Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

British Mercenaries - DC Guild - PvE focussed.

British Mercenaries are recruiting!

We have approx. 80 members with around a quarter of that currently contributing. We're a friendly guild that's all about the community with a "play the way you want" esque ethos. We have a range of experienced members with several Veteran Rank characters all the way to a few casual gamers. We currently run pledges daily and are looking to move forward to some more endgame material with DSA and trials at a later date on the cards. Some of us play in PvP and have links with some of the larger PvP guilds in the alliance too. We're not looking for hardcore diehards only, If you're a casual and the fit the few criteria we have we want you. All we're looking for are:

People aged over 18
People who have and use their mic frequently
People with a strong grasp of the English language.

Simple really. So if you want to join a guild that's about having some fun doing group activity, get the Undaunted done and look at doing some of the more intense PvE then we're the guild for you. Reply with GT for an invite and a link to our FB page/Forum

Thanks all,

SJD Phoenix
  • Steel_Brightblade
    These guys are great, I've been a member since console release day and though they don't have the most members the guys and girls here are a really great bunch. If your looking for a guild where you can actually get to know the people your playing with and have a really good laugh with rather than being lost in the midst of 400 other people this could be the guild for you.
  • Kendouka
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in BM and have been from almost the beginning (save a few days), and I love it. The people are fantastic, we're not hard-core and everyone is willing to help. I cannot recommend them enough!

  • Crazy367
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Crazy367

    Been searching for a guild like this for ages
  • jasmcd
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Guys,

    Level 49, all done solo so far.

    Tag: jasmcd

    Want to get the group areas dusted and smash start into veteran ranks.
  • xEnnax
    Will throw you an invite later jasmcd
  • xEnnax
    Crazy367, I missed yours, invite be on its way soon
  • Gankme12
    Soul Shriven
    hey can I get an invite please, from UK

    ingame name: Gankme
    xbox name: stenybpcc
  • xEnnax
    You sure can Gankme! Invites done this evening
  • xEnnax
    Just a quick reminder, although we are happy to accept other alliances we are mainly a Daggerfall Covenant guild. So EP/AD guys, get rerolling and join us!
  • xEnnax
    British Mercenaries is still recruiting and our entry requirements have never been lower!

  • Steel_Brightblade
    We're starting to near our target number of members that do join in with chat, dungeons, ic, etc, so of your interested I'd advise you get in quick.
  • canadian12
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: the canadian403
    V16 tank,
    I've been looking for a while for a pve dedicated guild for a bit.
  • xEnnax
    Apologies for the delay Canadian, your invite should be on its way now!
  • uk.anninb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    inv me 2 plx veteran 1 argonian nightblade DPS but I'm talking shitloads son P.o. :D I also play every day, mondays-tuesdays most of the day, fun, social, plus I've got cookies!
  • SJD_Phoenix
    What's your gamer tag annin?
  • Devil_DLUX
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I've been looking for a UK based, mature PvE guild, could you sign me up?

    V13 Mage
    GT: Devil DLUX

    Thanks :)
  • Shadow_Akula
    Sign me up,
    Veteran rank 14 argonian Vampire Nightblade (not very skilled but I don't give up easily).
    Just need people to go round craglorn and the imperial city with (maybe a detour to cropsford in cyrodiil too). And I'd be happy to assist other players with their quests too. I'm also in PVP often.

    U.K. Based Daggerfall player
    Gamertag and in game name:
    Shadow Akula
  • slimdingo
    Soul Shriven
    Morning. Been looking for a U.K guild.
    Vet rank one templar.

    Any chance I could get an invite

    Gt is slimdingo

    Thanks in advance
  • joshd7790
    Been after a Pve guild for some time now would you be kind enough to add me to it?
    Vet 16 sorc
    Gmt is YoItsDougal860
    Cheers :)
  • TheExile44
    Soul Shriven
    Don't know if you guys are still looking but I'd like to join GT: TheExile44
  • Shadow_Akula
    Heads up SJ, ENNA, whoever the high ranks are who have an account on this forum, my comms have been suspended (funny I haven't sent a message to anyone in over a week!) so yea don't want u guys wondering why I'm so quiet on chat, n this is the only place I can contact any of you (got no ESO voice chat, can't use party, can't message anyone). (I don't know how long for cause my Xbox account is linked to an old email and I forgot my password for it. Hopefully not too long).

    Oh n I won't be on elder scrolls on the 6th, since this site says there's going to be maintenance, again....

  • Steel_Brightblade
    Ok I'll let the others know when I get in from work. There is the Facebook page you could use too, that's pretty active most days.

  • Shadow_Akula
    What?!?! Nobody told me bout the FB page lol
  • Steel_Brightblade
    Oops oversight:) used to be on the motd. Just look up elder scrolls online British mercenaries and you should find it.
  • Shadow_Akula
    Ok i will next time I'm on Facebook
    Thanks noot
    Hi guys,
    I'm pretty new to ESO and mmo's in general only been playing for around a month. Slowly reached level 15 as I'm a casual gamer with a full time job and family commitments from the uk. My character is a DC redguard templar.
    I think this guild is the right one for me. If you agree send me an invite. GT - XoxHANNIBALxoX
  • Steel_Brightblade
    Hi Hannibal, I won't be on till late tonight (work:() but will see if I can get a message to someone to get you the invite sooner.
    No problem. Thanks for the reply.
  • LordKraal
    Soul Shriven
    Apologies,I posted before realising you were a different Faction than the one I'm playing. Please disregard this.

    Best wishes,
    Edited by LordKraal on 6 January 2016 17:46
  • gcarson1
    Soul Shriven
    Hi guys previous PC elder scrolls player pre craglorn just picked up the console version and your view on how you play seems like something I want to get involved with playing magika nightblade ATM healer or DPS is the goal currently about to start the vr grind GT IOMScorpio22
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