The good ole traditional Elder Scrolls game style of be anything (with the exceptions of classes).
jcodbf2b14_ESO wrote: »Up until Skyrim there were classes... smh.
Cillion3117 wrote: »Replayability. It scratches my altoholic itch just right.
The open skill system, also the combat is awesome. But mostly the skill system. It's really become quite an obsession of mine to constantly craft theories.
Playing with friends, the world, the atmosphere of wartime, battling in cyrodil, the many achievements, perfecting our teamwork in dungeons, tinkering with the many varieties of builds.
The combat system is amazing,
The world design including dungeons is beatiful.
The graphics are amazing on PC
Even though it has its problems at the moment, open world pvp is an awesome concept.
Pvp requires skill and is not just senseless button smashing (unless you roll with zergs all time)
The Elder scrolls story, lore and atmosphere. Its what keep me going
nimander99 wrote: »Its in the Scrolls Universe, nuff said.
jcodbf2b14_ESO wrote: »
Up until Skyrim there were classes... smh.
After a long night of defending my alliance scrolls, venturing back to the homeland and watching the sunrise and the shadows of trees and mountains moving across the land as the Sun makes it's way over Tamriel. No other game has captured my adventurous heart and soul and in the process made this universe available 24/7. Thank you ESO !