Official Discussion Thread for A Million Reasons to Play

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Stroggnonimus
    Same reason as with most other TES titles - lore, interesting characters and the world that feels alive
    Of course nice graphics which allows to spend a minute just watching the sunset helps alot too !
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


  • Mumyo
    Combat-System but the lag and Cyrodil design mostly kills all the joy u find having small scale pvp.
  • patrickgraf25ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    At the start when I first downloaded the beta version of the game, it was because I have been a TES fan for a very long time. But then it was just the immersiveness i felt when doing a dungeon in comparison to other games. I recall one of the beta weekends were counting down to its closing It was my first time running Fungal Grotto, and we were three manning it not sure what the hell we were doing. And we are on First boss the only person with a heal dies, it is at 1min from closing game.... then it is just I, stamina nightblade at the time, and another a dk with a bow I believe. He is taunting boss and shooting from a range I am building up ultimate and weaving. he goes down 13 seconds left boss is at below 20% but so am I. My Health pot comes off cooldown as soon as a boss does a heavy hit, I roll left pop potion roll back to his right hit deathstroke and follow in to execute(killing blades I believe).. 15 seconds left the group is cheering for me to bring the sucker down... I am smiling from ear to ear with anxious excitement, and I am spamming the heck out of my execute.... he is at 8 percent, time hits 10 seconds, he is at 5 percent, it hits 6 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 He is at 0 percent and I can honestly say I feel like a champ. Game closes was never able to say goodbye to that templar and german guy that ran bow. But They know and I know we rocked that day 3 manning fungal grotto.
  • Dedhed
    All the little NPC interactions in the game are great. Especially the tour guide in Elden Root. Hilarious and love her accent.
    "This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Fredericks in Otherland talking about Wicked Tribe. Also a great description of zone chat.
  • Ayrs
    Class variety and the story as well as soundtrack
  • Saturn
    I love the stories. It's very easy to get immersed. You don't get that from any other MMOs out there.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • gard
    Prettiest loading screens of any online game and plenty of time to view them?
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • BIackHand
    I love flame in the chat and get on every blacklist.
  • Marcosyn11
    I love that I can rest in a tavern listening to the bard after a long day trying to save Tamriel.
    EU Megaserver - Lusitano
  • alduiin
    For that one day zos might add dynamic ult regens again :3
    Banana Squad Inc

    Illusive Æ Calypto Dk AR 24 EP
    Illusive Æ Calypso Dk AR 13 EP
    Valdric/Valdrasil Dk AR 29 AD
    Valarys I Sorc AR 22 AD
    Nox La Mina NB AR 18 EP
    Þreyr Ðaðvn stam Dk AR 19 AD

  • altemriel
    I just love this game, for it graphics, sceneries, for the Elder Scrolls series, for a Skyrim successor, fun of the questing, for the plants and animals there, for the beasts and bossess, dungeons, for the magic and for the fighthing, for guild and social life in the game, variability, playability, for my character (I just love her :) ), I love my new xyvkin armor, for the DLCs (Orsinium rocks!!!), for the Undaunted dailies (I did 3 til today and all of them were just awesome!!), I love alchemy and blacksmithing, I love dwemer ruins, I love pretty girls there (there are so many also npcs and also player characters that are just so hot and pretty :) ), I love the addons (dwemer clock is my favourite, I recommend!! - see the screenshot bellow - upper left corner - the clock there) etc etc :)

    my character :), won`t you love her :)??




    edit: ah, forgot about that, here is the dwemer clock addon visible - upper left corner:
    Edited by altemriel on 8 November 2015 19:05
  • SantieClaws
    This one will now list in no particular order the million reasons why Santie enjoys life in Tamriel

    (please note this one is not known for her skill with numbers. It comes with the paws)

    1) Fishmas

    Fish, fishing, fishy sticks, naps. Everyone loves Fishmas! Rather hard work sometimes for this one. Santie would hire some elves but she finds them to be not much practical use - especially the bitey wood elf ones. Santie must always watch her tail around those ones ...

    27) The day of the eating bunny

    When kittens old and young alike enjoy eating bunnies - though some non traditionalists prefer to eat young chickens instead

    472) Treats for Khajiits

    A wonderful day of dressing up as dead things and wandering around in a daze having eaten too much sugar

    1,000,000) Every other Sundas-day when Santie and her guildies can be found enjoying the lively atmosphere and cheap booze in or around the Rosy Lion in Daggerfall

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • aria230
    By far the most successful achievement of all TES games is that they managed to make the perfect scenery and conditions to let your imagination flourish. You can't help but feel like you are your character whenever you start playing the game. I have made countless stories with my characters and countless more to come. Everything about TES is so inspiring that you keep going with it just to see what adventures will your <insert preferred race here> go through next, how will he/she behave in this circumstance and , n ESO particularly, how will your friends react to it?
    I believe the real beauty of ESO (and TES games in general) is setting the scene right for our creativity to unleash it's awesome power.
  • Ignotus
    Is there some secret to being able to actually view the article?! The website refuses to allow me to read it. When I click on it, it takes me to, then after putting in my birth date, it takes me back to I can click on other articles and read them without any issues.
  • altemriel
    alduiin wrote: »
    For that one day zos might add dynamic ult regens again :3

    yes me too :), and "Red diamond" is my favourite song :)!
  • Warlordgreebo
    Being able to friend someone and find them no matter WHICH CHAR YOU ARE SIGNED IN ON.

    This alone is a hallmark feature that makes it easier for friends to find each other.
  • Artheiron
    loading screens and DK nerfs. slaughterfish and limited exploration. these are the reasons I play.
  • TheGoodShepherd
    charlmgn wrote: »
    Here are my Provisioner's Dozen reasons:

    1. I love the artwork, graphics, animation and cinematics. The first thing that drew me to the game visually was the Breton Archer in the cinematics. While all three of the characters are great, he is flawless. The attention to detail in his armor amazing. In the game itself, I enjoy finding unusual locales that allow me to see the world from a rare perspective. Also, the designers' continual drive for improvement, such as redesigning the Orcish and Khajiit crafted armors to show more detail, and adding the mouth animations, shows it's just getting better.

    2. I enjoy immersing myself in the stories of the questgivers, the races, and the alliances. While I won't always feel that I have the time to enjoy it this way, either because I'm in a group, or in an area where monsters will respawn on top of me, or I've just done it recently and don't want to repeat the dialog, the story is the bottom line of what impels me to play ESO. It defines who my characters are and the world in which they live. A different game with the same mechanics, but a completely different premise, wouldn't necessarily hold my attention. I really enjoy the fact that the developers periodically modify questlines. This helps keep them fresh for those altaholics like myself who keep coming back for more.

    3. I believe that Zenimax supports the players who support Zenimax, and that keeps my subscription active. I enjoy the benefits I get as a subscriber, and use them on a daily basis. Congratulations on Nirn! It's a most bodacious creation! Not to mention your other excellent creations, like Oblivion, Aetherius… Jehannas.

    4. I love the freedom of the gathering and crafting systems in ESO. It has always frustrated me in other MMOs to pass by resources unable to harvest them because the character I'm using at the time hasn't learned how to chop wood, or isn't skilled enough to chop that particular kind of wood. Being able to harvest all resources on any character makes it unnecessary for me to designate one character to pick flowers, another to pick ore, etc., along with dedicating time on each character to farm. And being able to craft your own gear immediately without spending skill points when you start the game is a great touch. The best part of the crafting system is knowing that you can craft your own set gear, and that it's actually useful. The bonuses are worthwhile, and the items are customizable enough to allow for a huge variety of looks and skills.

    5. I like the fact that there are 4 classes, and all of them have the versatility to perform all roles, wear all armor and use all weapons. I've seen people wish for more classes, but when you have the basic archetypal roles who are free to morph into any combination currently available that doesn't leave a lot of room for a truly unique additional class. I have multiple veteran ranked characters on all 4 classes (except DK, I only have 1), and I've used different specs with each, so there truly is a lot of variety with only 4 classes.

    6. I really like the way the Crown Store is set up. They promised it wouldn't be filled with pay-to-win items when they first opened it, and they've kept that promise. They also asked what people would be willing to pay cash for, and have listened, putting those items up for sale, and periodically adding fresh products. I like to collect the limited-release mounts, so I enjoy it when I see a new one appear. I'll admit I really laughed out loud when I saw on the PTS that they're offering Vampire and Werewolf bites on the crown store. Not that selling them is funny in itself, but thinking about the ever-present arguments in zone from people saying those bites should be free, and that people charging gold are ripping off others.

    7. I don't know if they'll keep the current pace of releasing downloadable content, but I was surprised when they announced the release of Orsinium so soon after Imperial City. I'm all for it. As a subscriber I'll be in Wrothgar with the best of them, and from what I've seen on the PTS it will definitely be worth having. So for those who don't subscribe, I'd recommend shelling out some Crowns. It gives me hope though that the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild will release soon, since they discussed both on the same Twitch feed a while back with Orisinium.

    8. I've traded in other games, but this is the first game I've ever had guilds specifically for trading. It probably resulted from the fact that they hadn't instituted the guild trader system when I started, and guild stores were only for members. But the community it has built up seems to have made a niche in the game. I enjoy trading, and it makes up a large part of my time and resources, but is only incidental to the game itself, and I think that's great.

    9. I really like the fact that veteran dungeons (with the exception of a very few) have different bosses than their normal versions. The story progresses, and you meet the next generation of bosses, not just the same bosses with more health and an extra mechanic or two. I know they didn't follow this with the latest releases in Imperial City, but I hope they keep that model as their standard.

    10. I enjoyed the release of the Dragonstar Arena. It seems like a raid built for a dungeon group, which is nice because it's a lot easier to get four people together than 12. I know they haven't been able to do it yet because they weren't designed that way initially, but I hope they eventually get to scale the Arena and the Trials. The addition of a solo arena in Wrothgar is amazing, and it scales! So I can see getting a lot of enjoyment there.

    11. The Justice System! Adding that made being in town fun again. It brought the adventure within the city walls instead of having it be Tamriel's time-out corner. And some of the Legerdemain passives are indispensible.

    12. Increases in our available carrying capacity have been very welcome. This includes increasing stack sizes to 200 on many items helped a lot (although I'm still waiting for them to include prepared food/drink and potions to this, since all their materials stack to 200 now). And the latest increase of bag slots purchasable from a pack merchant from 5 upgrades to 8, for a maximum capacity of 140 character bag slots (200 with a max-capacity mount). The change to account-bound mounts, pets and costumes, as well as putting them in collections instead of taking up precious bag or bank space, was a great move. (If only there was a way to do this with the disguises we pick up…) Revamping the provisioning system has to be one of the best changes they've made in the way the game operates. We've come down to 50 ingredients (51 now with the addition of Perfect Roe) from what, about infintity? It actually is possible for a character to have all ingredients now, which wasn't possible before. While I still miss some of the recipes, which I felt gave each race and alliance some of their unique charm (Fried Worms, for example), the new system is a huge improvement.

    13. Last but not least, the best reason to play any MMO: the friends and guildies who play with me, making bad times good, and good times great.

    "Congratulations on Nirn! It's a most bodacious creation! Not to mention your other excellent creations, like Oblivion, Aetherius… Jehannas." -You win the internet for the not jsut this list, but this specific reference...
  • CherryCake
    Its so colorful and pretty, without looking "overly done", and the lightning is just amazing... beautiful graphics too!!!
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • Knootewoot
    Nope, still not a million. False advertising i guess.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • mcdadeshauna
    Soul Shriven
    At the start when I first downloaded the beta version of the game, it was because I have been a TES fan for a very long time. But then it was just the immersiveness i felt when doing a dungeon in comparison to other games. I recall one of the beta weekends were counting down to its closing It was my first time running Fungal Grotto, and we were three manning it not sure what the hell we were doing. And we are on First boss the only person with a heal dies, it is at 1min from closing game.... then it is just I, stamina nightblade at the time, and another a dk with a bow I believe. He is taunting boss and shooting from a range I am building up ultimate and weaving. he goes down 13 seconds left boss is at below 20% but so am I. My Health pot comes off cooldown as soon as a boss does a heavy hit, I roll left pop potion roll back to his right hit deathstroke and follow in to execute(killing blades I believe).. 15 seconds left the group is cheering for me to bring the sucker down... I am smiling from ear to ear with anxious excitement, and I am spamming the heck out of my execute.... he is at 8 percent, time hits 10 seconds, he is at 5 percent, it hits 6 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 He is at 0 percent and I can honestly say I feel like a champ. Game closes was never able to say goodbye to that templar and german guy that ran bow. But They know and I know we rocked that day 3 manning fungal grotto.

  • XxLone_WolfxX402
    Its got to be the beautiful scenery in the game its just amazing when you go up a mountain or come outside the coast the views are stunning you can sit there and just admire the scenery for ages on end its sublime bliss and you have thoes special places which are just GREAT!!
    Wolves are like me, misunderstood, beautiful and wild. Never able to be tamed. The epitome of freedom. All we want is to be accepted and loved for who we are.
  • Wolfshead
    Me and my girlfriend both love how the world look we can just spend hours look at world and it is breath taking and storytelling is so wellwritten.
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • MarrazzMist
    I log in and try stricly level my character. Then I find myself picking every flower, mining every ore, talking to un-essential npcs and enjoying the dialogue. Lurking behind rocks and checking isolated isles for hidden treasures. Suddenly looking up and seeing two moons and aurora borealis at the sky.
  • Glaiceana
    One of the main reasons I think is the beautiful environments. There are many varied terrain and biome types, and its awesome to travel through them, discovering new places. They look good at different times throughout the day as well. Awesome mid day times in the Alik'r Desert, amazing sunrise and set times in The Rift, and night time in Eastmarch with the Auroras.
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • BossTuggles
  • Lovelyn
    It is a game I could see myself playing for many years. DLC has got better each time, so I am over-all satisfied. This has been all I wanted in an MMO since they were introduced, and the lore and atmosphere I expect from other Elder Scrolls games. Thank you for making it possible to play alongside friends and family, after many years playing solo on the console.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I love the totally submersible invironment.
    -Unknown American
  • stitchmh
    I'm a V13 DK, and while I love what I've accomplished, and loved the process in getting here, the info above doesn't reveal WHY I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME!
    in human form, I'm a female 54 year old, legally blind, virgin mmo player.
    Being disabled has always prevented my keeping up with all visual cues in adult games. I had doubts that this game would be any different....but it is. You've created an interface with icons and fonts that are clear, color specific, and on the screen long enough that I might find them.
    I GREATLY appreciate the effort that went into this part of the design....and being "old" in the gaming world only adds to the slowness in my learning curve.
    All that's a fun game, and I have no designs on stopping!
    ESO addict:)
  • RelicFighter
    I really like how relaxed the game feel. While I can do some hardcore midmaxing and optimise my skill cyckle, I can just as easily loose myself in the world just wandering.
    The game is beautiful, the gameplay is fun, and it has that twinkle of Elder Scrolls magic. I am looking forward to getting into it again over the holidays.
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