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Revert Eclipse cap change.

  • Cinbri
    Kas wrote: »
    by the way: don't you often find yourself annoyed by people who just turn around and walk away from you? No beam, low damage (i see 1h/s, regfood and high health with regfood and a decent stam pool), no gap closer, no offensive cc.
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Yes, when i don't have teammate online whom i can use as shield, i switching from glass cannon duelist dd build to 5 heavy 2 light with full sustain dedication.
    I used tanky style especially vs this group, as this group, led by General rank, farmed EP/AD on this island for long time and had very high and coordinateed dps(it is hard to seeon video but they wiped many AD/EP players on this island in a seconds).
    Even with full tankness without Total Dark, I wouldn't be able to hold them, and i won't in 1.7. Thats what i wanted to show in video, not my build.
    Kas wrote: »
    If you don't want to be a groups healer, you can still be a shield stacking, mistforming, detonation, beamplar.
    In 1.7 Templar-shieldstacker is myth(however i noticed that Sun Shield increasing-on-hit mechanic is broken and giving weird numbers[3620 BS with 4% increasing for each target; while affected by 6 targets(24%increase) - giving 5360 damage shield, and same wrong numbers with 1,2,3,4,5 affected targets]), and I don't wanna be vampire only coz it gives escape ability, detonation - for now it is almost useless for Templar coz cast time, you will be interrupted in a second. In 1.7 cast time removed so it will be nice skill indeed. Beamplar - i using RD with dd playstyle but again in 1.7 RO got double nerf of bonus damage(i mean double decreased bonus) and RG heals, coz new heal reduction, is pathetic <-- nerfs everywhere.
    @Kas The problem with Eclipse cap not reducing CC effectiveness but huge reducing of class sustain.You won't be able anymore to reflect several attacks and healed for every reflected attack, i.e. hold frontline. Rushed Ceremony alone won't help. It is like take away Scales from DK and give them Defensive Stance instead.. Since ZOS didn't buffed any other defensive mechanic for Teamplar, you won't have enough sustain for 1vX (especially after nirn fix many players will try magicka dd again i believe), in solo play with magicka dd build you will die just too quickly. Best option left - fights vs no-skill PvE opponents, dueling full time, switch to stamina, or stuck to someones group and play healer. Don't like any of those options. While templars asked for buffing this skill, we got nerf.
    In two words - We got huge nerf of situational skill and nothing in return, thats my point.

    P.S. Charge GCD according to ZOS is intended "again" ;)
    Edited by Cinbri on 30 July 2015 11:45
  • Kas
    I really see the danger, but i won't give up so easily.

    Tbh a huge nerf to one of my builds is the blocking. Especially when healing in groups of 3-6, I have been using 5 heavy, block cost reduction glyphs, many CPs in block reduce, etc. With shards, bash, reflect and the beam there still was offensive potential. I know that kind of perma blocking never required too much skill but I was incredibly effective in some situations.
    Thus, personally I'm not only nerfed by changes to eclipse but much more strongly by the changes to blocking.

    I hope that we actually got something in return - something subtle, though. Be it nerfs to other classes, new ways of itemization or even the narrower environment in IC (imho I can kite almost as good as any sorc now, whereas in open field BE would still dominate my possibilities).

    I put a lot of hopes in tri-stat enchants and the way DK's and templars can make a bit more use of them than full stam NBs or full mag sorcs.

    Further, I think the blazing/sun shield + sweeps combo is pretty potent since you always had to use it in meele and wait for an opportunity to stop blocking. now this might be even more crucial for the stamina regen.

    Playing on PTS didn't work too well for me yesterday, but I guess 80% of that was that I only found noob enemies until the first real ones showed up when i was already tired and I hadn't even noticed some crucial keybinding I have on live aren't default. ^^ Apart from that, the templates are pretty decent for PvE but pvp'ing in them still feels incredibly weird.
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • Cinbri
    @Kas New heavy armor sets like"Black Rose", "Reactive armor", "Leeching" is very effective for tanks, i think, but it cost too much for tests and seems don't have weapon parts. Really wanna see someone in those full sets.
    I remember i told people that block nerf won't be crucial coz Eric said that they "changed some skills in favor to blocking". In the end, theres is no promised changes in favor of blocking, except new sets... I feel myself cheated.
    Edited by Cinbri on 30 July 2015 12:05
  • tinythinker
    Cinbri wrote: »
    @Kas New heavy armor sets like"Black Rose", "Reactive armor", "Leeching" is very effective for tanks, i think, but it cost too much for tests and seems don't have weapon parts. Really wanna see someone in those full sets.
    I remember i told people that block nerf won't be crucial coz Eric said that they "changed some skills in favor to blocking". In the end, theres is no promised changes in favor of blocking, except new sets... I feel myself cheated.
    Me too.
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  • Kas
    I'll probably try to farm it once we have EU copies.
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • Rook_Master
    Stealth nerf for Eclipse? I hope this is just a sick joke.

    This skill was already extremely situational and expensive. About all it's good for honestly is harrassing sorcs. A nerf is just a complete slap in the face to Templars everywhere.
  • timidobserver
    Entire playerbase(minus Sorcs): Hardened ward is over performing significantly.
    Eric Wrobel: Hmm, so you are saying that we really need to nerf eclipse?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

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