British Mercenaries - DC Guild - PvE focussed.

  • Shadow_Akula
    ^ if nobody has sent an invite already I'll send one first thing tomorrow.

    Reminder for ppl joining the guild - when u first join u will b automatically placed into the "officers" voice channel - we have no idea why but if u want conversation u will have to switch from "officers" to chat 1.
  • DrizztRount
    looking for big trade guild for selling on GT:Vitoopo
  • TC_Lee13

    I would like to join the guild please if possible.
    My gamer tag is LeeNewton13
    Please contact me on XBL if you need to know anything else.

  • J4YDEE
    Looking for a good English guild, me & my mate -

    Me - J4Y DEE
    Mate- BluesN222s

    Need to do all dungeons etc. Already in a German Guild, but don't speak the lingo!
    Both level 38-39. Mostly PVE.
    Please send invite.
  • Shadow_Akula
    Invites sent
  • Shadow_Akula
    Just a reminder to those who use mics - the guild tends to be in chat 1, so if you join and you get put into another chat room please join chat 1
  • Mc1amby
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, i would love to join this guild. Fairly new to eso but have played many other mmo's on pc. Currently vr1 but finding it kinda loanly running around on my own, I do play at some odd times due to work and the evil one, but could use some friends when I'm on at normal times.
    GT Mc1amby
    Edited by Mc1amby on 28 February 2016 20:34
  • Steel_Brightblade
    Sure you'll be fine, we have a few married shift workers so know exactly what you mean. Busiest Gulfs times are normally 1830 to 2300 but usually someone on most of the time. If no one else has done it I'll send the invite in a couple of hours when I get in.
  • Shadow_Akula
    ^ invite sent
  • Mc1amby
    Soul Shriven
    Excellent, thank you very much guys
  • Svennnno
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, can i join? I am a vet 16 templar and very active in chat.

    Gt; Svennnno
  • Shadow_Akula
    ^ invite sent
  • Evolv3d
    Hi I would love to join

    GT. xXx Evolv3d xXx
  • Shadow_Akula
    ^ Account shows up as not found
  • benjamingowersb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Would love an invite!

    GT: xSMBx BLAZ3
  • Shadow_Akula
    Invite sent
  • Shadow_Akula
    Also resent your invite evolv3d, it could find you today lol
  • SJD_Phoenix
    Players who will be active in chat are always welcome
  • Shadow_Akula
    ^ oh and if your not automatically placed into chat 1, switch to chat 1, that's where all the active people usually are
  • Fuzzie22
    Soul Shriven
    Hey can I join!
    GT: FuzzieNutz22
  • iZombie27
    Can I get an invite please, GT: iZombie 27
  • TC_Lee13
    Great guild - come and join us!
  • Alorier
    Great guild - come and join us!

    Are you their recruitment officer ?
  • Steel_Brightblade
    I'd call him a happy member personally, and an excellent tank:)
  • Alorier
    Needs promoting to chief recruitment officer for all his hard work
  • Steel_Brightblade
    We went through a whole recruitment officer thing and decided rather than dump that job on a couple of people instead we all contribute to it, we mostly invite people we've grouped with that use chat and seem good guys and we pick people up from this thread, though from here its a bit hit and miss, some join then never speak so may as well not join. Others like Lee and several others have been great additions.
  • CDH86
    Soul Shriven
    I'm keen to join a DC guild who has some experienced players that are interested in running trials. My Vet12 DPS Sorc is my main and I recently cleared the Malestrom and its given me a bug for end game PvE content! Message me in-game if you're interested in adding me to the roster!
    Still waiting for the Winds of Winter.
    GT: CDH86
    EU DC Sorc vet15
    Looking for a guild to run trials with!
  • Alorier
    We went through a whole recruitment officer thing and decided rather than dump that job on a couple of people instead we all contribute to it, we mostly invite people we've grouped with that use chat and seem good guys and we pick people up from this thread, though from here its a bit hit and miss, some join then never speak so may as well not join. Others like Lee and several others have been great additions.

    That's the problem with guilds people join and don't use chat or if they do only pop in to ask if someone can craft them something
  • Shadow_Akula
    CDH86 wrote: »
    I'm keen to join a DC guild who has some experienced players that are interested in running trials. My Vet12 DPS Sorc is my main and I recently cleared the Malestrom and its given me a bug for end game PvE content! Message me in-game if you're interested in adding me to the roster!
    Hi there, we would message you if you left your GT. Without your GT we cannot message you in-game or via Xbox messages. Please leave your gamertag if your still interested in joining the British Mercenaries.
  • Alorier
    Think his gamertag is in his signature
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