom of the Breton girls down the road say).

    One day, I plan on travelling to the city of Daggerfall and approaching the guild of magick, in hope of finding answers to my retrospective ponderings.

    I wonder if others can sense their cups too...
    Edited by Vorcil on 8 March 2016 23:00
  • Dread_Guy
    My Imperial Templar sees it as blessing because he can use it to heal people. Since he's a templar, he sees his powers as a blessing from the Divines and uses his magic in their name and to uphold their justice.

    My Imperial Dragonknight sees his magicka a tool to keep himself alive and nothing else.
    "My name is Julius Decimus Heraclius, Guildmaster of the Scions of the Sun, Brigadier of the Covenant Army, loyal servant to the High King Emeric. Brother to a betrayed legion, son to a fallen empire. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." ---Julius Decimus Heraclius (Imperial Templar)
  • Samsayia
    mmph. As a nord and a thief, my rp character doesn't really know the first thing about magic, and seriously doesn't really care. It's not his business. though sometimes he'll buy and/or scrolls/spell runes from a mage to dispel some minor spellwards that show up on doors and stuff. but that's really the extent of it. my character has absolutely zero magic resistance (with the exception of the racial frost resistance) so he's somewhat at the mercy of mage/vampire types.

    I say somewhat cuz you can't necessarily cast a spell on someone you don't know is there. #thieflife
  • Krist
    Magic is the way of mortals that wish to someday be beyond mortality. Any use of magic other than in attempting to reach the power of the gods is useless. We light our fires with it and we go to war with it, but in every case it is to serve men we deem somehow greater than us, or gods that we deem somehow more righteous. I refuse both. My desire for magic is also a worship of it. It is the true god among us, for where would even the most powerful Aedra and Daedra be without it? We look at it as a tool, but it really is.... all what is. It is truth, because you can bend the will of nature itself with it. Gods have been dispatched with it, kingdoms have crumbled under it, and Death itself must relinquish it's hold to it. Entire continents suffer under it, entire people have been changed by it. If men will bend the knee to mere iron, what will they do when one has mastered the very thing that can bend iron. Do I love magic? Magic is not to be loved, it is simply everything.

    -Hughe of the Purple Robes
    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • Krist
    "I don't know much about magic. Seen some use it. Just seems to pervert things is all. I am not against it, but I personally have no use for it, and even I thought I did, I don't know nothing about it," -Krist Lindor
    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • emeraldbay
    “Magic? It is beautiful, wonderful, magical...! A-ah, but, the last thing is given, yes? Still, it is truly amazing to delve into the arcane, to attune one’s mind to the very ebb and flow of Magicka itself, and in doing so, to become aware of the Mundus in an entirely new light!”

    “It’s a means to an end. At least, that’s all it is to me. It gives me an advantage over others, and that’s enough reason to harness it.”
    Edited by emeraldbay on 9 March 2016 06:17
  • Twilanthe
    Jira was getting really deep into necromancy. During one excursion she found an old spellbook bound in flesh. She did a few spells in it, and went so far as to do one that required a sacrifice. It become her world, her obsession, her entire life. She turned from her Crew, became more secretive and withdrawn, as she worked to unlock the dark grimoire's secrets.

    Her exploration of the dark arts was turned against her though, and her crew. Another sorcerer was able to take control of Jira, and use her to attack her own crew, she killed many Stormwolves before she and the one controlling her was stopped.

    After that whole event she gave the book to a caster she trusts and turned her back on all magic. (I even rolled a new version of her as a NB instead of a Sorc and just got the new one to VR1). Now she hates and distrusts all magic, feeling even the most benign can lead to corruption. She refuses to cast even the smallest spell, and distrusts most casters with the exception of one.
    Lüc - Argonian Necromancer Healer
  • catalyst10e
    Respect and Pride. Respect any and all practitioner of magic, in any form that takes. If you were trained formally within the Guild, or from a master/apprenticeship, or perhaps a hedge mage out in the woods, self taught, or however you learned it, it doesn't matter, you deserve the respect of your fellow Wizards, for we all learned how to wield the arcane powers. There will always be friendly arguments over which school is "better" but at the end of the day we all have the same overall goal in mind, constant pursuit of more knowledge, more spells, more magicka. Show Pride for your craft, and your skill. It may often appear as arrogance, but that's ok, the mundanes can't even comprehend the power it took to pull that Atronach from Oblivion... Or to pull lightning down from the heavens in order to blast that goblin.

    So to every Sorcerer, every healer, every Battlemage, every Pyromancer, or court Wizard, to all the Arcane advisers, and Magic assassins, even to the necromancers... to any who dedicate themselves to the craft, I give my respect. We have the potential to great and terrible things, so be sure to use your power with the wisdom Julianos has blessed you with, and don't squander Magnus's gift to us.
    "Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire?"
    [| DC Breton Sorcerer || NA PS4 || PSN: Catalyst10e |]
    [| DC Dunmer Dragon Knight |]
  • menedhyn
    "Hmm. Well, when one has travelled the roads and trade routes as much as this one has, and has met many folk and made many good deals, one can learn new things, new tricks and - sometimes - new spells. This one is perhaps a bit wary of magic, but then practice makes perfect, yes?"

    fey-vhana'a, staring forlornly at a patch of singed fur and recalling a spell that didn't quite go as planned...
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Krist
    Magic hunh? Well, those potions you can sometimes get when you need to get a quick boost of energy or need a quick healing are great.
    Oh, you weren't talking potions necessarily? Sorry.
    It can come in handy I suppose. Can't really use it much, but you know those spells that can be cast to make you more...wanted? Those are great when you are around the aristocrats that are all haughty and high and then suddenly some female can't keep her eyes and hands off of you. I like those. I hate it though when an ugly girl uses that and makes herself look beautiful and you are wondering how you got so lucky but wake up in the morning and find she aint exactly what you thought.
    Of course alcohol can do that to you too....maybe it was the Cyrodiil Brandy?
    More I think of it that has been some of the funnest nights too. Ugly girls like loving.
    That wasn't specifically what you meant either?
    Well, can't say I use much magic. Not that I dont think it has it's uses! Man, to be in a fight and a mage suddenly pull of some kind of fireball that totally changes things....unless it is used against me, then I hate it. Could mar the face and all, and this face being marred is tragedy, believe you me. This smile has won the favor of nobility and the protection of warrioresses.
    Is that a word?
    What was the question again?

    -Luke Minhere
    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • CrowInTheWood

    "A most virtuous and cordial outlook on the wielders of our skill. But what do you mean by 'squander'? Surely you do not discredit those who practice the midnight arts? Those arts from which even-handed wickedness comes, from which many have found solace. Unless of course you do oppose such arts... to which I would ask why?"

    -Lonan of Dubh
    Lonan of Dubh, Breton Hedge-Sorcerer-
    "Monsters all, aren't we? The only difference being some of us are proud of our claws."
    "Love only has one other name- Betrayal."
    "Power. The prize that takes everything. Such a price we pay..."
  • CrowInTheWood
    Krist wrote: »
    "I don't know much about magic. Seen some use it. Just seems to pervert things is all. I am not against it, but I personally have no use for it, and even I thought I did, I don't know nothing about it," -Krist Lindor

    "Come now Krist, I think I've heard otherwise... you know magic. It's a very special kind of magic that you have; a true gift from Hircine himself. Some would covet that magic above all others."

    -Lonan of Dubh
    Lonan of Dubh, Breton Hedge-Sorcerer-
    "Monsters all, aren't we? The only difference being some of us are proud of our claws."
    "Love only has one other name- Betrayal."
    "Power. The prize that takes everything. Such a price we pay..."
  • catalyst10e

    "A most virtuous and cordial outlook on the wielders of our skill. But what do you mean by 'squander'? Surely you do not discredit those who practice the midnight arts? Those arts from which even-handed wickedness comes, from which many have found solace. Unless of course you do oppose such arts... to which I would ask why?"

    -Lonan of Dubh

    To waste your own skills. Altho it's not my own specialty to dabble in "midnight arts" its still magic that deserves respect. It is a tool, and all tools have a use. However if you were to waste your knowledge away being killed by say a reanimated corpse or your own creation..... that would be a squander of your skills and talents. All because you didn't show proper respect for the craft. The Psijics believed magic was to be kept from the common man, Vanus Galerion felt otherwise and made sure magic was open for all to learn and enjoy. Some magics may have been lost for a reason tho, and even if you're determined to locate and learn such spells, respect the fact that it's not something to be flashed around for show, or to be used in the name of some lord. You discredit yourself, magicka, and your fellow mages when you misuse our gift. Use proper care and respect, ward yourself when practicing new spells, that sort of thing. You never know when the spell could ricochet and turn someone into a horse, or set yourself ablaze. You can only pass down your knowledge if you live on to pass it down.
    "Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire?"
    [| DC Breton Sorcerer || NA PS4 || PSN: Catalyst10e |]
    [| DC Dunmer Dragon Knight |]
  • CrowInTheWood

    "A most virtuous and cordial outlook on the wielders of our skill. But what do you mean by 'squander'? Surely you do not discredit those who practice the midnight arts? Those arts from which even-handed wickedness comes, from which many have found solace. Unless of course you do oppose such arts... to which I would ask why?"

    -Lonan of Dubh

    To waste your own skills. Altho it's not my own specialty to dabble in "midnight arts" its still magic that deserves respect. It is a tool, and all tools have a use. However if you were to waste your knowledge away being killed by say a reanimated corpse or your own creation..... that would be a squander of your skills and talents. All because you didn't show proper respect for the craft. The Psijics believed magic was to be kept from the common man, Vanus Galerion felt otherwise and made sure magic was open for all to learn and enjoy. Some magics may have been lost for a reason tho, and even if you're determined to locate and learn such spells, respect the fact that it's not something to be flashed around for show, or to be used in the name of some lord. You discredit yourself, magicka, and your fellow mages when you misuse our gift. Use proper care and respect, ward yourself when practicing new spells, that sort of thing. You never know when the spell could ricochet and turn someone into a horse, or set yourself ablaze. You can only pass down your knowledge if you live on to pass it down.

    "Ah yes, safety and care being the issue. A wise answer all together, invaluable to magelings. I've practiced magic all my life. And it is my stern opinion that none should 'dabble' in magic at all. It is heartening, however, to know that you do not judge the darkest sections of our craft.
    It would be good to note that I do not work in the name of any lord, save perhaps Kynareth (and respect to Julianos). And I care not for fame. To the contrary, I live in the wilds for a reason. I tend to be what would be known as a misanthrope.
    You would find a good place in the Mages Guild, I think. So much wisdom to offer the eager young mages..."

    -Lonan of Dubh
    Lonan of Dubh, Breton Hedge-Sorcerer-
    "Monsters all, aren't we? The only difference being some of us are proud of our claws."
    "Love only has one other name- Betrayal."
    "Power. The prize that takes everything. Such a price we pay..."
  • Mwnci
    To sum it up in an image:
    Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin,
    Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
    Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan,
    Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
  • Tonturri
    "Can it be eaten?"
    -Rinn, Bosmer who likes food

    "I find it distasteful that some treat it as a tool. An arm is a tool, but I treat me arms well. Until someone treats the strength as apart of themselves, I do not think they are worth anything. To use anything other than one's own strength is pathetic. Also, I'd like to live forever. See, I bought this lifetime supply of apples in a contest and intend to get my money's worth..."
    -Alisto, Altmer healer
  • Krist
    "Come now Krist, I think I've heard otherwise... you know magic. It's a very special kind of magic that you have; a true gift from Hircine himself. Some would covet that magic above all others."
    -Lonan of Dubh

    I uh, I prefer not to discuss such. I do not worship Hircine, he is daedra. And if, and I mean IF, I knew what you meant, it would be a curse, not a gift. No not a gift at all.

    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • Burningbowl
    Burns-The-Grass thinks Magic can be a tool for Wonders still unseen... But this one also thinks that there is to much that is unknown in Dark magic and swe must be carfull not to awaken what we cant control.
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